Peter Navarro planned conspiracy with Steve Bannon by ‘lining up over 100 congressmen’ to overthrow the election


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
lock up this traitor

Raw Sewage?!?....Dude, you're horning in on the turf of the form's leading moonbat lunatics! :laugh2::rofl::auiqs.jpg:

I think i know what the problem is here. John Whitehouse had a cow over the past day or two over what he says that Bannon is doing to the leftimedia when actually what bannon may be doing is what the left media has been doing to the american public for the past 40 years. LOLOLOL

the left does not like it when someone pulls the left's own shit back on them.
I think i know what the problem is here. John Whitehouse had a cow over the past day or two over what he says that Bannon is doing to the leftimedia when actually what bannon may be doing is what the left media has been doing to the american public for the past 40 years. LOLOLOL

the left does not like it when someone pulls the left's own shit back on them.
Bannon has been trolling these stooges for over a year now....He must be hitting it pretty close to the mark, to have the moonbats flying out of their belfries like this.
They just say whatever lies they want to in public TO The public...get them under oath and they change their tunes.
lock up this traitor

Bannon could gag a maggot & so could Navarro.

Right along with Don jr.
fort funny said:

Isn't it funny that you get the right under oath and you can't do a thing to them cause they're telling the truth. The left on the other hand has to depend, and that's not a long shot, on its own corrupt judges and prosecutors to refuse to prosecute obvious criminality. And you're unable to discern truth from lies, good from evil, light from dark..... not surprising.

lock up this traitor

^ Insane raving.

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