Petition to Put an End to Teachers' Unions in Public Education!

There is no justification whatsoever for public employee unions, NONE. They should ALL be terminated, all of them.

The difference between you and I is that I'm more rational, let's get rid of one that affects our children's future first then we can get the rest. Everybody by now can see that the teachers' unions are hurting our children, this is a great political move for a Republican or a Democrat. For the Democrat, if he or she has the balls to not be a puppet to their liberal buddies.

You are both rational. Your Concept is the issue already being discussed and acted upon. :)

The other issue is more encompassing, and more a vision.

If you're questioning why I use certain prose in my writing, I am simply a Federalist and I'm a proper Englishman. I thought people were able to figure what I'm all about by the name...
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Petition Text: In the Spirit of Democracy, Independence and Authentic Progressivism, the People of the United States remain to be skeptical on America's Future. There have been program initiatives for many years to better our children's circumstances from the tyranny of the Teachers' Unions. In all disrespect, We the People are frustrated with these program initiatives because quite frankly, they do not work. There have been an increase of funding towards this system but it failed to improve our circumstance as well, this is due to the nature of the contracts by the Teachers' Unions. Greed. We the People hereby petition the Obama Administration to take full initiative in eliminating such unions from this public service, namely "Public Education".

Sign the Petition:


  1. Public Education is a Public Service Career.
  2. Public Education Receives Thousands to Millions of Dollars on a Monthly Basis.
  3. Program Initiatives like "Race to the Top" or "No Child Left Behind" Don't Work.
  4. Teachers' Benefits are Extraodinary Because It's State (Federal) Owned.


True Costs of Public Education (From YouTube)
True Costs of Public Education (From Washington Post)
Yeah.....we don't need any organized-groups questioning....

The difference between you and I is that I'm more rational,

No you're not. If you were, you'd realize that pensions, benefits, and perks for public employee unions in general are draining city/state budgets, reducing the amount of money they have to spend on schools. This means more crowded classrooms, older textbooks, lesser quality supplies, etc. See this from a broader perspective.

let's get rid of one that affects our children's future first then we can get the rest.

Governments have a limited supply of money - public unions work to steal as much of that money as possible, thereby reducing revenues for schools, roads, etc.

Everybody by now can see that the teachers' unions are hurting our children, this is a great political move for a Republican or a Democrat. For the Democrat, if he or she has the balls to not be a puppet to their liberal buddies.

The teachers' unions are only one piece of a large tumor in this country, the public employee union cancer.
When I was a kid, in the 60s, our teachers were required to sit at the lunch table and eat with us. They did not get breaks. They negotiated for, and got, duty-free lunch. Through the union. An organization that gives the average person enough political power to deal with those at the top.

And work rules could be developed outside of the union for teacher breaks. Not inflexible union rule nonsense where teachers can sit in paid rubber rooms for years before finally being fired. GM got rid of them - why can't the teacher's unions?
Unions are the reason teachers get a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch. Why is that so much to ask?
Do you understand that there are laws enacted that mandate it?

Fair Labor Laws are the best route to being Just. The Union's have done allot in the past, either on purpose or by accident. ;) Still, there is just as much bad that went along with the good. In an open and Free Representative society, why not just include what is best for all, in a way that benefits the whole rather than the select few? In some ways the Unions come off as the new Klan, the Privileged Few, that the rest of us have to Bank Roll. We pay for benefits for them that we ourselves do not have.
The Republicans were the Party of Opportunity and in a sense they remain to be.....
....Especially during their present "Drive" to increase the head-count of off-White faces at their Conventions.

[ame=]Harry Belafonte : Calls Herman Cain a BAD APPLE - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Cornel West Calls Out Uncle Tom Herman Cain - YouTube[/ame]
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The difference between you and I is that I'm more rational, let's get rid of one that affects our children's future first then we can get the rest. Everybody by now can see that the teachers' unions are hurting our children, this is a great political move for a Republican or a Democrat. For the Democrat, if he or she has the balls to not be a puppet to their liberal buddies.

You are both rational. Your Concept is the issue already being discussed and acted upon. :)

The other issue is more encompassing, and more a vision.

