Over 100 seniors die after receiving flu shot during study

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

Well you are, we all are. Ours is a for profit system. Sorry, but that pretty much states the system's ultimate goal, turn a profit. All else comes in at the very least as second.

Take NSAIDs and/or SSRIs. Been prescribed for decades and NSAIDS are over the counter now. Turns out both are causally related to microscopic colitis. What pray tell is the “medical” response if a patient comes in with microscopic colitis nowadays? Boy howdy are you lucky, we got something for that too. And on and on it goes until ya get to the nursing home where the first thing they do is get you off of everything and attempt to figure out where your baseline is.

Our healthcare system is a business and they're pushing product, all there is to it, you are not a human being, you are a commodity.

microscopic colitis?
Yes love, microscopic colitis, there are variations.

oh A NEW TERMINOLOGY------last time I looked at cuts of the gut there
were lymphocytes-----more or less-----at all parts of the GUT-----the appendix is
famous for them. Last time I looked -----lots of lymphocytes was called
INFLAMMATION ---------LOL @ "microscopic colitis"

There are no "cuts" love. Willful ignorance suits you.



Last edited:

I have to agree with that statement. However it might be noted that I personally have not taken a flue shot since 1971 because it always seems to give me the flue and does not appear to keep me from getting it again later on. But that might just be me and they never killed me.

LMDAO ,,, a fearful one try again and learn how to read what is in front of you not what you don't want to see can make anything NOT TRUE it is what PRO VACCINERS do DENY until they or thier kid gets fkd up from it then can't sue because why .........Oh I dunno figure it out I already know.

Seems to me that it is you who tend to fall back on foregone conclusions rather than considering what is written.


Can explain why the deaths didn't occur within the first month or so after vaccination?
Sure I can hear them talking it all over in my mind, "28 days is the cutoff day we will use in this test study as the results for ninety is too much time and too many losses occurred to tell us how bad or good the effects are of this product". GMO testing cut off early too so the tumors that came in after that magical day just simply did not count. What utter bullshit.
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .
Clicked the links within links within links within........... Let's put it in perspective, something you're not doing. Going for the "shock and outrage" value?
Millions of people receive the flu shot every year........ How many died that are allegedly tied to the vaccination?
Now for the perspective; millions of Americans eat food every day, necessary to our survival........ On average two hundred people die every year because of food allergies alone, uuuuummmmmm, maybe we should stop eating food.............
Hell on average 100K die every year from prescription medications obviously some of it is due to Rx narcotic overdose but that's just a small percentage, maybe we should stop taking our medications........
Why do we have so many people that are allergic to peanuts and other food products now? Where did they all come from as they were not out there like this before.
Licorice root is the only way I would go for any Flu. Licorice root pubmed - Google Search

good to know----but licorice also has an effect on KIDNEYS------and I find it SO DISTASTEFUL---
that I pick out the black jelly beans from any handful kindly given to me. The red twizzles
are edible-----but not really all that pleasant. I could never tolerate "good 'n plenty"------
Chances are lots of common stuff is distasteful to the flu virus. One problem is "HOW DO
WE GET THE STUFF TO THEM once they invade the nose?
Its not something you would want to take or eat daily but it would be advantageous to take if you've been out among people that have any Flu viruses floating around. It can be bought as a tincture where a few drops can be used or in capsules or bulk dry product to be added to a hot cup of tea. For some viral cases they have also used an extract intravenously with positive results.

the thought of black jelly beans ----INJECTED into my veins ------makes me shiver. I am sure that the
little bugs run every time I grasp my container of TURMERIC. Licorice can do something to
kidneys that mimic some sort of disorder--------I read about it as a student-----uhm..... IT'S NONE
Yeah it can damage the Liver too if used or eaten in excess but that is not a matter of using it simply to kill viruses.

does seem that way--------???? maybe kids dying after lunch was no BIGGIE
back then
I done my part in bitching about them for years.

Monsanto - birth defects
GM crops myth
Help needed

The vaccines trigger allergic reactions in people all the time, most are too stupid to connect the research it's too scary for them.
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

I have to agree with that statement. However it might be noted that I personally have not taken a flue shot since 1971 because it always seems to give me the flue and does not appear to keep me from getting it again later on. But that might just be me and they never killed me.

My flue has never been shot. It sits on the roof in plain sight, but I don't think anyone has targeted it.
I done my part in bitching about them for years.

