Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

You're tolerant of people who agree with you. Just so you know, that isn't "tolerant" ...

No. I'm tolerant of those with other ideas who are have a different agenda to I. Ray from Cleveland is very much a conservative. We have some interesting coversations.

As for tolerance, or lack there of, you lecturing others on such is a massive irony.
Kaz isn't constantly bleating about "tolerance." Douche bags like you are.
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You're tolerant of people who agree with you. Just so you know, that isn't "tolerant" ...

No. I'm tolerant of those with other ideas who are have a different agenda to I. Ray from Cleveland is very much a conservative. We have some interesting coversations.

As for tolerance, or lack there of, you lecturing others on such is a massive irony.
Between us, there is no contest. I am tolerant, you are not. If I get my way, you can still make your own choices. If you get your way, my choices are removed. To you, there is one way, you decide. We all are forced to follow your choices with government guns. The only choices I would remove from you is your ability to remove my choices
Between us, there is no contest. I am tolerant, you are not. If I get my way, you can still make your own choices. If you get your way, my choices are removed. To you, there is one way, you decide. We all are forced to follow your choices with government guns. The only choices I would remove from you is your ability to remove my choices

God no. We are exact opposites. I don't want your choices interfering in my life. Guns would be the one exception, and even then you can still have your peashooters just not fully automatic AK47 style like weapons. Just like I don't think it a good idea you have a nuke. Or a fighter jet. Or a tank. Outsida that, do what you want. I couldn't give a rats...
Kaz isn't constantly bleating about "tolerance." Douche bags like you are.

I've hardly talked about tolerance. In saying that, in his subsequent post Kaz just told us all how tolerant he/she is compared to me so you might want to rethink that. Outsida that - 'bleating' about tolerance. Tolerance is a bad thing?
Between us, there is no contest. I am tolerant, you are not. If I get my way, you can still make your own choices. If you get your way, my choices are removed. To you, there is one way, you decide. We all are forced to follow your choices with government guns. The only choices I would remove from you is your ability to remove my choices

God no. We are exact opposites. I don't want your choices interfering in my life. Guns would be the one exception, and even then you can still have your peashooters just not fully automatic AK47 style like weapons. Just like I don't think it a good idea you have a nuke. Or a fighter jet. Or a tank. Outsida that, do what you want. I couldn't give a rats...

Wow, you have a horrible educational system. You have no reading comprehension at all. My condolences, Sheila

Wow, you have a horrible educational system. You have no reading comprehension at all. My condolences, Sheila

Well, if you're the epitome of brilliance for the US system, it must be fantastic. No, it really must be! Seriously!

Playground! I don't know if you use the term "playground insults" in New Zealand, but you sure how to do them. Here you go!

You were playing Hamilton throughout the election season of 2016.

The performance where Mike Pence was in the audience … can you tell me about what happened that night?

JAVIER: Yes, sure. (Deep breath.) I break things down in terms of before Pence and after Pence, because it became an entirely different thing after he came to the show.

That night, I got here around 7. 7:15 is usually my wig call. At 7:15 there was going to be a meeting in the basement with our lead producer and that meeting was intended to announce to the cast that Pence was coming. I couldn’t be there because I was getting ready for the show. So stage management came into my dressing room to tell me the news. And I think the fear on the part of management, both company management and stage management, was that we would walk out.

Which was an impulse; I won’t lie, that was certainly an impulse. But the greater impulse was an opportunity to be great. This was an opportunity to literally demonstrate not only the greatness of the story but the greatness of the diversity of this cast, how great we are at what we do, and that in and of itself became a statement.

I’ll preface this by saying I’m still to this day impressed and grateful that he stayed. He stayed. He heard it. He watched. He heard our message. And to his credit, right? Because if you’re staying you’re watching me for three hours and I’m literally the antithesis of everything he believes in politically. That’s a choice to stay there and experience the story. So I still feel gratitude that he came to the table that way.

But the energy in the building was overwhelming. People were very emotional about it, about his being here. Really, I saw it as an opportunity to be great. That was the energy I kept putting out … “We’re on fire tonight, let’s give the best show that we absolutely can.” It was a hard show to do. It was hard on the heart, it was hard on the mind. I had to compartmentalize everything in order to execute the show and not keep thinking about him being out there in the house.

When we came to the curtain call, we were supposed to do our regular bow, present the musical director, do another bow, and then give the speech. We did our first bow, presented the musical director, and I could hear Brandon say, “He’s leaving. We should just do it now, let’s just do it now.” So we went right into the speech, and he stayed. He stayed and listened to the message.

The fallout from that is a whole other story. It catapulted the show, and particularly me and Brandon, into a spotlight that was very aggressive toward us, and that’s a mild way of putting things. We had to increase security here in the building. We got hate mail, death threats over social media, death threats sent to the theater, phone calls came in, etc. Our security had to be doubled. Brandon and I couldn’t really go anywhere without security being around. We had to be walked to the cars or to the train station, or have security meet us at the train station to walk us into the building.

And the hate was real. Endless, endless letters I’ve received telling me why I should die, how I should die, telling me that God hates me and all the reasons why, and all the reasons I should be punished, and how I should be punished. Very specific stuff. I’m talking about eight-page letters.

And that’s how things were. It was a very turbulent time. But I think any celebrity or public person is given a platform whether they want it or not. You’re given a light and a microphone and the things that you care about get amplified by the nature of what you’re doing. That existed already with Hamilton and then add this political climate, add Pence coming to the show. I saw it as an opportunity to really dig into what I believe in, what I stand for, and not be cowed or shamed or embarrassed or intimidated into being silent.

Given all the violent language that was coming at me and at the show, you’ve got two choices: you can either hide or you can literally face it. I just felt that it was an opportunity to face it. And my activism, which was already present, tripled. Now it’s about ebbing and flowing, picking and choosing when and what to do so that I can support and help amplify our message as long as he’s in office
There's also video evidence of the election being stolen, but some people just won't believe.

sorry---HOWEVER it seems to me that there might have been some sort of fraud and manipulation in many elections-----
seek and it will be found

Sure, virtually every election has some fraud.

And you can find much of the actual fraud from the 2020 election here...

Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance
The whiffle ball tried, and failed, to do a little pandering.
Mike Pence (colorised)

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