Pelosi admits she blocked Coronavirus Relief bill since May until after the election for political reasons


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She is just pure evil. Government makes businesses shut down, and she blocks government relief to those affected so it would hurt Trump politically.

I cannot think of a word strong enough to call her on her disgusting political ploy. How many people are homeless or in foreclosure or ran through a ton of savings because of her.

THE GOVERNMENT FORCED BUSINESSES TO CLOSE, and she blocked those affected from getting relief.

It is fascism. Straight up.

The corporations all got their bail outs in the first bill.

Blocked hell. She PASSED two different versions and the Senate voted on neither.

Have THEY passed anything?

How do you block something that doesn't exist?

How is this not taking credit for the bill not being passed?

"Don't characterize what we did before as a mistake as a preface to your question if you want an answer. That was not a mistake it was a decision and it has taken us to a place where we can the right thing without other shall we say, considerations in the legislation that we don't want. I'm very proud of where we are."
Pelosi wouldn't budge when Trump upped the amount Dems were asking for regarding the stimulus bill. I thought that was a very strange move considering how everyone who reads knows Dems blocked it and how she would justify it. Her animosity for Trump hurt the American people, and she knew it.

Stalling tactics have been used by both sides which is a sad state of affairs. It's all about one-upping for many on the hill and only caring about getting even, as if getting even is helpful to anyone. This one really hurt a lot of people struggling economically.

Pelosi is a conniving individual, one who does whatever it takes to win...whatever it takes. Most remember her words from 2010 , “We have to pass the bill for you to find out what’s in it.” Did she really think that would go over well? The 10 Dumbest Things Nancy Pelosi Has Said (Recently)

She's currently struggling to keep her divided party in tact, soon to possibly split in half. (Ducks awaiting possible attack from die hard partisan from the left prickling at that assessment).

I keep thinking Pelosi's face is going to melt off one day from her never-ending calculative moves. It does a number on the whole body when someone chooses to use deceptive tactics routinely when relating to others. She seems to have studied a similar playbook that Hillary Clinton follows.
She is just pure evil. Government makes businesses shut down, and she blocks government relief to those affected so it would hurt Trump politically.

I cannot think of a word strong enough to call her on her disgusting political ploy. How many people are homeless or in foreclosure or ran through a ton of savings because of her.

THE GOVERNMENT FORCED BUSINESSES TO CLOSE, and she blocked those affected from getting relief.

It is fascism. Straight up.

The corporations all got their bail outs in the first bill.

Categorically false.

The House passed a massive C19 relief bill in May. The Senate is the road block.
She is just pure evil. Government makes businesses shut down, and she blocks government relief to those affected so it would hurt Trump politically.

I cannot think of a word strong enough to call her on her disgusting political ploy. How many people are homeless or in foreclosure or ran through a ton of savings because of her.

THE GOVERNMENT FORCED BUSINESSES TO CLOSE, and she blocked those affected from getting relief.

It is fascism. Straight up.

The corporations all got their bail outs in the first bill.

Democrats are the Party of Rich White Folks, They Don't Need This Relief


This isn't about "money for Dems" or who is and isn't rich you dumb fuck.

This is about pandemic relief. People have been unemployed a long time and they're going to lose even that little bit in a couple weeks.

Businesses are hurting

Municipalities and states are hurting.

This is about the COUNTRY
This isn't about "money for Dems" or who is and isn't rich you dumb fuck.

This is about pandemic relief. People have been unemployed a long time and they're going to lose even that little bit in a couple weeks.

Businesses are hurting

Municipalities and states are hurting.

This is about the COUNTRY

And Pelosi fucked the entire country.

That whole concept just seems so gross.
This isn't about "money for Dems" or who is and isn't rich you dumb fuck.

This is about pandemic relief. People have been unemployed a long time and they're going to lose even that little bit in a couple weeks.

Businesses are hurting

Municipalities and states are hurting.

This is about the COUNTRY
Your vulgarity doesn't substitute for a reasoned response. I understand why you feel so pathetic, the GOP wiped the floor with you folks in this election and it's only going to be worse in the next one when McCarthy takes over as Speaker. Pelosi's naked partisanship screwed the pooch and you said nothing.


The stain and stench of how you guys politicised COVID and loosed riots on the innocent, in our own cities, will stay on you folks for many snows, as Fauxohontus would say.
She is just pure evil. Government makes businesses shut down, and she blocks government relief to those affected so it would hurt Trump politically.

I cannot think of a word strong enough to call her on her disgusting political ploy. How many people are homeless or in foreclosure or ran through a ton of savings because of her.

THE GOVERNMENT FORCED BUSINESSES TO CLOSE, and she blocked those affected from getting relief.

It is fascism. Straight up.

The corporations all got their bail outs in the first bill.

Leftist 101 - just like Stalin with the Poles in Warsaw.
The concept of what?

Pandemic relief?


No...Pelosi fucking anyone.


Pandemic relief was made available but Pelosi chose to sit on it. Her own superpork bill was sent back with a request to scale back...she refused and admits it was Trump.

Her personal dislike of Trump is going fuck over a lot of people.

And you bastards love having her in front.

Fuck all of you.
Pandemic relief was made available but Pelosi chose to sit on it. Her own superpork bill was sent back with a request to scale back.
Was made available?

You mean by Pelosi when she had two different bills pass through the House? She lowered the first Bill from 3T to 2T and what was the response?


Did the Senate pass ANYTHING?


And that "pork" was relief for cities and states...

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