OWS Seattle protester caught in lie


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
A 19 year old woman (Jennifer M. Fox) who looks more like a man - claims police brutality caused "her" to have a miscarriage.

Even her foster family called her a blatent liar and a "drama queen."

No basis of fact for her story whatsoever. Refused to show any medical records.

Said the father was in jail. (that part I believe)

The face of OWS.

Liberal Media ran with the story before verifying the facts.
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Nobody's talking now.

One of her foster mothers claimed she lies a lot.

The police say they are investigating her claims to document a miscarriage, but have not spoken on it yet.

Some people are mad because they think she lied.

Some people are mad because they say others are blaming the victim.

She said she had evidence but wouldn't let reporters see it.

That's pretty bad when a foster mother tells the world her foster child's history.

If I were the city of Seattle, I'd be a little more demanding of foster parents than that, make them sign a confidentiality agreement if they are going to care for a child who has problems and may not be normal for years to come due to some abuse suffered at the hands of unloving or druggie parents.

On the other hand, people who are pregnant have an obligation to keep their unborn child out of harm's way. Participating in a riot monitored by police whose duty it is to protect the lives and property of those who are being attacked by rioters could be classified as child neglect if the baby were strapped to them on the outside.

It's a very unfortunate and unique case, and the claimant should be examined for evidence she has lost a child recently.

If the police find her story is untrue, I hope the courts will insure these tests are done, to make sure she can't go after the city if she's not being upfront.
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she is a lying bitch

Why so angry? Did the alleged lie adversely affect you?

Does his/her anger adversely affect you?

His anger won’t affect you one iota. However her alleged lie could affect you depending on where you live and if your tax dollars are going into the investigation to determine if the cops kicked her in the stomach as she claimed. There is video which shows the exact opposite of what she claims. She was never kicked in the stomach.

Local News | Occupy protester's miscarriage claim questioned | Seattle Times Newspaper
Same thing as with Amanda Knox (guilty as sin IMO) and the Barefoot Bandit.

Crimminals made out to be heoros by the lib media
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This incident still really, really bothers me that if she told them she was pregnant, and they hit her in the stomach and sprayed her anyway, they should have been more cautious, removed her from the fracas and harm's way, and then going back and doing what they had to do.

This case is over my head, but if police have to give criminals a miranda warning, this woman should have been given the benefit of the doubt, no matter what.

If she does come up with proof that they hit her and sprayed her and that she was pregnant, they likely did cause the death of her unborn child.

I'm sorry this happened. Crowd control could be chaotic if everyone screamed "I'm pregnant" at the same time. It's just over my head.
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Same thing as with Amanda Knox (guilty as sin IMO) and the Barefoot Bandit.

Crimminals made out to be heoros by the lib media
I read everything I could find on this case, ginscpy. There just isn't enough known about this, but the case brings up two issues that are clear in my mind:
(1) The best medical knowledge in the world teaches men not to harass, hit, or harm a woman. It could injure her or render her sterile. Yeah, yeah, yeah, 19-year olds do dumb stuff, but this one said something to the riot police that should have sent off alarm bells to their consciences. It didn't. They hit her and they sprayed her. That in and of itself is what I would go after if I were representing hers' and other womens' rights to live life free of being harassed, hit, or harmed by someone with a weapon. Apparently, someone picked up a bicycle and shoved the tire into her baby-carrying region out of sheer stupidity or meanness, separate from crowd control.

(2) The young woman's former PUBLICLY-PAID foster mother said things that were damaging about her on her worst day. That was low. If I had my money used on paying somebody to take care of an unwanted child, I'd be very unhappy with them. Parenting means loving that child you raise and not humiliating that child in public for his or her entire life through based on information you have from years gone by. If I were a lawyer, I'd go over the area's rules and guidelines to see if there were a confidentiality clause built into foster caring for a child. If there weren't I'd beat myself up seeing to it another foster parent would never, never again badmouth anyone they were charged with raising like a member of their own family. Yeah, difficult kids are a challenge, but they have the same right to privacy from a bullying mouth as the rest of us who had real parents who put the stupid stuff we did as children behind them after we left home.

That young woman is in a world of hurt. Someone needs to be her advocate who will not let the henpeckers of society further henpeck her to death by getting her some kind of justice for what happened to her.

Medically, it was unwise to hit the young woman in the stomach.

Psychologically, the young woman should have regular psychiatric care to help her avoid being a nuisance to herself and others, because she isn't doing to well at it after the way she was rased with someone who hated her so much they just had to go public with badmouthing her to death.

Psychiatry is also a medical issue.
Well, I slept on it.

The problem this incident raises is so underlying to who we are as a people it isn't funny.

Do First Amendment Rights give people the right to walk on a train and demand free transportation?

Do First Amendment rights give people the right to dress as they wish?

Do First Amendment rights give people the right to assemble in public?

Do First Amendment rights give people to squat on a terminal basis sidewalks, bicycle lanes, public streets, city parks, and the like?

Do First Amendment rights give pregnant women the right to put their unborn child in harm's way by engaging in riots that would bring down police on her resistance to move when she was told to move out of the way or stop squatting there?

Do cities have the responsibility to monitor the safety of everyone participating or caught up in mob noncooperation and insistence on breaking city ordinances?

Who are we as a people?

What are our responsibilities to the unborn?

If we have responsibilities to the unborn, is the responsibility joint between the pregnant woman and guardians of the streets?

How are the guardians of the streets supposed to know a woman who looks like a man is a woman and she is pregnant?

I think someone said "she looked like a man" in one of the articles furnished here.

It almost smells like a set up to harass the police with a guilt trip.

I recommend the city this happened in put a curfew of into effect for a while and make the protesters go home to give police adequate time to rest and be ready for the next day, have public protesters agree to pay for police services, and restrict their time and space to a couple of hours once per year per public grievance.

And I think Presidents who encourage the nonstop ballyhooing, destruction of public and private property, and unlimited police protection should leave office for encouraging public nuisancy.

Why are we letting this push to communism go on forever?

These people screaming to take away other people's rightful stock holdings--what gives them the right to vacation on the streets and demand police protection 24/7 when they have no interest in paying for this assault and diminishment of the institution that job-giving businesses are in this time of high unemployment?

Just who are we as a people, and why are we tolerating any kind of publicly-sponsored education that preaches chaos of endless protests to school children, history students, and future leaders attending Harvard?
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Questioning the Accuracy of Jennifer M. Fox's Claim

UPDATE at 4:18 PM: Acting on an anonymous tip, we heard that Seattle police found Fox in a house nearly nine weeks ago. According to a police report in which the names have been redacted, a suspect who appears to have a three-letter last name “said she is three months pregnant… and began crying when [a suspect] was arrested. [The person with a three-letter last name] began holding her stomach and screaming that it hurt.” The woman was transferred to Harborview Medical Center. We are attempting to contact Fox to ask if she is the woman in the police report.


I've seen nothing from any legit news outlets supporting Ms. Fox's pregnancy claims. I'll keep digging.
There are repositories of pictures of Jennifer M. Fox being carried by another protester, police pepper spraying Occupy protesters, and an 84-year-old woman being helped away from the spray scene with bloody eyes. There is a scene of people blocking traffic. link

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