People of Hong Kong want a right to keep and bear arms.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Protesters in Hong Kong take to the streets carrying the American flag, singing the American National Anthem and want the right to defend themselves.
If the 2nd amendment was written to defend against govt. tyranny it would say that. It doesn`t. The video is bogus btw.
If the 2nd amendment was written to defend against govt. tyranny it would say that. It doesn`t. The video is bogus btw.
It is well known what the 2A was about.

The Second Amendment was meant to help the people protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Just like the revolutionaries who fought against the King of England, they wanted to maintain their right to "bear arms" in case the new government began to take away their rights.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

If the 2nd amendment was written to defend against govt. tyranny it would say that. It doesn`t. The video is bogus btw.

There should be an IQ test requirement before joining this forum.
That would keep a lot of the abject stupidity from the likes of August from wasting everyone's time and taking up otherwise good forum space.
What the heck does our Constitution have to do with protecting the citizens from their own government? Communist China?
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

If there was ever a good reason for the US government to covertly arm a population (like the F&F operation of Obama) it would be HK.
This would be in the US's best interests to do so.

China IS going to send in the Chinese army sooner or later. And the only blood in the streets will be of civilians seeking the dignity of freedom.
What the heck does our Constitution have to do with protecting the citizens from their own government? Communist China?

First they came for the capitalists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a capitalist.

Then they came for the conservatives, and I did not speak out— because I was not a conservative.

Then they came for the Christians, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Christian.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

.What the heck does Open Borders have to do with our Constitution and the good of American citizens? That's the question that should be asked imo.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are no covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
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I was living in Hong Kong before and after the handover in 1997. Many local people saw this coming and applied for citizenship in Canada, the US, and Australia. As a foreigner in Hong Kong, I myself was offered a handsome sum of money to enter a Green Card marriage with a local.

Admittedly, the day of reckoning came a lot later than expected, but its coming was inevitable.
If the 2nd amendment was written to defend against govt. tyranny it would say that. It doesn`t. The video is bogus btw.

It doesn’t state what the purpose is for, it states that the government shall not infringe on that right.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a massive Soviet force fighting a massive German force. The Russians had a fallback position across the Volga, which German armor couldn't cross.

The Hong Kong people have no tanks, no aircraft, no small arms, and no fall-back position. The will be over run in a weekend.
There will be a lot of guns in Hong Kong ... but the people won't be bearing them.

How did America do in Vietnam?
Russia in Afghanistan?
IF having a powerful military was the ends of all wars why are we still in Afghanistan? and Iraq?
A powerful military does well aginst another military of similar size but it doesn't do so well in the end game against a small force. It's hard for a large military force to fight against someone who uses Asymmetric warfare tactics.

Hong Kong would be the worst place in the world to hold a guerilla war. The Hong Kong Peninsula (New Territories) and Island (an entire area of 428 square miles) are some of the most densely populated places on this Earth. PLA soldiers could cover the entire area standing hand in hand.

With literally no place to fall back or to regroup but the sea and surrounded by one of the World's largest armies and navies, it would make the Warsaw Ghetto look like an excellent strategic position.

Add to that, there are covert stores of arms, no way to smuggle in arms, and no allies willing to go to war against China to support them.

I support the people of Hong Kong in fighting back against the loss of their freedoms, but they are well and truly buggered.
Think Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a massive Soviet force fighting a massive German force. The Russians had a fallback position across the Volga, which German armor couldn't cross.

The Hong Kong people have no tanks, no aircraft, no small arms, and no fall-back position. The will be over run in a weekend.
let em take some commies wif em


It'll be a bloodbath the Chinese are hard core

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