Petition to Put an End to Teachers' Unions in Public Education!

Fair Labor Laws are the best route to being Just. The Union's have done allot in the past, either on purpose or by accident. ;) Still, there is just as much bad that went along with the good. In an open and Free Representative society, why not just include what is best for all, in a way that benefits the whole rather than the select few? In some ways the Unions come off as the new Klan, the Privileged Few, that the rest of us have to Bank Roll. We pay for benefits for them that we ourselves do not have.

Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner. Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner.

Yes. Fair Labor Laws. What is the proportion of mine owners to mine workers, at the Polls? Focus, and stick to your guns.

Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

We Vote, We elect Representatives, not Keepers. We Petition. We make our Needs known.
The Supreme Court is the Final Word short of Amendment. Where established that Injustice is being served by the Court, should it refuse to reverse a Ruling that is Unjust, Amendment is the next step. Amendment overrules the Court.

Money buys votes! Do you deny this truth? It matters not that there are few mine owners and many miners; the many cannot influence The Congress as well as the few.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?
Fair labor laws? Let's begin by admitting a "fair labor law" is defined differently by a coal miner and a mine owner. Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

Yes. Fair Labor Laws. What is the proportion of mine owners to mine workers, at the Polls? Focus, and stick to your guns.

Then, how does one define an "open and Free Representative society"? The Supreme Court answered the question in Citizens United v. FEC, well, at least five of them decided, and I believe that decision answered your question - laws are and will become more about what is best for the few and not the many.

We Vote, We elect Representatives, not Keepers. We Petition. We make our Needs known.
The Supreme Court is the Final Word short of Amendment. Where established that Injustice is being served by the Court, should it refuse to reverse a Ruling that is Unjust, Amendment is the next step. Amendment overrules the Court.

Money buys votes! Do you deny this truth? It matters not that there are few mine owners and many miners; the many cannot influence The Congress as well as the few.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

Money buys votes! Do you deny this truth? It matters not that there are few mine owners and many miners; the many cannot influence The Congress as well as the few.

Money does buy votes. Still, there are votes money can't buy. That's where Integrity comes in to play. I bet you that there are matters where money cannot influence you or I. ;)

We focus and communicate on matters that deeply matter. Watch, in NY, concerning Fracking, where Influence has already effected the issue on both sides, as an example. The more that comes to light, the more we know, the greater the influence. Where there is interest, you cannot keep the lid on for long. The Many can influence both the Court, the Legislature, State and Federal, and the dinner table. Have more Faith in the Republic.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

Too Often true. We need to work on that transparency, accountability thing. Maybe too, having more Smaller Bills, rather than Stuffed Larger Bill's that are all or nothing.

Where are you on Corn Ethanol being a poor substitute for Oil and effecting World Food Prices?

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

3/4 approval for Constitutional Amendment does rule out Impulse Tyranny, or at least set a very high litmus test. I'm comfortable with that. I look back on the Clinton's with Thousand Dollar donations from Buss Boys or China tampering with our Elections, and I want more Transparency, that's for sure. I know there is allot of Campaign money wasted where I'm concerned. It's usually a signal for me to hit the remote, or the mute function. ;) Still it effects the economic cycle, providing advertising jobs.

One should rarely say never. You never know for sure. :D
Yes. Fair Labor Laws. What is the proportion of mine owners to mine workers, at the Polls? Focus, and stick to your guns.

We Vote, We elect Representatives, not Keepers. We Petition. We make our Needs known.
The Supreme Court is the Final Word short of Amendment. Where established that Injustice is being served by the Court, should it refuse to reverse a Ruling that is Unjust, Amendment is the next step. Amendment overrules the Court.

Money buys votes! Do you deny this truth? It matters not that there are few mine owners and many miners; the many cannot influence The Congress as well as the few.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

Money does buy votes. Still, there are votes money can't buy. That's where Integrity comes in to play. I bet you that there are matters where money cannot influence you or I. ;)

We focus and communicate on matters that deeply matter. Watch, in NY, concerning Fracking, where Influence has already effected the issue on both sides, as an example. The more that comes to light, the more we know, the greater the influence. Where there is interest, you cannot keep the lid on for long. The Many can influence both the Court, the Legislature, State and Federal, and the dinner table. Have more Faith in the Republic.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

Too Often true. We need to work on that transparency, accountability thing. Maybe too, having more Smaller Bills, rather than Stuffed Larger Bill's that are all or nothing.

