Patriotism Is Dying: Boy Not Allowed To Talk About It In Election Speech

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Patriotism is hated by the progressive. Hating the USA (well, the actual USA) is discouraged and even ridiculed.
This is part of Marxist doctrine.
To the progressive,, any form of patriotism is a sign of ignorance and fascism.
Which brings me to the point.
I’m flying Old Glory on Memorial day.
Don’t like it, my fellow Californians?

Tough shit. Move to Cuba.
Not among true patriots though. I'm talking about when it comes to keeping that freedom to show patriotism and avoid censorship.

Love of country is being supplanted by worship of The State.
Not among true patriots though. I'm talking about when it comes to keeping that freedom to show patriotism and avoid censorship.

The word patriot has been besmirched by the idiots who stormed the capitol. It is understandable that educators are nervous about shits who want to claim the word for their crazy cult..
You cant have it both ways. Insurrection and hate does not blend with patriotism. Decent americans should reclaim the word for....... decent americans.
The word patriot has been besmirched by the idiots who stormed the capitol. It is understandable that educators are nervous about shits who want to claim the word for their crazy cult..
You cant have it both ways. Insurrection and hate does not blend with patriotism. Decent americans should reclaim the word for....... decent americans.
STFU you limey British bore.
Mind your own business and get your country back in order.
Not among true patriots though. I'm talking about when it comes to keeping that freedom to show patriotism and avoid censorship.

Fox News. :rolleyes:

I see they did not provide the text the kid was required to redact. That's...convenient.

And the claim the kid was not allowed to talk about patriotism is a total lie. You how we know this?

Because the position he was a candidate for is “Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism.”
Not among true patriots though. I'm talking about when it comes to keeping that freedom to show patriotism and avoid censorship.

/----/ As a practicing Catholic, I'm ashamed of that principal's actions and think she should be fired.
The word patriot has been besmirched by the idiots who stormed the capitol. It is understandable that educators are nervous about shits who want to claim the word for their crazy cult..
You cant have it both ways. Insurrection and hate does not blend with patriotism. Decent americans should reclaim the word for....... decent americans.
The word Patriot is gettin piled on by Progressives and Marxists & BLM / ANTIFA / Black Bloc Pro Minority Zeitgeist Pushers because it goes against the Narrative
Not among true patriots though. I'm talking about when it comes to keeping that freedom to show patriotism and avoid censorship.

Brainwashed by MAGA cultist parents, I'm sure his speech was a slap in the face to everything his religion and his Christian school claim to stand for.
The word Patriot is gettin piled on by Progressives and Marxists & BLM / ANTIFA / Black Bloc Pro Minority Zeitgeist Pushers because it goes against the Narrative
The word doesnt mean what it used to. Its associated with crazies who want to destroy america.

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