Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress
Power to the people. If only we valued ourselves more then we valued our global empire. Kinda goes along with that whole capitol valued over labor problem I think.
He deserved to be mocked. He was rude and disruptive, and security did their jobs.

You'd be praising security at an Obama town hall if they did this to a disgruntled voter, and you know it.
Democracy in action.

Everything about Ryan makes me barf. He's just disgusting.
So it should come as no surprise that this week, three people who paid to see Ryan speak were arrested and charged with trespassing for protesting the event. One constituent, a 71-year-old retired plumber from Kenosha, Wisconsin, was handcuffed and pushed to the ground by security:

Video footage taken by an attendee at the event shows that one of them, Tom Nielsen, received particularly harsh treatment — he was pushed to the ground and handcuffed. Nielsen received an additional charge of resisting arrest.

Ryan was speaking Tuesday afternoon at the Whitnall Park Rotary Club. Protesters gathered both outside his event and inside, standing up and disrupting the congressman’s remarks.

According to Oak Creek Patch, as many as a dozen protesters were escorted out of the event. Another dozen or so left willingly.

Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

Sounds a bit harsh, but also like there was allot of disruption.

If he was being a Prick about his Viagra being cut back, my official position is that it shouldn't be subsidized in the first place. :)
There is something about that guy aside from the fact that he wants upcoming seniors/middle and lower classes to "sacrifice" whilst protecting the rich from any unpleasantries. No wonder he rose to Republican leadership lol
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Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

Screaming the way he was, I would hope he was too. Ryan can't see what is happening in the other room-- he can only hear him continuing to scream.
Yanno...........I thought that democracy was based on the sharing of differing ideas. I also thought that our representatives were responsible to the very people in their district.

Interesting that Ryan has arrested anyone that disagrees with him. Anyone remember Hitler? How about Saddam? Kahdaffy perhaps?
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress
Ryan's a nasty piece of work.
Seems there were also two old ladies according to the article. Seems the two ladies paid the "fee" to ask their congressman a question since they didn't "crash".

Hmmm, three seniors. Wanna bet they used to be Republicans?
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

Holy shit, more Quotes taken out of Context, with no Link to the whole thing, on an extremely Far left Web site. ThinkProgress lol

All you do is surf Far Left blog sited, and Far Left Think Tanks, and Far Left Media outlets. You have no perspective. You never get the full context. You are so Clueless it is sad. Perfect little Thoughtless liberal Robot. Just read what your master say, and spit it back out over and over.

Pretty sad.
Extremely far leftist my arse!

Maher on Leno tonight: "Huntsman didn't get the memo- the left has gone centrist and the right is on the short bus to crazytown." LOL!

More from Think Progress- Reality is far left to dupes...:
43 House Members Slam Justices Scalia, Thomas, And Alito For Ethics Scandals | As ThinkProgress previously reported, Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT) circulated a letter calling upon the House Judiciary Committee’s leadership to hold a hearing his bill ending the Supreme Court’s immunity to key judicial ethics laws. Murphy’s bill is inspired by numerous recent ethics scandals involving the Court’s most conservative members:

There have been alarming reports of justices – most notably Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito – attending political events and using their position to fundraise for organizations. These activities would be prohibited if the justices were required to abide by the Judicial Conference Code of Conduct, which currently applies to all other federal judges. [...]

Recent revelations about Justice Thomas accepting tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts from individuals and organizations who often have an interest in matters before the courts calls into question the Court’s impartiality. Canon 4D of the Code of Conduct incorporates regulations providing that “[a] judicial officer or employee shall not accept a gift from anyone who is seeking official action from or doing business with the court.” Yet Justice Thomas received a gift valued at $15,000 from an organization that had a brief pending before his Court at the very moment they gave him the gift. Incidents such as these undermine the integrity of the entire judiciary, and they should not be allowed to continue.

Forty-three Members of Congress have now joined Murphy’s call to end the Supreme Court’s ethics immunity.
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

Holy shit, more Quotes taken out of Context, with no Link to the whole thing, on an extremely Far left Web site. ThinkProgress lol

All you do is surf Far Left blog sited, and Far Left Think Tanks, and Far Left Media outlets. You have no perspective. You never get the full context. You are so Clueless it is sad. Perfect little Thoughtless liberal Robot. Just read what your master say, and spit it back out over and over.

Pretty sad.

There is a video of him saying it. Why do you rush to protect leaders that squat on your face? We know you are no millionaire.
Much ado about nothing. All Ryan did was joke that he hoped the man took his blood pressure medication. Big fucking whoop. What ever the cops did to the guy, that was on their own accord and had nothing to do with Ryan.

Nothing to see here. Just more phony outrage from our forum Marxists.
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

paul ryan is a spoiled brat who needed a good spanking from his own grandmother.

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