Pet Peeves


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
There is only one thing that realy makes me lose my cool. In traffic at a red light, when the guy behind you honks because you don't turn right on red fast enough. It makes me go ballistic, and I've said a few things I wish I could have back. I think people should be allowed to turn into traffic whenever they darn well please, especially at a red light. Something that also annoys me are cyclists. They ride around saying blocking traffic is completely legal and everyone can kiss their butt. The worst is when there is a trail right beside the rode, and bikes are going side by side in a lane. Yes, it is legal, but cycling is the telemarketing of hobbies. A key part of the hobby is being an A-hole.

What do you feed your pet peeve?
is it vegan, carnivorous, or omnivore?

Do you take it on walks?

I think people should be allowed to turn into traffic whenever they darn well please, especially at a red light.

Was that you? Right turn on red when allowed means that you STOP at the red light, confirm the way is clear, then GO. Not sit there playing with your phone until you damn well please. Other people have places to go.
Most people who go into convenience stores are in and out in seconds. You pick up a couple items, you pay the cashier, and you walk out. But I always get stuck behind the person who can make a simple transaction complicated. You see them arguing with the cashier for a few minutes, only to walk out with a pack of cigarettes. How the fuck did you make buying one pack of cigarettes a chore for you, and everybody in line with you?

Or the people in convenience stores who buy lottery tickets, and insist on scratching them off right there at the counter. Why don't the cashiers tell them to fuck off, scratch it somewhere else, and return for another one if they want?
I hate when you see a driver doing something stupid, you look at who it is, and lo and behold it's some 80 year bag who never should have had their license renewed. You're going to die any day now. Are you trying to take us all out with you?
as far as the bicycles go, until there's a license plate swinging from their asses they should be fair game. Roads and streets are made for and paid for by cars dammit.
actually they are paid for by property taxs mostly coming from homes and realestate and a little bit of sales tax,,,

mostly only highways are paid for by gas tax,,and bicycles mostly arent allowed on them,,,
as far as the bicycles go, until there's a license plate swinging from their asses they should be fair game. Roads and streets are made for and paid for by cars dammit.

In Kalifornia, motorists must give bicyclists a three foot clearance when passing them. This means that bicyclists can block traffic for miles on a two lane road, and any contact with a car is auto matically the driver's fault.
Spelling police on message boards. That's a big pet peeve. Like...."road" when you meant "rode". Typos ok, tho. (Just funnin' with ya). Telling you that you forgot a comma, or needed to add a paragraph whatever you wrote REALLY should have been written their way. Shit like that.

Also know it alls. All that you say is wrong. THIS is how it is: Insert knowitall's bullshit here _________________.

People who drive too damn fast in narrow little streets.

Clerks who cannot multi task. Talk to customer, scan item, but not at the same time. Scan. Stop. Talk. Grab next item. Talk. Scan. Stop. Talk. Y'all wanna talk about Bertha and Fred, by all means do it during your lunch time....not during mine.
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I think people should be allowed to turn into traffic whenever they darn well please, especially at a red light.

Was that you? Right turn on red when allowed means that you STOP at the red light, confirm the way is clear, then GO. Not sit there playing with your phone until you damn well please. Other people have places to go.
If someone is playing around with their phone, sure, give em a blast. Telling someone with a 4 cylinder engine that they are not pulling into 60mph traffic at the right time is a dick move. What they think is a window of opportunity may be different than yours.
Most people who go into convenience stores are in and out in seconds. You pick up a couple items, you pay the cashier, and you walk out. But I always get stuck behind the person who can make a simple transaction complicated. You see them arguing with the cashier for a few minutes, only to walk out with a pack of cigarettes. How the fuck did you make buying one pack of cigarettes a chore for you, and everybody in line with you?

Yeah, I get stuck behind those half-wits quite a bit, too.
Corner cutters....The assholes making the left turn while you're pulling up to the stop sign, and have cut the comer so much that you almost get into a head-on.

The asswipes who take their half of the road out of the middle.

Jerks who don't pull their ball marks on the green.
My pet peeve is peepel righting about pet peevs... Just kidding!!!

