Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming

GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming, calling it a scientific theory that has not been proven.

Perry's home state of Texas releases more heat-trapping pollution carbon dioxide — the chief greenhouse gas — than any other state in the country, according to government data.

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming - Yahoo! News


There is a difference between "climate change" and "AGW"

One is man made and the other this natural.

I don't believe in man made global warming either - that's bullshit.

Ice ages come and go but the notion that man is responsible for what has occurred at least 20 times is bullshit.

Man wasn't around the last time this shit happened so what's the excuse for that?

Because just because something had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it couldn't have another cause now. You've heard that before. Why pretend like you haven't? If you're wondering why skeptics/deniers are often treated with derision, it's because of questions like that, repeated endlessly, but the answer always ignored!!! :cool:
Is an opinion on global warming going to impact the US in the next ten years? Why is it Faithers get to manipulate data and results, but the rest of us can't question? Science is about asking questions. I mean when its not about raising huge amounts of cash.

Since you're opposed to the funding of AGW research, i.e. "cash", who's REALLY against asking the questions?!?! :eusa_eh:
GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming, calling it a scientific theory that has not been proven.

But Perry's opinion runs counter to the view held by an overwhelming majority of scientists that pollution released from the burning of fossil fuels is heating up the planet.

Perry's home state of Texas releases more heat-trapping pollution carbon dioxide — the chief greenhouse gas — than any other state in the country, according to government data.

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming - Yahoo! News


News flash there Loosey Goosey... most know that AGW is total horseshit. But hey.. .you keep on believing like a good little rube.

GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming, calling it a scientific theory that has not been proven.

But Perry's opinion runs counter to the view held by an overwhelming majority of scientists that pollution released from the burning of fossil fuels is heating up the planet.

Perry's home state of Texas releases more heat-trapping pollution carbon dioxide — the chief greenhouse gas — than any other state in the country, according to government data.

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming - Yahoo! News


AGW is bullshit...

Of course the climate changes, however man plays little role in that..

Not to mention climate gate II shows how much of liars these communist idiots are...

AGW is the biggest hoax ever...

The whole purpose is to guilt people into socialism and submission to government...
Because just because something had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it couldn't have another cause now. You've heard that before. Why pretend like you haven't? If you're wondering why skeptics/deniers are often treated with derision, it's because of questions like that, repeated endlessly, but the answer always ignored!!! :cool:

Yeah, right, and just because I didn't win the lottery today doesn't mean I can't win it tomorrow.

You're confused about who is treated with derision. It's turds who use the kind of illogic you are so proud of who are laughed at.
Is an opinion on global warming going to impact the US in the next ten years? Why is it Faithers get to manipulate data and results, but the rest of us can't question? Science is about asking questions. I mean when its not about raising huge amounts of cash.

Since you're opposed to the funding of AGW research, i.e. "cash", who's REALLY against asking the questions?!?! :eusa_eh:

Turds like you have been saying "the debate is over" for at least 10 years now. Spending money on AGW "research" is a feedback loop: The more we spend, the bigger the incentive for the "researchers" to produce the politically correct result that keeps the research money flowing in.
Is an opinion on global warming going to impact the US in the next ten years? Why is it Faithers get to manipulate data and results, but the rest of us can't question? Science is about asking questions. I mean when its not about raising huge amounts of cash.

Since you're opposed to the funding of AGW research, i.e. "cash", who's REALLY against asking the questions?!?! :eusa_eh:

Turds like you have been saying "the debate is over" for at least 10 years now. Spending money on AGW "research" is a feedback loop: The more we spend, the bigger the incentive for the "researchers" to produce the politically correct result that keeps the research money flowing in.

Just like I said...they're prostituting themselves.
GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming, calling it a scientific theory that has not been proven.

Perry's home state of Texas releases more heat-trapping pollution carbon dioxide — the chief greenhouse gas — than any other state in the country, according to government data.

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming - Yahoo! News


AGW is bullshit...