Where are you on Corn Ethanol being a poor substitute for Oil and effecting World Food Prices?

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

3/4 approval for Constitutional Amendment does rule out Impulse Tyranny, or at least set a very high litmus test. I'm comfortable with that. I look back on the Clinton's with Thousand Dollar donations from Buss Boys or China tampering with our Elections, and I want more Transparency, that's for sure. I know there is allot of Campaign money wasted where I'm concerned. It's usually a signal for me to hit the remote, or the mute function. ;) Still it effects the economic cycle, providing advertising jobs.

One should rarely say never. You never know for sure. :D

The more people who disagree on most issues, as do we, can find agreement on the issue of campaign financing, the possibility exists that something can be done. Your point on jobs is well placed, the solution is simple, all election advertisement should by law be fully transparent. I would add that the laws of libel and slander should protect public figures from defamation, both in the criminal law and the civil. Some such liars are too rich to worry about fines, the potential of going to prison might be a more effective deterrent.
Money buys votes! Do you deny this truth? It matters not that there are few mine owners and many miners; the many cannot influence The Congress as well as the few.

We elect representatives based on what they say, not on what they do. If the electorate watched the feet of their representatives, and not their lips, most wouldn't have two terms. Sadly their feet are hidden and their lips move on the TV and Radio spewing words written by others learned in public relations and the tools of propaganda.

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

Money does buy votes. Still, there are votes money can't buy. That's where Integrity comes in to play. I bet you that there are matters where money cannot influence you or I. ;)

We focus and communicate on matters that deeply matter. Watch, in NY, concerning Fracking, where Influence has already effected the issue on both sides, as an example. The more that comes to light, the more we know, the greater the influence. Where there is interest, you cannot keep the lid on for long. The Many can influence both the Court, the Legislature, State and Federal, and the dinner table. Have more Faith in the Republic.

Too Often true. We need to work on that transparency, accountability thing. Maybe too, having more Smaller Bills, rather than Stuffed Larger Bill's that are all or nothing.

Where are you on Corn Ethanol being a poor substitute for Oil and effecting World Food Prices?

For good reason the Constitution sets a high hurdle for amedments. Suggesting an amendment restricting the influence of money in politics is desirable but will never happen is silly - why would Congress (or any legislative body) vote to kill the Golden Goose?

3/4 approval for Constitutional Amendment does rule out Impulse Tyranny, or at least set a very high litmus test. I'm comfortable with that. I look back on the Clinton's with Thousand Dollar donations from Buss Boys or China tampering with our Elections, and I want more Transparency, that's for sure. I know there is allot of Campaign money wasted where I'm concerned. It's usually a signal for me to hit the remote, or the mute function. ;) Still it effects the economic cycle, providing advertising jobs.

One should rarely say never. You never know for sure. :D

The more people who disagree on most issues, as do we, can find agreement on the issue of campaign financing, the possibility exists that something can be done. Your point on jobs is well placed, the solution is simple, all election advertisement should by law be fully transparent. I would add that the laws of libel and slander should protect public figures from defamation, both in the criminal law and the civil. Some such liars are too rich to worry about fines, the potential of going to prison might be a more effective deterrent.

It's not that we disagree, we just cover different parts of the spectrum, if we are each seeking Justice, there isn't a conflict. ;)
They aren't wanting to get rid of teachers numbskull. They are wanting to get rid of the Unions and the practice of tenure that protect bad teachers from being fired. The children suffer in thier education because of this practice. It has become more about the teachers than where the attention should be focused...

Oh please. Give me a break. What do Republicans know about "bad teachers"? They think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. With so little on the ball, how can they come even close to judging anyone's credentials about anything? Unless it's picking corn or sweeping?

Take the fake liberal propaganda out of your behind and think for a chance. News flash: Republicans are pro-science if science doesn't try to advance the fake liberal propaganda or attempt to denounce a belief in a God to create a "utopia".

EXACTLY. "Fake Liberal Propaganda". Like "evolution and climate change". See? Thanks!

I love it when someone proves my point. I didn't have to do anything.
Right wingers love to jump on blacks who come down on Herman Cain. Instead of rushing to defend Herman Cain, they could ask the question why Herman is being "questioned" so, as they see it, "harshly"?