I was going to make my own thread but i searched first if there was another pet peeve thread and found this (which is another pet peeve against peeps who DON'T do that)... HIGH FIVE OP!!

But anyway...

My pet peeve today is people who compare movies to books...

They always have to say how much better the book is than the movie... Of course it is!!! It takes at least 12 hours to read a book, and 2 hours to watch a movie!!! Just sayin... And bringing up how the movie is not as good as the book is just trying to show off to people that you read a book! And that you're smart! Fuck no!!!

Movies are different than books, even if it's the same subject material. I already noted the time frame, but the movie screenplay has to be totally rewritten from the book to be able to make the movie. We can't just have actors reading the fucking book, because then it would be an audio book and not a movie!

So to make my peeve specific, I hate reading reviews that says a movie sucks because it is nothing like the book.

Personally, I don't have time anymore to read books, so when I watch a movie based on a book, it is NEW MATERIAL for me. I don't care if the book was better. I want a movie review based on being a first time exposure, and just want to hear about the movie.

There are very few movies that come close to books. I understand that. I don't have many personal comparisons where I read the book and watched the movie, except two. In my personal experience, the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest compared to Ken Kesey's book was a pretty damn good adaptation, perfect even, though it's still different. One is a movie, one is a more detailed book. Both great. But people will say... "It's not as good as the book"... FUCK THOSE PEOPLE! They should be banned from posting movie reviews! Fucking movie terrorists! Get them the fuck off my internets!!! :)

If you want to review a book, fucking review a book. Glad you have that much fucking time!

If you want to review a movie, leave the fucking book out of there and pretend it's your first time!

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Perfect example: Game of Thrones

Wow, I can go off on that for weeks!

Haters will be the book readers. Everything that we love, is hated upon by the book readers! They say "it's so much better in the books!" "The show sucks!"

Meanwhile the book is stuck on when Jon Snow died, and will probably never have any more stories after that. But the show sucks! Because it doesn't follow the books!

Those people are fucking assholes. They don't deserve to review a tv show that is different from their fucking books. It's two different things! Review the show itself, not how it compares to the books!!

I found the show seriously entertaining, all the way to the end.

I don't have anything to compare to (except Walking Dead, another one... ), so on its own, it was a great show!

If you don't like the ending, wait until JRR makes your happy version. Good luck with that... He'll be dead before he gets to the end. You'll have to go with the GOT ending...

Again, people put down the show because they feel entitled by reading a book.... FUCK YOU!
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as far as the bicycles go, until there's a license plate swinging from their asses they should be fair game. Roads and streets are made for and paid for by cars dammit.
actually they are paid for by property taxs mostly coming from homes and realestate and a little bit of sales tax,,,

mostly only highways are paid for by gas tax,,and bicycles mostly arent allowed on them,,,
There's also another book that people read and feel entitled
Most people who go into convenience stores are in and out in seconds. You pick up a couple items, you pay the cashier, and you walk out. But I always get stuck behind the person who can make a simple transaction complicated. You see them arguing with the cashier for a few minutes, only to walk out with a pack of cigarettes. How the fuck did you make buying one pack of cigarettes a chore for you, and everybody in line with you?

Yeah, I get stuck behind those half-wits quite a bit, too.
I hate people that try to pay with checks. Damn! You know it's gonna bounce, and you gotta wait and be nice... Uggghh... :)

Little old lady pulls out her checkbook, and I'm behind her and nobody's behind me, I immediately start looking at other lines...
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Spelling police on message boards. That's a big pet peeve. Like...."road" when you meant "rode". Typos ok, tho. (Just funnin' with ya). Telling you that you forgot a comma, or needed to add a paragraph whatever you wrote REALLY should have been written their way. Shit like that.

Also know it alls. All that you say is wrong. THIS is how it is: Insert knowitall's bullshit here _________________.

People who drive too damn fast in narrow little streets.

Clerks who cannot multi task. Talk to customer, scan item, but not at the same time. Scan. Stop. Talk. Grab next item. Talk. Scan. Stop. Talk. Y'all wanna talk about Bertha and Fred, by all means do it during your lunch time....not during mine.
Umm, you missed a space after the ellipsis (twice)! Jus sayin...

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