Pentagon Admits Mistake, Exposes Biden's Desperate Propaganda Story of Payback For 13 Americans He Got Killed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Being Reported LIVE on Fox Now....
WATCH: Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets
Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets

'I am here today to confess that President Biden and Pentagon Spokesperson Kirby LIED to you all when he declared that in less than 24 hours, without any Intel left in Afghanistan, the US government identified and located THE ISIS planner who planned the attack on the Kabul airport, killing 13 US service members, and the military conducted a strike killing that planner. That was all a LIE. While a drone strike was conducted, 10 civilians, to include a US Aid worker, were killed.'

Not in those exact words, the Pentagon announced the entire story about striking the planner of the bombing that killed the 13 American service members was a lie the Biden administration, with Pentagon Spokesman Kirby's assistance, fed to the American people in an attempt to pacify their anger over Biden getting 13 American soldiers killed.

Being Reported LIVE on Fox Now....
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
WATCH: Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets
Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets

'I am here today to confess that President Biden and Pentagon Spokesperson Kirby LIED to you all when he declared that in less than 24 hours, without any Intel left in Afghanistan, the US government identified and located THE ISIS planner who planned the attack on the Kabul airport, killing 13 US service members, and the military conducted a strike killing that planner. That was all a LIE. While a drone strike was conducted, 10 civilians, to include a US Aid worker, were killed.'

Not in those exact words, the Pentagon announced the entire story about striking the planner of the bombing that killed the 13 American service members was a lie the Biden administration, with Pentagon Spokesman Kirby's assistance, fed to the American people in an attempt to pacify their anger over Biden getting 13 American soldiers killed.

Confirmed, Biden kills 10 more
I would like to take this time to point out that immediately after Biden announced he had killed the Planner of the attack on the airport I threw the 'Bullshit Flag'.

Biden and his administration count on low-information, low-IQ snowflakes and sheep to buy his bullshit, believing if there are enough of them to outnumber intelligent Americans he and his lies will be fine.

For instance, anyone who had been following the entire Afghanistan fiasco knew that the CIA reported that it had pulled all of their people out of Afghanistan, leaving NO real Intel collection capability behind - that was about 10 days before the last plane was 'wheels-up'.

About a week prior to the last plane leaving, the Taliban released 5,500 hardcore Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists from the Bagram prison into the huge general population of the unsecured, Taliban-run city of Kabul.

So there was no freaking way, with ZERO Intel collection capability, the Biden administration would be able to identify the 1 terrorists out of all those people who planned the attack, locate him, and conduct a targeted strike, killing him.

Hell, Biden's own State Department was announcing they could not find Americans stranded in Afghanistan who they were communicating with.

It was all bullshit - a direct lie to appease Americans pissed that Biden got 13 US soldiers killed in his failed Afghanistan withdrawal disaster!

Political Theatrics.....that got 10 civilians killed.
I would like to take this time to point out that immediately after Biden announced he had killed the Planner of the attack on the airport I threw the 'Bullshit Flag'.

Biden and his administration count on low-information, low-IQ snowflakes and sheep to buy his bullshit, believing if there are enough of them to outnumber intelligent Americans he and his lies will be fine.

For instance, anyone who had been following the entire Afghanistan fiasco knew that the CIA reported that it had pulled all of their people out of Afghanistan, leaving NO real Intel collection capability behind - that was about 10 days before the last plane was 'wheels-up'.

About a week prior to the last plane leaving, the Taliban released 5,500 hardcore Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists from the Bagram prison into the huge general population of the unsecured, Taliban-run city of Kabul.

So there was no freaking way, with ZERO Intel collection capability, the Biden administration would be able to identify the 1 terrorists out of all those people who planned the attack, locate him, and conduct a targeted strike, killing him.

Hell, Biden's own State Department was announcing they could not find Americans stranded in Afghanistan who they were communicating with.

It was all bullshit - a direct lie to appease Americans pissed that Biden got 13 US soldiers killed in his failed Afghanistan withdrawal disaster!

Political Theatrics.....that got 10 civilians killed.
Yep. I said the same thing. When they couldn't even make up the names of these supposed terrorists, I said it was bullshit.
Since you all seem to care so much for civilian causalities, what do you say to this fact?

"In 2019, air strikes from the US and its allies in Afghanistan killed 700 civilians, more than in any other year since the beginning of the war in 2001 and 2002, according to new research from Brown University's Cost of War project.

The new data casts light on US President Donald Trump's aerial warfare policies across the Middle East and in countries neighbouring the region, which have become less restricted and more opaque."

" the number of civilians killed by international airstrikes increased about 330 percent from 2016, the last full year of the Obama administration, to 2019, the most recent year for which there is complete data from the United Nations".
Since you all seem to care so much for civilian causalities, what do you say to this fact?

"In 2019, air strikes from the US and its allies in Afghanistan killed 700 civilians, more than in any other year since the beginning of the war in 2001 and 2002, according to new research from Brown University's Cost of War project.

The new data casts light on US President Donald Trump's aerial warfare policies across the Middle East and in countries neighbouring the region, which have become less restricted and more opaque."

" the number of civilians killed by international airstrikes increased about 330 percent from 2016, the last full year of the Obama administration, to 2019, the most recent year for which there is complete data from the United Nations".
Took a little longer than normal for ORANGE MAN BAD to show up to attempt to divert from Cluserfuck Joe murdering children on purpose to cover for his Afghanistan debacle.
Took a little longer than normal for ORANGE MAN BAD to show up to attempt to divert from Cluserfuck Joe murdering children on purpose to cover for his Afghanistan debacle.

You've ignored all the innocents killed under your Orange Mongrel, but when the military make a mistake now, The American President is a Baby Murderer.

The Neo-GOP is a stark embarrassment to all Americans.
Being Reported LIVE on Fox Now....
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
WATCH: Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets
Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets

'I am here today to confess that President Biden and Pentagon Spokesperson Kirby LIED to you all when he declared that in less than 24 hours, without any Intel left in Afghanistan, the US government identified and located THE ISIS planner who planned the attack on the Kabul airport, killing 13 US service members, and the military conducted a strike killing that planner. That was all a LIE. While a drone strike was conducted, 10 civilians, to include a US Aid worker, were killed.'

Not in those exact words, the Pentagon announced the entire story about striking the planner of the bombing that killed the 13 American service members was a lie the Biden administration, with Pentagon Spokesman Kirby's assistance, fed to the American people in an attempt to pacify their anger over Biden getting 13 American soldiers killed.

That's two impeachable offenses in two days.
Yesterday was withholding vaccines from "political enemy states".
Being Reported LIVE on Fox Now....
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
Milley defends China calls as 'perfectly' within scope of job
WATCH: Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets
Pentagon admits US strike in Kabul killed 10 civilians, not ISIS targets

'I am here today to confess that President Biden and Pentagon Spokesperson Kirby LIED to you all when he declared that in less than 24 hours, without any Intel left in Afghanistan, the US government identified and located THE ISIS planner who planned the attack on the Kabul airport, killing 13 US service members, and the military conducted a strike killing that planner. That was all a LIE. While a drone strike was conducted, 10 civilians, to include a US Aid worker, were killed.'

Not in those exact words, the Pentagon announced the entire story about striking the planner of the bombing that killed the 13 American service members was a lie the Biden administration, with Pentagon Spokesman Kirby's assistance, fed to the American people in an attempt to pacify their anger over Biden getting 13 American soldiers killed.

So basically the Biden Adm is now officially a terrorist-organization.
They knew who they killed before they killed them....and most certainly right after the strike.

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