Monsanto - birth defects
GM crops myth
Help needed

The vaccines trigger allergic reactions in people all the time, most are too stupid to connect the research it's too scary for them.
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

does your standing mixer-----with attachments ALSO talk to you?----
does the spiralizer provide you with CONVOLUTED data?
Tell us all about your forays into the primary literature shoog.

why??----those articles are VERY BORING-------if you are looking for something
very specific-------they are ok ------but for ENTERTAINMENT reading---HARLEQUIN
ROMANCES are much better
The vaccines trigger allergic reactions in people all the time, most are too stupid to connect the research it's too scary for them.
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.
Back when that bus transmission fell on Rod the so called specialist tried to shout me down for questioning shots he had given Rod in the hospital. We did not learn until later that the shit he shot Rod up with started an irreversible soft tissue degenerative process. I would'a love'd to get my hands on that bastard and do the same to him. I know in time that bastard that was experimenting on people will get his just rewards. A chiropractor is the one that helped Rod back then. We were lucky he had enough pull in the community to get Rod away from that mad scientist type prick.
The vaccines trigger allergic reactions in people all the time, most are too stupid to connect the research it's too scary for them.
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
Afib can come from different issues depending on the person. Hawthorne berries is what a naturalist recommended for Rod and it helped with his Afib (he's had those issues since he was young adult after a heat stroke incident)
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?

Oh , well then you missed the links. oh and not to mention you deny everything put in front of you anyway.
I would say use google, but then your search would only lead you to what you want to see and or believe anyway. Oh well good luck if you get the flu shot.
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?

If anybody is naturally stupid it would be ppl like you who are so stuck on themselves and so sure of themselves they end up not knowing a fkn thing because they've bought into the very bs other doctors try to warn about.

So no you see your stupidity and being stupid far, far out measures my being stupid. In fact i'm so past you morons you can't even comprehend what many of us on here already do. None of it makes sense to you and you all can't understand WTF is laying right in front of your faces , So uhmm yeah talk about stupid.
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?

Oh , well then you missed the links. oh and not to mention you deny everything put in front of you anyway.
I would say use google, but then your search would only lead you to what you want to see and or believe anyway. Oh well good luck if you get the flu shot.

For the third time, I read the links! Are you sure you didn't drop out of school before you learned how to read?

When are you going to address the fact that FEWER people died in the study than would have been expected to die ANYWAY?
For some I think its merely a matter of not knowing where to begin to look. People have been lambasted with propaganda for so many years that's what they go with.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
At almost 78, my cholesterol is normal, my BP for the past 25 years averages 117/79, temperature avg. is 96.0 and the only defect is a right knee with zero cartilage. That will be corrected soon. The aspirin I take is 81mg. I am a walking picture of health but I am extremely lazy. I like it.
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?

Oh , well then you missed the links. oh and not to mention you deny everything put in front of you anyway.
I would say use google, but then your search would only lead you to what you want to see and or believe anyway. Oh well good luck if you get the flu shot.

For the third time, I read the links! Are you sure you didn't drop out of school before you learned how to read?

When are you going to address the fact that FEWER people died in the study than would have been expected to die ANYWAY?

Hey idiot for the third time you might have read the LINKS BUT DID YOU DUMB ASS CLICK ON THEM.. that's the point anal hole fkn click the links follow wth links , but really with jackass ignorance like you go take ten shots I don' give a fk what you believe.

Drink them if you want such ignorance from smart asses you idiots deserve your own stupidity
Potential Carcinogens, Neurotoxins, and Seizure-Causing Chemicals in the Flu Vaccine (full breakdown of ingredients)
The hand out that most people receive, believe it or not, does not include the most vital vaccine safety information when it comes to risks.

For example, this is the information sheet people receive about Fluzone® High-Dose (a flu shot that shows 105 controversial senior citizens deaths right after the clinical trials of the vaccine among other adverse effects): view the information sheet here.

And this is the insert that shows all the adverse effects that happened during and after clinical studies; severe reactions reported after the vaccine arrived on the market, and other risks:

view the insert here.

Source: Facebook. Photo by Sandra Ganey

The patient sheet is only one single-column normal-font page long and the worst side effect it mentions is headache. On the other hand, the insert is four double-column small-font pages, and the side effects include a few dozen that are severe or life-threatening, including the potential of causing death.

The shocking information found in the actual insert that doctors (and on a rare occasion, patients) receive exists for every vaccination available.

Besides the side effects, from the insert we learn about the actual vaccine ingredients. They vary by manufacturer, and some are more toxic than the other, but all have at least one controversial and unhealthy ingredient.

What Exactly is in Flu Vaccines?

ProCon.org, a source that analyzes the pros and cons of controversial issues, has listed all the vaccination ingredients by type and manufacturer.

Potential Carcinogens, Neurotoxins, and Seizure-Causing Chemicals in the Flu Vaccine (full breakdown of ingredients) | AltHealthWorks.com
This gives new meaning to the term, “conflict of interest.” Two clinical trial studies were performed to determine the safety of flu shots on elderly people. The studies, conveniently enough, were funded by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine maker. The studies were to be used as evidence of safety for the flu shot when given to elderly people. But both studies proved that the flu shot is anything but “safe,” and is in fact, a health hazard for the elderly.

