' People Of Color ' Oxymoron Relates A Premise And Preference To Get Rid Of ' White People '


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" ' People Of Color ' Oxymoron Relates A Premise And Preference To Get Rid Of ' White People ' "

* Colorless Means Transparent Invisible Non Existent *

By alluding to themselves as " people of color " , a basic anti-racist racist premise is levied against " white people " that relegates them to being colorless , that is transparent , invisible and moreover includes a preference that they be non existent .

As the term " people of color " includes everyone that is not a " white person " , the slogan is about as racist as it can get ; and note that " white people " are a statistical minority world wide , likely in the us and fast approaching the same in europe .
" ' People Of Color ' Oxymoron Relates A Premise And Preference To Get Rid Of ' White People ' "

* Colorless Means Transparent Invisible Non Existent *

By alluding to themselves as " people of color " , a basic anti-racist racist premise is levied against " white people " that relegates them to being colorless , that is transparent , invisible and moreover includes a preference that they be non existent .

As the term " people of color " includes everyone that is not a " white person " , the slogan is about as racist as it can get ; and note that " white people " are a statistical minority world wide , likely in the us and fast approaching the same in europe .
that " white people " are a statistical minority world wide , likely in the us
Not with over 35% of blacks killing off their babies. Not with 1000s of blacks murdering their own kind. Now that the wall is being built, those diseased brown people wont be able to continue to flood this country. And i have noticed of late, with the way the economy is going to rebound bigly, there are a lot of conservative white women who are going to have a baby.
" Us And Them Tactics To Break It Down "

* Tactical Language *

"People of color" = "Colored people".
Here's the thing, all people are colored.
One would think that were true but " people of color " always allude to black and brown , exclusively excluding " white peoples " that relegates them to a category of colorless , invisible and preferably non existent .
" Frump Is Not The Issue "

* Own Up To Your Own Stupidity *

I wish Trump had the balls to speak in public like his Trumpsters do here.
That would be great fun!
It would be great if the anti-trumpsters would stop making excuses for their idiotic public policies .

As to whom the republican nominee is does not matter , the left mistakes and then fakes that the push back against their idiotic public policies is not about them .
" Frump Is Not The Issue "

* Own Up To Your Own Stupidity *

I wish Trump had the balls to speak in public like his Trumpsters do here.
That would be great fun!
It would be great if the anti-trumpsters would stop making excuses for their idiotic public policies .

As to whom the republican nominee is does not matter , the left mistakes and then fakes that the push back against their idiotic public policies is not about them .
But dontcha think it would be great if Trump said something like in post 3 above, "Now that the wall is being built, those diseased brown people wont be able to continue to flood this country!"

Hot damn! We'd get to all kinds o' hootin' and a-hollerin! USA! USA! USA! DEEP STATE! FAKE NEWS! HITLARY! DITTOS RUSH!

Dang, maybe one day!
" Snowflakes Shopping Anti-Racist Racism Pretending To Offer Justice For All "

* Anti-Choice Clown Shoes *

Not with over 35% of blacks killing off their babies.
We can only guess that you wish to be out represented , or that you expect others to surrogate with social welfare those who would have otherwise elected to forego a further burden upon society , to surrogate those who do not represent themselves and to compromise their own well being .

* Do Not Tell Those Who Start Shit There Will Be No Shit *
Not with 1000s of blacks murdering their own kind.
Does that have anything to do with why " whites " are insensitive to police actions ?

When whites consider the actions of an officer arresting a murderer of other officers , or murderer of innocent persons , or rapists , whether the perpetrator is white , brown or black , whites turn a blind eye to the street justice ; alternatively , it seems that blacks take it personal .

When there is not any clear justification for abuse by the police , then even white people are on board with stopping it ; however , making it about race and us and them puts " whites " on the defense because it is no longer about justice for all but special privilege without context or consideration for all encompassing issues faced daily by police officers and society as a whole .

* Not Respecting US Citizens To Decide Their Own Members *
Now that the wall is being built, those diseased brown people wont be able to continue to flood this country.
So is 1.4 million permanent legal immigrants per year to the us is not enough for you ?

Giving away citizenship to those whom should be given citizenship to the country from where their mother originated is not justice to you ?

Is this planet not full enough for the left as it blubbers about pollution , carrying capacity , climate change and animal extinctions ?

* Long Term Marathon *
And i have noticed of late, with the way the economy is going to rebound bigly, there are a lot of conservative white women who are going to have a baby.
Is one to suppose that you prefer that " whites " be colorless , invisible and non existent ?
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" Articulating Frustration In Unrefined Terms "

* Stop Making Excuses For Stupid Public Policy Of The Left *

But dontcha think it would be great if Trump said something like in post 3 above, "Now that the wall is being built, those diseased brown people wont be able to continue to flood this country!"
I do not think that is it necessary to be inflammatory to enforce the rules , but as many understand , when reason goes out the window , as is the case when the left specifically targets free market social structures with socialism , communism , and specifically targest " whites " with anti-racist racism , then expect demagogues to be entreated for expressing their contempt .

* Vacuous Role Models In The Spot Light *
Hot damn! We'd get to all kinds o' hootin' and a-hollerin! USA! USA! USA! DEEP STATE! FAKE NEWS! HITLARY! DITTOS RUSH! Dang, maybe one day!
I seldom find myself entirely on the left or on the right on political perspectives or public policies and I most certainly do not have idols , such as can be found among sports fans .

Perhaps you have heard of this quote , " Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. " .
"People of color" = "Colored people".

Here's the thing, all people are colored.

Only when they're alive...

" ' People Of Color ' Oxymoron Relates A Premise And Preference To Get Rid Of ' White People ' "

* Colorless Means Transparent Invisible Non Existent *

By alluding to themselves as " people of color " , a basic anti-racist racist premise is levied against " white people " that relegates them to being colorless , that is transparent , invisible and moreover includes a preference that they be non existent .

As the term " people of color " includes everyone that is not a " white person " , the slogan is about as racist as it can get ; and note that " white people " are a statistical minority world wide , likely in the us and fast approaching the same in europe .
that " white people " are a statistical minority world wide , likely in the us
Not with over 35% of blacks killing off their babies. Not with 1000s of blacks murdering their own kind. Now that the wall is being built, those diseased brown people wont be able to continue to flood this country. And i have noticed of late, with the way the economy is going to rebound bigly, there are a lot of conservative white women who are going to have a baby.
Lockdown in May = baby boom in February.
I wish Trump had the balls to speak in public like his Trumpsters do here.

That would be great fun!
What you here from the Tumpster's has been spoken by most families that are white. They do not want to see people discriminated against. Today you can not even say All Lives Matter without being destroyed. Think of it!

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