People get ready!!!

Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.
Hmmm, I saw a fat, serial repeater with a long rap sheet, resist arrest and have a heart attack.

What did you see?
Except it wasn't a heart attack death, it was a chokehold homicide. That said, I don't go around second guessing Grand Juries to the point it angers me and I think protestors in such cases are morons.

I did think it would go the other way though.
I could not get poster's link to open to read if the autopsy was there.

I am telling you how I saw it from watching the video.

The choke hold did not last long if in fact it was a true choke hold.

Another cop got in the way.
Yeah, that's what I thought at first, too. But after the homicide declaration I wasn't sure what to think the GJ would decide. I assumed they would rule against him for that reason.

They must have concluded it was an accident, it does look that way.
Homicide does not always mean a crime was committed.

A shooting in self-defense is still a homicide.
I'll come back to this disgusting redneck sewer of filth to remind all of you racist, stupid white Darren Wilson/George Zimmerman girly men that whatever happens, you deserve it. [/QU
I don't understand how there wasn't an involuntary manslaughter charge here.

You were not on the Grand Jury.
Can't blame this on racist Red State hicks either.
I guess you gotta blame da Joos.

Unlike Ferguson, there is full video, idiot.

You don't know Staten Island, either. Michael Grimm's district. He's the one up on fraud charges and still got reelected. Even when he threatened to throw a reporter off the balcony in the Capitol building just for asking him about it.

You really must live in the swamp somewhere.
I actually, I live on a high ridge.

I'll come back to this disgusting redneck sewer of filth to remind all of you racist, stupid white Darren Wilson/George Zimmerman girly men that whatever happens, you deserve it. [/QU
I don't understand how there wasn't an involuntary manslaughter charge here.

You were not on the Grand Jury.
Can't blame this on racist Red State hicks either.
I guess you gotta blame da Joos.

Unlike Ferguson, there is full video, idiot.

You don't know Staten Island, either. Michael Grimm's district. He's the one up on fraud charges and still got reelected. Even when he threatened to throw a reporter off the balcony in the Capitol building just for asking him about it.

You really must live in the swamp somewhere.
I actually, I live on a high ridge.

Like the one over your eyebrows?
I'll come back to this disgusting redneck sewer of filth to remind all of you racist, stupid white Darren Wilson/George Zimmerman girly men that whatever happens, you deserve it. [/QU
I don't understand how there wasn't an involuntary manslaughter charge here.

You were not on the Grand Jury.
Can't blame this on racist Red State hicks either.
I guess you gotta blame da Joos.

Unlike Ferguson, there is full video, idiot.

You don't know Staten Island, either. Michael Grimm's district. He's the one up on fraud charges and still got reelected. Even when he threatened to throw a reporter off the balcony in the Capitol building just for asking him about it.

You really must live in the swamp somewhere.
BTW, I thought you made a dramatic exit from this board.

I'm on an invitation only private board here now, but I couldn't resist putting the facts out there to uni-brows like you before you get started.
No dumbass, you are on this board now.
Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
Go back to your invite only bored, please.
Which New York City borough will burn tonight? We can only hope that NY will be more civilized than Ferguson.

Ha!!! The murder of Eric Garner happened on Staten Island. It's a world onto its own. Garner's rap sheet was selling cigarettes on the street.
AH, depriving the poor of NYC of their rightful taxes.

He should have been in prison for that.

Care to post that rap sheet?

Google it yourself, lazy ass. Oh here, I know you like to get your info second or third hand:

"""On July 17, 2014, in Staten Island, New York, United States, Eric Garner died of neck compression, combined with asphyxia proximate to chest restriction, as a result of a chokehold applied while police officers were arresting him for the suspected sale of untaxedcigarettes.[3][4] Garner previously had been arrested for selling untaxed cigarettes. ""
If he had been in prison for depriving the poor of their sustenance through tax evasion and for selling them poison without a permit, he would be alive today.
Tree lighting ceremony in Rockefeller Center tonight, May make the live Rockefeller Center Tree lighting ceremony worth watching for a change.
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.
Hmmm, I saw a fat, serial repeater with a long rap sheet, resist arrest and have a heart attack.

What did you see?

Exactly what the NYC coroner called it: a homicide, fuckhead.

Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner's Death a Homicide, Says He Was Killed By Chokehold
Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York

A homicide doesn't mean it was a crime. It means that a human being's death was caused by another human being.

The cop obviously violated NYPD rules prohibiting chokeholds, but rules are not laws. There were five African Americans on this Grand Jury. What did they see that resulted in a no true bill?
That video was seriously edited down by a videographer with an agenda. It appears as though the 'victim' didn't follow Chris Rock's advice and instead resisted arrest and had some sort of breathing issue not related to the subduing.
He looked to me like he was a 400 lb sack of lard waiting to keel over.
The police acted foolishly in this instance and it cost a man his life. A choke hold should have never been used in the first place.
The police acted foolishly in this instance and it cost a man his life. A choke hold should have never been used in the first place.
He should not have been on the streets illegally selling poison while evading taxes that go to helping the poor and the sick.

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