If you're questioning why I use certain prose in my writing, I am simply a Federalist and I'm a proper Englishman. I thought people were able to figure what I'm all about by the name...

Ah, so you are meddling in American political issues. Why?
What some here don't seem to realize is that the teacher's union also is there for the kids. I have relatives in the CA ed system (unionized) and the NC ed system (right to work)...the teacher in the CA system has union negotiated limits on students in rules over airconditioning, supervision, student breaks, etc. The one in NC has a closet sized classroom with 3 x's the mandated case load and is TOLD to cut corners and has no half the pay.
You are both rational. Your Concept is the issue already being discussed and acted upon. :)

The other issue is more encompassing, and more a vision.

If you're questioning why I use certain prose in my writing, I am simply a Federalist and I'm a proper Englishman. I thought people were able to figure what I'm all about by the name...

Ah, so you are meddling in American political issues. Why?

It's my duty to protect this Constitutional Republic that has granted me the freedom to live as a free man, I will not submit to Democratic Socialism nor Nationalist Socialism nor Political Conservatism. This is why I'm currently a political science student in hopes to pursue a career in law then in politics. I feel obligated as a Citizen of the United States to abide by the Constitution and provide change to the best of my ability.
What some here don't seem to realize is that the teacher's union also is there for the kids. I have relatives in the CA ed system (unionized) and the NC ed system (right to work)...the teacher in the CA system has union negotiated limits on students in rules over airconditioning, supervision, student breaks, etc. The one in NC has a closet sized classroom with 3 x's the mandated case load and is TOLD to cut corners and has no half the pay.

I think more that Teachers that care, are there for the Kid's whether Unionized or not. Just saying. :):):)
Eliminate Unions in the Public Sector for Legal Reasons.

Don't respond to this thread, again, I don't want fake liberals posting in this thread.

Telling the right’s opposition to speech and freedom of assembly.

And eliminate public sector unions based on what ‘legal reasons,’ teachers have the First Amendment right to join a union.

Where has education ever been made better by paying teachers more?? Our government schools can't even prepare a student for college today.

Appropriate teacher pay is but one of many components needed for a quality education system. Over the past three decades, unfortunately, education has been politicized and teachers made a scapegoat for poor decisions by policy makers and politicians.

Schools and education have suffered from budget cuts and other dogmatic mandates by conservative lawmakers in an effort to destroy public education in the general context of hostility to the public sector, and such cuts were occurring well before the December 2007 recession.

Indeed, this is the vital role of teacher unions, to fight back against partisan efforts to destroy public education and ensure the integrity of the public education system.

Yes, let's end public education altogether and let only those who can pay for it educate their children.

That ought to work out real well.

Per rightist dogma, it would. Only those able to afford an education may have one, as with any other good or service. To the right public education is a ‘disincentive’ to hard work and achievement.

Who do conservatives want to educate our children? Private companies, the quality of one’s education – or whether one is educated or not - is predicated on what one can afford to pay. It’s one of the more perverted aspects of rightist dogma.

No one is denying that teachers should be free to negotiate for their pay and benefits. They should do so on an individual basis based on performance and responsibility, not on seniority and political persuasion.
I negotiated my own salary for nearly my whole career. I consistently out earned union workers in my field, certainly not because of my boyish good looks, either. I'm very good at what I do and people are willing to pay me quite well.

You make the mistake typical of many on the right: comparing private and public sectors.
The difference between working for a Government Agency and the Private Sector is that the Government Agency are forced to abide by the Constitution/Bill of Rights and if they don't, the employee has strong constitutional grounds that they easily take to the Supreme Court. The Private Sector has to abide by these rules too but they can easily hide their wrongdoings because it's within the PRIVATE sector. Why is that the employees of Apple Inc. never were able to sue Steve for he's got with his violations of human rights?

This is comprehensively ignorant and makes no sense.

There is no justification whatsoever for public employee unions, NONE. They should ALL be terminated, all of them.

In the opinion of a tedious partisan hack.
Unions are the reason teachers get a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch. Why is that so much to ask?
Do you understand that there are laws enacted that mandate it?

