Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

Or she had some reasonable expectation that we would have a peaceful transition of power just like the previous 45 Presidents enjoyed.

Heck, even during the damned Civil War, nobody tried any shit like this.
None of the previous 45 Presidents ever rigged the election like Biden and his minions either
Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.
Well this is your joint chief, who is worried about klansmen in the military, all 5 of them..........and wanting to pay for soldiers to cut of body parts when they could send them to the Taliban to do it for free.
None of the previous 45 Presidents ever rigged the election like Biden and his minions either
None of them made a baseless accusation like multi state fraud nor did any of them try to criminally alter the EC count by submitting fraudulent slates of Electoral College Electors purporting to be certified by the various swing states. Not one of the previous 44 had demanded that their VP unconstitutionally declare some states certified slate of electors not be accepted.
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None of them made a baseless accusation like multi state fraud nor did any of them try to criminally alter the EC count by submitting fraudulent slates of Electoral College Electors purporting to be certified by the various swing states. Not one of the previous 44 had demanded that their VP unconstitutionally and declare some states certified slate of electors not be accepted.
Because None of the previous 45 Presidents ever rigged the election like Biden and his minions did
Because they intended to allow the FBI stooges and their blm and antifa thugs start the riot, and to enter the building.......that is also why pelosi refused more help.......

There's no evidence of either FBI, or BLM, or Antifa thugs to start any rioting.

There is evidence that the Proud Boys being the first to break into the Capitol building. You know, "stand back and stand by."
Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.
Who does Nazi Piglosy have surrounding the Capital, Simp?
Because None of the previous 45 Presidents ever rigged the election like Biden and his minions did

Yeah you've already made that baseless claim. Each and every state followed their election law and the Trump Campaign lost their cases in nearly every court.

The Neo-GOP abhors Law and Order. Vote them out ladies, while you still can.
Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.

Exactly what did Trump say that called on his followers to "storm the capitol"? I know you're going to deflect from what he actually said, so get to it. You're one of the most prolific liars on the board.

When did this so called offer occur? Did Benedict Donald tell the capitol police or the General that he was going to send all the pissed off folks at his "SaveMyAss Rally" to the Capitol during the ceremonial counting of the State Electoral votes?

Did the Criminal President let Pelosi know his Browns Shirts Boys had a plan to breach the Building and halt the count?
what crime was Trump convicted of?
Here is a look at behind the scenes in the White House before the Jan. 6 riot
You are now taking the word from a video poster named "Styxhexenhammer666"
Did you notice the 666 in the corner of the video?

This loser filled his video with hearsay talking points, and you usually hate hearsay.
When did this so called offer occur? Did Benedict Donald tell the capitol police or the General that he was going to send all the pissed off folks at his "SaveMyAss Rally" to the Capitol during the ceremonial counting of the State Electoral votes?

Did the Criminal President let Pelosi know his Browns Shirts Boys had a plan to breach the Building and halt the count?
Let's ask Nancy!!!!
You are now taking the word from a video poster named "Styxhexenhammer666"
Did you notice the 666 in the corner of the video?

This loser filled his video with hearsay talking points, and you usually hate hearsay.
hearsay is allowed now right? or did you change your mind oabout Hutchinson and she didn't really say anything?

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