Of course the climate changes, however man plays little role in that..

Not to mention climate gate II shows how much of liars these communist idiots are...

AGW is the biggest hoax ever...

The whole purpose is to guilt people into socialism and submission to government...

"A little-known program run by the CIA that gave a select group of environmental scientists access to classified data during the 1990s has been restarted after being closed for several years by the Bush administration.

The data sharing began in the early '90s and has now been revived in part because of a constellation of officials who were present then and are now back serving in the more environmentally friendly Obama administration. These officials clearly understand that climate change must be considered a potential national security threat.

Among the original researchers who benefited from the data sharing was climatologist James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies. Hansen was a member of the Environmental Task Force created in October 1992."



[ame=]James Hansen on David Letterman - YouTube[/ame]​


March 19, 2006

"Annoyed by the ambiguity, Hansen went public a year and a half ago, saying this about the Bush administration in a talk at the University of Iowa: "I find a willingness to listen only to those portions of scientific results that fit predetermined inflexible positions. This, I believe, is a recipe for environmental disaster."

Dozens of federal agencies report science but much of it is edited at the White House before it is sent to Congress and the public. It appears climate science is edited with a heavy hand. Drafts of climate reports were co-written by Rick Piltz for the federal Climate Change Science Program. But Piltz says his work was edited by the White House to make global warming seem less threatening.

"The strategy of people with a political agenda to avoid this issue is to say there is so much to study way upstream here that we can't even being to discuss impacts and response strategies," says Piltz. "There's too much uncertainty. It's not the climate scientists that are saying that, its lawyers and politicians."

Piltz worked under the Clinton and Bush administrations. Each year, he helped write a report to Congress called "Our Changing Planet."

Piltz says he is responsible for editing the report and sending a review draft to the White House.

Asked what happens, Piltz says: "It comes back with a large number of edits, handwritten on the hard copy by the chief-of-staff of the Council on Environmental Quality."

Asked who the chief of staff is, Piltz says, "Phil Cooney."

Piltz says Cooney is not a scientist. "He's a lawyer. He was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute, before going into the White House," he says.

Cooney, the former oil industry lobbyist, became chief-of-staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Piltz says Cooney edited climate reports in his own hand."


Stupid Teabaggers.
The government grants these so called scientists money for "research on the subject" and they turn around and confirm anything the government wants to hear so the government turns around and regulates industry, in which the government steals money from that said "evil industry that pollutes and adds to the green house effect" then redistributes fines accrued back to the alleged scientists via grants..

Its like a revolving door and all these so-called scientists are ripping off the taxpayers and outright lying for financial gain..
How could anyone believe that the science is settled on the matter.
Except the ultra leftwinger rockhead.

There is a lot of damning evidence about these researchers concealing information that counters their bias. In another exchange, Mr. Jones told Mr. Mann: “If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone” and, “We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.” Mr. Jones further urged Mr. Mann to join him in deleting e-mail exchanges about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) controversial assessment report (ARA): “Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re [the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report]?”

In another e-mail, Mr. Jones told Mr. Mann, professor Malcolm K. Hughes of the University of Arizona and professor Raymond S. Bradley of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst: “I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!”
EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling - Washington Times
The government grants these so called scientists money for "research on the subject" and they turn around and confirm anything the government wants to hear so the government turns around and regulates industry, in which the government steals money from that said "evil industry that pollutes and adds to the green house effect" then redistributes fines accrued back to the alleged scientists via grants..

Its like a revolving door and all these so-called scientists are ripping off the taxpayers and outright lying for financial gain..
You've got reading-comprehension issues??


"Piltz says Cooney is not a scientist."


Stupid Teabaggers.
"As an internal email revealed, Fox's Washington managing editor Bill Sammon directed[/SIZE] Fox journalists in December 2009 to cast doubt[/SIZE] on the basic fact that the planet has warmed."[/SIZE]


Stupid Teabaggers.

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