Fair Labor Laws are the best route to being Just. The Union's have done allot in the past, either on purpose or by accident. ;) Still, there is just as much bad that went along with the good. In an open and Free Representative society, why not just include what is best for all, in a way that benefits the whole rather than the select few? In some ways the Unions come off as the new Klan, the Privileged Few, that the rest of us have to Bank Roll. We pay for benefits for them that we ourselves do not have.

Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner. Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.
Unions are the reason teachers get a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch. Why is that so much to ask?

You do realize that in the 1800s teachers got breaks when there weren't unions nor government ran schools, right? It's called, "human decency".

And you're naive to think that it comes solely by the goodness of the hearts of those in charge.

Unions are the reason teachers get a break in the middle of the day to eat lunch. Why is that so much to ask?


I bet you really believe that too!!!

I know it to be true.

When I was a kid, in the 60s, our teachers were required to sit at the lunch table and eat with us. They did not get breaks. They negotiated for, and got, duty-free lunch. Through the union. An organization that gives the average person enough political power to deal with those at the top.

Funny I went to school during the same era. :lol: Nothing even close to that. MUST BE YOUR STATE.

But I can go several better then that.

I understand your disdain of we the people that you feel the need to end the peoples oppression of teachers. :lmao:
Considering the effect of Union's lately, I have no problem with putting them on the Hot Seat. Just 2 weeks ago you had that Chicago Retirement scandal with two Union Reps, teaching for a day to qualify for Million Dollar Pluss Retirement Packages. Why aren't heads rolling there? Protectionism.
Do you understand that there are laws enacted that mandate it?

Fair Labor Laws are the best route to being Just. The Union's have done allot in the past, either on purpose or by accident. ;) Still, there is just as much bad that went along with the good. In an open and Free Representative society, why not just include what is best for all, in a way that benefits the whole rather than the select few? In some ways the Unions come off as the new Klan, the Privileged Few, that the rest of us have to Bank Roll. We pay for benefits for them that we ourselves do not have.

Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner. Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner.

Yes. Fair Labor Laws. What is the proportion of mine owners to mine workers, at the Polls? Focus, and stick to your guns.

Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

We Vote, We elect Representatives, not Keepers. We Petition. We make our Needs known.
The Supreme Court is the Final Word short of Amendment. Where established that Injustice is being served by the Court, should it refuse to reverse a Ruling that is Unjust, Amendment is the next step. Amendment overrules the Court.
Considering the effect of Union's lately, I have no problem with putting them on the Hot Seat. Just 2 weeks ago you had that Chicago Retirement scandal with two Union Reps, teaching for a day to qualify for Million Dollar Pluss Retirement Packages. Why aren't heads rolling there? Protectionism.

Yep! Unions need to feed and clothe themselves and get of the taxpayers dime.
Yes, there are laws mandating breaks during the working day.

Why are there laws?

Because of unions.

In my state, when I was growing up, teachers ate lunch at the table with the kids. Now they get a brief break to eat their lunch with other adults.

When working conditions are good and salaries are good, you attract and keep better teachers.

When unions disappear, those laws can be repealed with ease. Don't kid yourselves.

The comparison of unions to the KKK is asinine. No, teacher's unions are nothing like a group that lynched black men and burned crosses to intimidate black people and other minority groups.
Considering the effect of Union's lately, I have no problem with putting them on the Hot Seat. Just 2 weeks ago you had that Chicago Retirement scandal with two Union Reps, teaching for a day to qualify for Million Dollar Pluss Retirement Packages. Why aren't heads rolling there? Protectionism.

You will not find a more oppressive bunch then


The Republicans were the Party of Opportunity and in a sense they remain to be.....
....Especially during their present "Drive" to increase the head-count of off-White faces at their Conventions.

[ame=]Garofalo Says the Tea Party Pays Uncle Toms like Herman Cain - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Harry Belafonte : Calls Herman Cain a BAD APPLE - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Cornel West Calls Out Uncle Tom Herman Cain - YouTube[/ame]

It says a lot about you as a human being that you look up to these race baiting idiots.. You don't have the smarts to feel shame though do you? Thought knot.

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