
liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Just like his hero Ayn Rand, and his/her economic libertarianism, Paul Ryan is a failure at governance, he should have stayed in the background where immature economic thought works it magic because it does nothing but fantasize. Today, like Rand in her later years, he is a welfare recipient of government. And his refusal to act on Yemen demonstrates he has no soul either. Sad.

'Paul Ryan’s long con' "He betrayed his promises and left a legacy of debt and disappointment."

Paul Ryan’s long con

More libertarian links:

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Marxism of the Right
Why is libertarianism wrong?
What happens when libertarians try to build a new society? | Aeon Essays

"Remember, dear reader, that libertarianism is not what it seems to be. In truth, it would be more accurately called duostandardarianism, where the two standards are:

1. Any governmental or otherwise public action is wrong.
2. Any non-governmental or otherwise private action is right, even if it's identical in every other way to an action condemned by (1).

Starting with these two differing standards in mind, libertarians then proceed to cover them in a heap of dizzying rhetoric, much in the same way that a cat will try to bury its shit. Here's your example for today."

Rust Belt Philosophy: Pro tip: don't think you're innocent of equivocation just because you're using a long phrase instead of a single word

"Libertarians - anarchists who want the police to protect them from their slaves." Kim Stanley Robinson
That’s funny. Ryan is a big government neocon. He is nowhere near a libertarian.

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