Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress
LMAO here's what YOU said idiot, "You realize that the Constitution itself says that it's a flawed document" I'll just save time and call you a liar. Now talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
She can give the baby up for adoption...why is the baby given the death penalty for the actions of the rapist?
You do know that pregnancy can be fatal. Childbirth can be fatal.

Sadly, about 700 women die each year in the United States as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many changes. These changes are entirely normal, but may become very important in case there are complications or problems.
The REAL ISSUE is that the radical left refuses to accept any outcome. Give them legal abortion at 14 weeks and they will demand 20 weeks. Hell give them late term baby abortions up until birth and they will demand the right to kill a baby up to 1 year after it's birth.

You can't negotiate with the radical left, they are insane.
LMAO here's what YOU said idiot, "You realize that the Constitution itself says that it's a flawed document" I'll just save time and call you a liar. Now talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
The constitution declares that it requires changing, hence that it is flawed (not perfect).

Just like I said.
The constitution declares that it requires changing, hence that it is flawed (not perfect).

Just like I said.
And yet again you are making shit up. It doesn't say that. I'll quote you to save time, "The constitution declares that it requires changing" wrong! Obviously you are a big fat liar and I'm done with you, you may go now I give you permission. :itsok:
The extremes of both major partys battle for winner take all.
USA history shows us some common colletive sense would serve us better.
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Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice​

Since conservatism is nothing more than progressivism running 5mph under the speed limit in the inside lane on the freeway to oblivion with the emergency flashers on, I‘ll grant that overturning Roe is not conservative. Nor is it radical though.
Reactionary, that greatest of sins in the communist doctrine, comes closer to an accurate description.
Still does. But that does NOT INCLUDE any alleged right to take an innocent human life.

Interesting use of the term "innocent human". The roman catholic church has as a fundamental tenet, that babies are not "innocent humans"
The REAL ISSUE is that the radical left refuses to accept any outcome. Give them legal abortion at 14 weeks and they will demand 20 weeks. Hell give them late term baby abortions up until birth and they will demand the right to kill a baby up to 1 year after it's birth.

You can't negotiate with the radical left, they are insane.
And the right, give them the right to bear firearms, they will demand the right to machine guns. Give them that, and they will demand the right to destructive devices like cannon, or mortar, or bazooka. Grant them that, and they will demand nuclear weapons.

You see where parallels lead.
And yet again you are making shit up. It doesn't say that. I'll quote you to save time, "The constitution declares that it requires changing" wrong! Obviously you are a big fat liar and I'm done with you, you may go now I give you permission. :itsok:
The constitution says it requires changing by explicitly setting out how that process is to be performed.

No different than the constitution recognizing members of the government will commit high crimes and misdemeanors by explicitly setting out how they are to be removed from government.

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