Hmmm, yes, let's take a look at that.

When Herman Cain was asked why he never participated in any of the Civil Rights marches, at first, he said he was too young, even though he was 22 and in college. That's called "lying".
Then he said it was far from where he lived. Even though he lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Yea, THAT Atlanta, Georgia. Another "lie".

But worst, he said he was a "good" kid who did what his father said which was to "march" to the back of the bus (ah, so he did march, just a different kind of march). When asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks marched to the back of the bus, he said he didn't know because his father didn't give Rosa Parks advice.

See? Because he sat in the back of the bus, he was a "good" boy, but those blacks who didn't sit where they were told must have been something else. If that wasn't "good", then THINK people, THINK. If it wasn't "good", then what was it?

And right wingers defend Herman Cain? Well no wonder. They are 90% white, centered in the "deep south" and many, if not most, follow Confederate "traditions". Herman Cain is their "kind" of man. "He's good".
Last edited by a moderator:
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What? No IVY LEAGUE place to hang his hat on? I'll bet you can see and hear Mr. Cain's musings/record upon opposed to the current occupant?:eusa_whistle:
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny how "civil rights" and "freedom" are considered "liberal".
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny how "civil rights" and "freedom" are considered "liberal".

Classic Liberal, yes. Progressive Liberal , No, only a short lived means to an end. There is No substitute for Individual Liberty, and the Responsibility that goes with it.
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny how "civil rights" and "freedom" are considered "liberal".

Classic Liberal, yes. Progressive Liberal , No, only a short lived means to an end. There is No substitute for Individual Liberty, and the Responsibility that goes with it.

Give me handouts or give me death.

Just doesnt have the ring to it. I know..... FAIR SHARE FAIR SHARE.
Family life

Herman Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora Caine (née Davis), a cleaning woman and domestic worker, and Luther Cain, Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur for Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff. Cain has said that as he was growing up, his family was "poor" but "happy". Cain related that his mother taught him about her belief that "success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually". His father worked three jobs to own his own home — something he achieved during Cain's childhood — and to see his two sons graduate.[12][13][7]

Cain grew up on the west side of Atlanta, Georgia, attending school and Rev. Cameron M. Alexander's Antioch Baptist Church North in the neighborhood now known as The Bluff. Eventually Cain's father saved enough money and the family moved to a modest brick home on Albert Street in the Collier Heights neighborhood. He attended Archer (public) High School, graduating in 1963.[14]

Cain married Gloria Cain (née Etchison), of Atlanta, soon after her graduation from Morris Brown College in 1968.[15][16] His wife of 43 years is a homemaker, who also served stints as a teacher and a librarian.[15] The couple have two children and three grandchildren.[17]

In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in his colon and metastases to his liver and given a 30-percent chance of survival. Cain underwent surgery and chemotherapy following the diagnosis, and has since reported that he is in remission.[18]

Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million.[19]
Education and honors

Cain grew up in Georgia[20] and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics.

Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue, Cain received a Masters in computer science there in 1971,[21] while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy.[22]

Cain received the 1996 Horatio Alger Award[23] and has received honorary degrees from Creighton University, Johnson & Wales University, Morehouse College, University of Nebraska, New York City Technical College, Purdue University, Suffolk University, and Tougaloo College.[24]
Religious life

Cain serves as an associate minister at the church in Atlanta, which he joined at the age of 10.[25] The church is part of the National Baptist Convention, USA[26] and is "a bastion of liberal activism", where the church's senior pastor, Rev. Cameron M. Alexander, reportedly does not share Cain's political philosophy.[27][28]

In October 2011 Cain stated that God led him to run for president.[29]

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny how "civil rights" and "freedom" are considered "liberal".

Classic Liberal, yes. Progressive Liberal , No, only a short lived means to an end. There is No substitute for Individual Liberty, and the Responsibility that goes with it.

*I* am a Proud Classic Liberal in a Proud Modern Conservative shell...:eusa_whistle:
Funny how "civil rights" and "freedom" are considered "liberal".

Classic Liberal, yes. Progressive Liberal , No, only a short lived means to an end. There is No substitute for Individual Liberty, and the Responsibility that goes with it.

Give me handouts or give me death.

Just doesnt have the ring to it. I know..... FAIR SHARE FAIR SHARE.
Level out the playing field and let the game begin!:eusa_shhh::lol:

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