
  1. G

    CDZ Why competition among states are very important for prosperity?

    I used to be a hardcore libertarian. I think all governments are wrong. Now I greatly moderate my position. You can see what I think here, Why states, nations, provinces, cities, and villages should be run like a business? . I am now far more centrist than libertarian. Why? At that time I...
  2. G

    CDZ What about if the state itself is privatized?

    There are 2 opposing view on how to run things. 1st. Individuals have right. Government should just be just a small violation of individual freedom we exchange for security, etc. This is the point of view of libertarians and minarchists. I like this. This isn't too practical because states...
  3. midcan5

    Paul Ryan

    Just like his hero Ayn Rand, and his/her economic libertarianism, Paul Ryan is a failure at governance, he should have stayed in the background where immature economic thought works it magic because it does nothing but fantasize. Today, like Rand in her later years, he is a welfare recipient of...
  4. G

    CDZ Alternative to Libertarianism: Competing Privatized Mini States

    We are more libertarian now than our ancestors. We're fine now. Why? Because there are 194 states competing with one another. As long as governments "COMPETE" then it won't get big. States will be like ice cream shops. Sure, ,each shop can raise price and set terms as they wish. But because...
  5. G

    CDZ Alternative to Libertarianism: Competing Privatized Mini States

    We are more libertarian now than our ancestors. We're relatively fine now. Why? Because there are 194 states competing with one another. As long as governments "COMPETE" then it won't get big. States will be like ice cream shops. Sure, ,each shop can raise price and set terms as they wish...
  6. Brian Blackwell

    The Call for Liberty

    I’m putting aside the gloves for this rant, because I’ve got to vent some frustration over the willful reluctance of many here to snap the fuck out of it and realize that they are free-range slaves living in a work camp controlled by sociopathic entities - I won’t even grace these misanthropic...
  7. Brian Blackwell

    Anarchists and libertarians - Please click here

    Hi everybody. I'm just trying to get a sense for how many people here are truly freedom-minded. Please vote to indicate your position, and feel free to elaborate, or bring up anything you'd like (or just vent your inevitable frustrations) in this thread! Thanks so much! *note that I've made a...
  8. Brian Blackwell

    CDZ Anarchy vs. Minarchy (DEBATE - Larken Rose & Jan Helfeld)

    This thread is to discuss the issues raised in a debate between Larken Rose (Anarchist) and Jan Helfeld (Minarchist). Rose advocates no "government" where Helfeld advocates for small limited "government". This radio broadcast is part of the PFP Movement Radio series, brought to you by...
  9. Brian Blackwell

    CDZ The Government of No Authority, Part 2: Delegation of Powers

    This thread explores an argument that runs parallel to the one discussed in CDZ - The Government of No Authority, Part 1: Law and Morality. You needn't have read that thread to participate here, as the two threads discuss different arguments. It is commonly accepted that the origin of...
  10. G

    Is there any reason for a libertarian atheist rich man to get married?

    In ancient time, marriage serves a very reasonable purpose. Before we didn't have paternity tests. The only way to ensure that a child is a man's child is by law. That means rich men would need the help of the state to punish adultery. That way, that man can know that his wive's child is his...
  11. G

    operation greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world

    Operation Greenway operation greenway is a project to create a new nation for citizens of the world or a constitution to use for the new revolution in america. We need people to get involved by reading the draft constitution and providing feedback, as well as people pledging citizenship. Like...
  12. J

    What are you most passionate about politically?

    What are some positions you have that fall outside the norm for your chosen (or chosen for you) affiliation?
  13. midcan5

    Economics Plutocracy

    "Free markets do not create the conditions for free markets." Brandon Emrys It took a short time for the Trump real estate presidency to shift from obvious attempts to explain the unexplainable to the shortened version of explaining the inexplainable. One has to remember this presidency is...

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