Pedophiles & Protectors Of Pedophiles \ Maine Dem Spiked Ethics Probe Into Partymate’s Teen Sex Abuse


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sara Gideon blocked investigation into her handling of colleague's sexual misconduct

Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon spiked an ethics probe into how she handled allegations that one of her Democratic colleagues in the state legislature sexually abused teen girls.

The speaker of the Maine House of Representatives rallied Democrats in 2018 to vote against an ethics investigation into how her office dealt with sexual misconduct allegations against Democratic state legislator Dillon Bates. Paula Sutton, the Republican state legislator who called for the ethics probe, said that Gideon's decision to oppose the investigation demonstrates that Gideon was more concerned about political expediency than protecting children.

"Sara Gideon had an opportunity for full transparency, and she voted it down," Sutton told the Washington Free Beacon. "They just want to crush the problem, because they're afraid to deal with it. It's just a lack of courage—a complete lack of conviction and courage."

"Gideon previously acknowledged that she heard rumors about Bates for months, but called for his resignation only after a news outlet reported about his alleged misconduct. Neither Gideon nor Bates responded to requests for comment."

Why are so many Democrats pedophiles, and why do Democrats defend pedophiles, especially their own?

This latest Democrat cover-up of sexual misconduct reminded me of how it was exposed that Democrats created a committee that existed for the sole purpose of paying for the silence of the victims of their fellow politicians' sexual misconduct, using tax dollars to do so!

Instead of STOPPING the culture of politician sexual misconduct, they not only hid it, they criminally created a committee to keep it secret from the American people and to protect their sexual predators. Furthermore, their fellow politicians prevented any investigation into their actions and allowed them to simply go away/ retire....with full benefits. Their fellow politicians prevented any investigation into the creation of the Committee and the use of tax dollars.

So, of course I am not surprised to read abut another Democrat pedophile being protected by his fellow politicians.....

There is a valid point here to make but you have to try and take the extreme partisan route. This is a problem that infiltrates nearly everywhere.

Should people be pissed? Absolutely. Is this an issue with limited scope? In this particular case, maybe, but I would have to see who all voted which way but this goes very deep in many different directions.
Issues need to be exposed throughout the country where politicians need to be replaced in this election cycle.

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