Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

Like Trump did?
Donald Trump - who dodged the military draft - said that dating in the Eighties was his own 'personal Vietnam'.

The Republican presidential candidate told shock jock Howard Stern that he felt 'lucky' not to have picked up an STD while sleeping around during the decade.

Trump added that he felt like a 'great and very brave soldier' when he appeared on the show in 1997.

Then, republicans, again, shit all over our veterans.

Joly 28 2022
Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits weeks after the measure initially sailed through the Senate with 84 votes.

The bill would significantly change how the Department of Veterans Affairs cares for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances by compelling VA to presume that certain illnesses are linked to exposure to hazardous waste incineration, mostly focused on the issue of burn pits from recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That would remove the burden of proof from the injured veterans.
Your Vegetable Messiah dodged the draft 5 times claiming he had asthma........................all while bragging about his college football exploits.
the secret that only demofks know about. can't make it up.
That’s fact.

Trump had been planning on a March to the Capitol but said nothing publicly and no permits were applied for

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