Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

Nothing dishonest about it. Your wording very much insinuates that Palestinians who don't support Hamas but not Israel either....can just "figure it out" and move. No big deal.
Wow. I've seen a lot of reading dysfunction on this forum but I think yours just won the blue ribbon. I am 100% certain that anybody who can read would never accuse me of saying that.
Palestinians are quickly coming to a life or death crisis. They are now going without food, electricity, and fuel, and perhaps water. Of all these, water is the most critical. People can survive for about 3 weeks without food, but they cannot live for more than 3 days without water.

Unfortunately, for the Palestinians, they live in a desert climate where rainfall is sparse, if there is any at all. They also stand a chance of being killed by Israeli jets firing bomb missles, or being obliterated by hundreds of thousands of heavily armed Israeli troops heading toward Gaza right this minute. To put it plainly, the Palestinians are in BIG trouble.

All this is coming from one cause > Hamas.

It is simple - to survive, the Palestinians need to get rid of Hamas, and fast. Their best hope is to communicate with the Israelis, and capture Hamas leaders, and turn them over to the Israelis. Otherwise they are quite likely doomed.

Good gawd, you're more like Clyde Crashcup, than a Diplomat. :rofl:

I bet you believe the Jews should've handed over the Irgun, way back when.
Israel removed 20,000 IDF troops from Gaza in 2005. Now they have discovered oil and gas fields in coastal Gaza's waters.

This is extremely important. The long game. Interests outside of the area have stakes in the game.

Reserves of natural gas were found offshore the Gaza Strip in the year 2000, within the framework of licensing to British Gas by the Palestinian National Authority.[1] The discovered gas field Gaza Marine, though mediocre in size, had been considered at the time as one of the possible drives to boost Palestinian economy and promote regional cooperation.

With Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in the year 2007, the chances for developing the gas field turned low - both due to standoff with the Ramallah administration and the Israeli refusal to deal with Hamas, being a globally recognized terror group. The chances further diminished with the discovery of major gas fields in the Israeli economic waters in 2009 and 2010, making Israel an unlikely customer for the Palestinian gas. As of early 2015, Gaza's natural gas was still underwater and the same for almost all of the Levantine gas.[2] In the year 2018, Shell company, which had taken over British Gas earlier, decided to relinquish its 60% stake in Gaza Marine,[1] transferring it to Palestinian state companies.
You got a something to back up this notion of Israel "getting closer to China" ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

Doing a bit of research should not be this difficult. One of the latest crises was the leasing of Haifa port to a Chinese company. Everyone thinks that the US is sending aircraft carriers for Palestine but on the contrary those ships are a warning to Israel.

Türkiye on the other hand is one of the countries in the region causing "problems" for the US. Last week Türkiye conducted airstrikes as close as 500 yards to US troops. Believe me we are trying hard not to shot your soldiers. We are waiting for a response but they are not doing it, they all hide in tunnels. So we decided to flew an UAV very close to the US base to see their response and the US responded by deploying an F16 from Oman to shoot down this UAV, thus giving rise to the right to retaliation.
Israel removed 20,000 IDF troops from Gaza in 2005. Now they have discovered oil and gas fields in coastal Gaza's waters.
The gas field was discovered in 2000, five years before Israel withdrew from Gaza. Why tell such stupid lies?
Doing a bit of research should not be this difficult. One of the latest crises was the leasing of Haifa port to a Chinese company. Everyone thinks that the US is sending aircraft carriers for Palestine but on the contrary those ships are a warning to Israel.

Türkiye on the other hand is one of the countries in the region causing "problems" for the US. Last week Türkiye conducted airstrikes as close as 500 yards to US troops. Believe me we are trying hard not to shot your soldiers. We are waiting for a response but they are not doing it, they all hide in tunnels. So we decided to flew an UAV very close to the US base to see their response and the US responded by deploying an F16 from Oman to shoot down this UAV, thus giving rise to the right to retaliation.
Turkey is a friend of Hamas, and an enemy of. the US. They would be wise to keep their planes away from any US military units, or face severe consequences.
You know it's true since you agreed with at least 2 of them. You're not my boss, I'm not going to write out a list and talk about them all, since it would be the same list you'd find by taking 2 seconds to do a search on historical false flags. More and more I get the feeling you're one of those who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing and "winning" a debate. This is not even a debate, since you already acknowledged that false flags have happened historically, which was what I said.
You said > "certain event that started a war was fake, a complete lie (and this is happened a number of times in history)". Although you dont have a lot of experience in posting, you have been in this forum well long enough to know that it is common practice for posters to ask other posters for examples of what they claim.

I have been here long enough for most posters to have seen my OPs and posts, and they know I dont argue for the sake of arguing. 😐
And when they ARE BEING ATTACKED ?
Okay let’s evaluate your position. In the entire history of the US, when were we attacked? You no doubt believe Japan attacked in 1941 and a bunch of Arab yahoos on 9/11. Any other times? Yet our leaders have had us at war nearly our entire history.

Now regarding Japan, do you know anything about FDR’s actions against them prior to December 7, 1941? If you did, you’d know their attack was provoked and FDR had foreknowledge of the attack.

Regarding 9/11, it’s clear there are numerous discrepancies in the official story.

War is a racket. Have you ever heard this famous statement?
I hate to say it, but that quote is so true.

People (especially in the US) are so easily manipulated. The PTSB understand that if they can provoke people's emotions, they can get the public on board with just about anything. And as that quote you posted said, the manipulation is always accompanied by attacks and marginalization of all those who don't go along with whatever the PTSB is currently promoting.
We as a people should be much smarter, but apparently we never learn from history and the elite know it.
You said > "certain event that started a war was fake, a complete lie (and this is happened a number of times in history)". Although you dont have a lot of experience in posting, you have been in this forum well long enough to know that it is common practice for posters to ask other posters for examples of what they claim.

I have been here long enough for most posters to have seen my OPs and posts, and they know I dont argue for the sake of arguing. 😐

I already brought up a few examples. If you really think you're going to order me around to write a complete list of all the false flags in history, with a commentary on all of them, and if I don't you "win" this asinine "discussion" then you're off your rocker. I wasn't even posting to you in the first place, I was posting to someone else, and you interjected yourself into the discussion. And you keep proving with every post that you're only interested in trying to find a "gotcha" to (in your mind) "win" an argument, as opposed to having an actual discussion. But even an actual discussion I'm not interested in having with you, so quit harassing me. I couldn't care less what you believe, so if you believe whatever the idiot box tells you, go right ahead, you do you.
Okay let’s evaluate your position. In the entire history of the US, when were we attacked? You no doubt believe Japan attacked in 1941 and a bunch of Arab yahoos on 9/11. Any other times? Yet our leaders have had us at war nearly our entire history.

Now regarding Japan, do you know anything about FDR’s actions against them prior to December 7, 1941? If you did, you’d know their attack was provoked and FDR had foreknowledge of the attack.

Regarding 9/11, it’s clear there are numerous discrepancies in the official story.

War is a racket. Have you ever heard this famous statement?

This is probably a good topic for a thread of its own, but I think the big problem is that many people haven't yet realized that our government has been taken over by corrupt globalists who have their own agenda, and couldn't care less about truth, justice, the principles our country was founded on, or we the people.

So if someone criticizes the government's actions, or even questions an official narrative, that person becomes "anti-American" (or worse) in the eyes of those who haven't yet figured out that it's the subversive people in government who are the traitors. And that is precisely why people who put truth and principle first and DO speak out are attacked, marginalized and labeled the bad guy, when it's actually those pulling the strings who should be on the receiving end of people's ire.

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