People get ready!!!

I don't know the entire story story but if the cops arrested him for selling loose cigerettes, that's too petty.

If the perp was resisting arrest, then he's partially responsible for his own death.

I still have to look at the video.
So where do law abiding people draw a standard and stick to it???
There are some so ignorant or racist or partisan that they accept the murder of this man without question.

The officer used a prohibited choke hold, this method was disused because it caused the death of numerous individuals.
Departments all over the United States prohibit this type of hold.

The officer disregarded departmental orders and used this choke hold that resulted in the death of an unarmed man as supported by the Medical Examiner's finding.

There is no justification for the officer's actions, there were a sufficient number of officers on scene to take this guy down.

At the least the officer is guilty of a criminally negligent homicide.

Department guidelines are NOT LAW! There is no penalty for that except police department penalties.

Unless you aren't special enough to wear a badge. Then you'd be charged with manslaughter. Glad to see we hold our law enforcement officers to a lower standard than us civilians.
The Grand Jury had the manslaughter option, and DID NOT INDICT!
I cant wait until someone knocks over a trashcan so these fucks can stop talking about why people are mad and talk about the trashcan and whats its ever done to someone.
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.

I think your right, this one is different. The guy was only selling cigarettes. were they following police proceedure? they need to change something
when you can clearly hear the guy was in physical trouble.

Not only was he not following procedure, but the officer was stripped of his badge and handgun, and put on desk duty following the incident, and two EMTs who were responding to the scene lost their jobs.
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.
Hmmm, I saw a fat, serial repeater with a long rap sheet, resist arrest and have a heart attack.

What did you see?

Exactly what the NYC coroner called it: a homicide, fuckhead.

Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner's Death a Homicide, Says He Was Killed By Chokehold
Medical Examiner Rules Eric Garner s Death a Homicide Says He Was Killed By Chokehold NBC New York
Homicide does not mean murder, simply one man killing another as with Brown and Martin. I wouldathunk we would have learned that by now.

Where have I used the word "murder"?

You wouldathunk you could have learned to read by now, but even two lines fucks you up.

Coming to this board reminds me of the illiteracy problem in this country, and it's not confined to illegal immigrants and minorities.
So where do law abiding people draw a standard and stick to it???
There are some so ignorant or racist or partisan that they accept the murder of this man without question.

The officer used a prohibited choke hold, this method was disused because it caused the death of numerous individuals.
Departments all over the United States prohibit this type of hold.

The officer disregarded departmental orders and used this choke hold that resulted in the death of an unarmed man as supported by the Medical Examiner's finding.

There is no justification for the officer's actions, there were a sufficient number of officers on scene to take this guy down.

At the least the officer is guilty of a criminally negligent homicide.

Department guidelines are NOT LAW! There is no penalty for that except police department penalties.
Where did I state that department orders are the law???..why are you trying to attribute statements and positions to people that never made them.

If dishonesty is your moral standard, please don't reply.

you implied it! Now you can deny that!
I saw a guy that did not deserve to get choked out man... Seriously? You cannot tell me that guy deserved that kind of treatment. There were like 8 cops standing there...not 1 cop getting bum rushed.

Mouth off to the police and see what it gets you.

When a police officer shoots a dog conservatives rant about the police state and big government, but when a man is choked to death for "mouthing off", he deserved it. :doubt:

I didn't say he deserves it, just that he shouldn't have resisted.
If there is one case of cops going to far.....this was it.

I think your right, this one is different. The guy was only selling cigarettes. were they following police proceedure? they need to change something
when you can clearly hear the guy was in physical trouble.

Not only was he not following procedure, but the officer was stripped of his badge and handgun, and put on desk duty following the incident, and two EMTs who were responding to the scene lost their jobs.

And not even a fucking misdemeanor from the grand jury. This is bad.
The choke hold is illegal.
The coroner said murder.
There will be more riots across the country and farther.
So where do law abiding people draw a standard and stick to it???
There are some so ignorant or racist or partisan that they accept the murder of this man without question.

The officer used a prohibited choke hold, this method was disused because it caused the death of numerous individuals.
Departments all over the United States prohibit this type of hold.

The officer disregarded departmental orders and used this choke hold that resulted in the death of an unarmed man as supported by the Medical Examiner's finding.

There is no justification for the officer's actions, there were a sufficient number of officers on scene to take this guy down.

At the least the officer is guilty of a criminally negligent homicide.

Department guidelines are NOT LAW! There is no penalty for that except police department penalties.
Where did I state that department orders are the law???..why are you trying to attribute statements and positions to people that never made them.

If dishonesty is your moral standard, please don't reply.

you implied it! Now you can deny that!
The "implied" is what you read into it, being too stupid to actually comprehend what I posted.

So in essence you attempted to lie and now you want to state that I "implied" something.

I said before, if dishonesty is your moral standard, don't respond.
I saw a guy that did not deserve to get choked out man... Seriously? You cannot tell me that guy deserved that kind of treatment. There were like 8 cops standing there...not 1 cop getting bum rushed.

Mouth off to the police and see what it gets you.

When a police officer shoots a dog conservatives rant about the police state and big government, but when a man is choked to death for "mouthing off", he deserved it. :doubt:

I didn't say he deserves it, just that he shouldn't have resisted.

Mouthing off isn't resisting. At best it's disorderly conduct, which usually results in an infraction or misdemeanor. Not being choked to death.
Another HUGE, black THUG bites the dirt.... He'll now be up for sainthood with Saint Travyon, and Saint Brownie!..... Perhaps whites can go back and riot over OJ!


Oh shut up. This guy was hardly a thug. Selling individual cigarettes is hardly some major crime worthy of a forbidden choke hold.

Of course he was...but no one seems to recognize that former NY ME Baden, had a different finding on the Brown autopsy then THREE other ME's who's opinions were used and Baden's thrown out by the Ferguson Grand Jury! Perhaps we should wait until the OFFICIAL announcement and autopsy is released, and see if it was a chock that killed him

And yet that didn't stop you from claiming this man was a thug and somehow got what he deserved.

Brown acted foolishly and the Grand Jury was correct in their findings. I am not sure about this case. I would like to see more but this incident is troubling at best.

He has a prior arrest record.... makes him a THUG in my book, you have a prior arrest record? We should wait and see what develops or shall we do as the potus DID...THE POLICE ACTED STUPIDLY!

Using a choke hold is forbidden by the NYPD. So yes, it is safe to say they acted foolishly in this incident.

But a head lock isn't, which can slip into a choke in a struggle!
Have a gun - Killed
Dont have a gun - Killed
Toy Gun 12 years old - Killed
Standing on the corner, no gun - Choked to death
Walking with your hands in your pocket - Stopped because you make people nervous..

Basically any reason is good enough for any action a cop makes...any

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