Paul Ryan predicts Trump will not be 2024 Republican nominee

Please please run Trump again!
I actually hope he doesn't, as I hope Joe doesn't, either. Trump is Trump and Joe actually is getting too old, and I do not think (at this point) that Joe is running Joe. I do not know who is, but they are who I do not get to know, evaluate motivations or vote for or against.
What policies did Trump hold as President with which you disagreed?

No one cares that he sent out mean Tweets!
Overthrowing elections, against the specific instructions of the Constitution, as one who would totally turn his back on his oath of office, for his own benefit, for one policy.
Paul Ryan, the great American who has sacrificed so much for his country and one of the worst "advisors" who may have prevented a deal with Schumer for a fully funded wall on your southern border, makes an unexpected prediction (yeah right).

As an aside, anyone old enough to see the cult classic Heavy Metal cartoon movie? Tell me that Paul Ryan doesn't resemble Hanover Fiste. Pictures attachedView attachment 710404View attachment 710406View attachment 710407

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., said he does not expect former President Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2024.

Ryan, the 2012 GOP vice presidential candidate, made the comments during a discussion with Teneo, a global company that advises CEOs, for the company's "Insight Series." Ryan is the vice chairman of Teneo.

"I think Trump’s un-electability will be palpable by then," Ryan said. "We all know he will lose, or let me put it this way: we all know he’s much more likely to lose the White House than anybody else running for president on our side of the aisle. So why would we want to go with that?"
MORON alert!

Does he not know or is he just pretending not to know (likely the latter) that candidates backed by Trump are winning ubiquitously all over the US?

That guy is a RINO

and a typical politician
Did you know that Ryan tried to steal the railroad workers fully funded and solvent retirement fund, spend THEIR money on stupid government crap and dump all the workers into Social Security?
doesn't surprise me.. knowing all the other things I know about him.. like i said.. typical politician

say one thing to get elected, do the opposite once in

who gives a rat's ass what he thinks about 24?
I can look at Trump and the 2024 election in two ways. Both win-wins.

1. Trump loses in the primaries, say to Desantis. Assuming Trump accepts the defeat gracefully and campaigns for Ron that is a solid win.

2. Trump wins the nomination and the dems and MSM go absolutely insane because they have no one to put up against Trump.
DeSantis has no intention of running for president in 2024.
Get in Loser.jpg
Hillary ran Hillary, as she rented the DNC. She, being such a flawed candidate from the beginning, is what enabled Trump to run Trump.


The Republicans did not seem to really want Trump in the beginning, another flawed candidate of low character, to match Hillary, but the bar was very low that year for standard-bearers.

Disagreed. Trump emerged from the pack the instant he dared to say McCain was not a hero. I'll betcha he got a full half of the Republican vote right at that instant.

Remember, the Republicans were still in shock, reeling and regrouping after the Neo-Cons. All the righties saw McCain hugging W on national television, most of them wanted to vomit at that point.

Biden was a shoe-in, as running as a moderate of experience against Trump, whether he was or not.

I think Biden was the only Dem who could have beaten Trump, even with the riots and the cheating. Hillary certainly couldn't have done it
From a Canadian POV I think Ryan is right, but for several different reasons.

Mainly because I don't believe the deep state powers will allow it, on account of his leaning antiwar with Russia.

I think that it's virtually impossible for any American to have an objective opinion on the matter. But perhaps White can prove that wrong?
I don't think Trump is up to bring an authoritarian. Which is what he would have to be if he got reelected.

DeSantis, on the other hand, has the right stuff. :p
I am not sure what Paul Ryan would think of DeSantis, but know what I think.
DeSantis is an effective Governor for a state, but has very poor judgement and is another prima donna (admittedly though), most that run for president are prima donnas. One of his big moves that rallied the low thinking crowd to support him, was as the political stunt of hiring people in Texas to recruit foreign immigrants in Texas (by lying to them) to secretly send them from Texas to a resort community unannounced to Martha's Vineyard (as I suppose there were no immigrants legal or illegal) to be quietly recruited by hook or crook in Governor DeSantis' home state of Florida. Another example of his poor judgement was his handling of Disney and this large employer in his state's support for it's employees LGBTQ activism. I do not support Disney or the employees (just like I do not support the NFL support of it's anti-American employees to protest on company time), but trying to illegally dissolve the state guarantees that brought Disney to the state, with the financial burdens transferred to the surrounding counties, both illegal and without consulting those counties as to the new tax burdens they would assume, had the Governor pulled it off was very poor judgement, meant to bolster his personal political goals, not for the benefit of the state. It was a poorly thought out political stunt, the governor should have found other ways to discourage, if entering into the fray, at all. No. DeSantis cannot be trusted to govern from the big chair in Washington.
I am not sure what Paul Ryan would think of DeSantis, but know what I think.
DeSantis is an effective Governor for a state, but has very poor judgement and is another prima donna (admittedly though), most that run for president are prima donnas. One of his big moves that rallied the low thinking crowd to support him, was as the political stunt of hiring people in Texas to recruit foreign immigrants in Texas (by lying to them) to secretly send them from Texas to a resort community unannounced to Martha's Vineyard (as I suppose there were no immigrants legal or illegal) to be quietly recruited by hook or crook in Governor DeSantis' home state of Florida. Another example of his poor judgement was his handling of Disney and this large employer in his state's support for it's employees LGBTQ activism. I do not support Disney or the employees (just like I do not support the NFL support of it's anti-American employees to protest on company time), but trying to illegally dissolve the state guarantees that brought Disney to the state, with the financial burdens transferred to the surrounding counties, both illegal and without consulting those counties as to the new tax burdens they would assume, had the Governor pulled it off was very poor judgement, meant to bolster his personal political goals, not for the benefit of the state. It was a poorly thought out political stunt, the governor should have found other ways to discourage, if entering into the fray, at all. No. DeSantis cannot be trusted to govern from the big chair in Washington.

You're kinda proving my point, aintcha?


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