Over 100 Seniors Die After Receiving Flu Shot During Study

Well there are evidential proofs all over the internet, libraries, medical journals but you sheep continue to be brainwashed into " That's not true, that's a conspiracy, well maybe when your dumbasses fall over dead your family will get to see how fake that information really was. =)

Why does the article not define what the severe adverse events (SAE) that led to to these deaths? These people could have been hit by a bus and killed. Is that considered an SAE?

While interesting, there are far too many questions that this article did not answer.

Why do people NOT BOTHER TO click the LINK and go read it .

I did read it! Why do you think I pointed out the major inconsistencies and lack of explanations in the article?

In a control group that did not get ANY shots, you would expect that out of the 30,000 people in the trial that about 600 would shuffle off this mortal coil in any given year!

Are you just naturally stupid or do you have to practice daily?

If anybody is naturally stupid it would be ppl like you who are so stuck on themselves and so sure of themselves they end up not knowing a fkn thing because they've bought into the very bs other doctors try to warn about.

So no you see your stupidity and being stupid far, far out measures my being stupid. In fact i'm so past you morons you can't even comprehend what many of us on here already do. None of it makes sense to you and you all can't understand WTF is laying right in front of your faces , So uhmm yeah talk about stupid.

Oh, so you can't answer the question you decide to attack me!

I know hate is a terrible thing, but I hate your sorry ass!

You are so fucking wrapped in in conspiracies and lies that you don't know shit from Shinola.

I should feel sorry for you, but after showing you time and time again that what you find on your conspiracy websites and fringe lunatic webpages is all utter bullshit, you would rather deflect and ignore than address the truth.

So why did fewer people die in this study than would have died if they hadn't taken part? Is is not a hard question, except for the fact that any honest answer by you shows your hyperbole is unjustified.
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
At almost 78, my cholesterol is normal, my BP for the past 25 years averages 117/79, temperature avg. is 96.0 and the only defect is a right knee with zero cartilage. That will be corrected soon. The aspirin I take is 81mg. I am a walking picture of health but I am extremely lazy. I like it.

good 81 mg is LOW DOSE-------quite safe for normal------hubby cannot do even low dose. ----
you seem----based on available data-----to be "sound" ----fit for service
That's just laziness and ignorance. My TV will tell me.

It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
At almost 78, my cholesterol is normal, my BP for the past 25 years averages 117/79, temperature avg. is 96.0 and the only defect is a right knee with zero cartilage. That will be corrected soon. The aspirin I take is 81mg. I am a walking picture of health but I am extremely lazy. I like it.
High metabolism is a good thing if you stay in good health and don't get any sidetracks Hoss. One thing you may wanna look at is a Milk Thistle supplement. It helped me after the chemical exposure with the thin skin issues. I figured if it restores the Liver cells it must restore other things too like arteries, lungs, skin, etc...I told my doc my theory and he agreed with me when I was looking for ways to stop dad's internal bleeding. The docs at that hospital that released him to go home and die had given dad six to ten days as they couldn't stop his internal bleeding. Dad waited too long to listen to what I told him he should do. The various herbs stopped the bleeding and gave him another year but if he'd started earlier who knows how many good years he could have had. He was a thirty year cancer survivor that had a 5% chance after second surgery for removal of cancer.
It is much easier to hear the doctor say " oh it's fine" or Oh it is only one in a million that get harm from them" .
1. Clueless people think the Dr. are their know it all Gods
2. Cluess never realize how kick backs are paid to many dr. for use of the drug I mean WTF DOCTORS have come out and admitted this and these zombie fks still don't get it.
Depends on the docs too. I've had more than a few come unglued when I start asking serious questions. They've reminded me pretty nastily how they've got that degree and all in attempts to shut me up when they were going to use Rod like a f'ing Guinea pig.

I went to an old chiropractor for 30 years before he died in his mid-nineties. I would not go to an MD unless he recommended it. In Ft Worth I found a former Special Forces career medic who is a chiropractor, kinesiologist and acupuncturist. Two years ago I had a chest congestion and a very dry cough that caused me to have Afib. I went to a heart specialist who wanted to give me a prescription for a blood thinner. I researched it and found that it and 2 other brands could cause irreversible fatal internal bleeding. I went to my chiropractor and he just shook his head and told me to take a daily aspirin and to eat chocolate. I followed his advise and haven't had any problems since. I never did trust doctors and never will because they are practicing and they ain't gonna practice on Ol' Hossfly.

Hoss-----old age is a RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION for anti coag meds. Ariel Sharon
died of intracerebral hemorrhage------he was anti coagulated for ---(I believe) an atrial septal
defect (little hole between the atria----or maybe it was the ventricles) I would have held
off on the anti coag because of AGE -------but it is almost impossible to PREDICT. Aspirin is ALSO
a blood thinner sweetums. Hubby almost dropped dead ------GI bleed from the single
aspirin I told him to take based on his high cholesterol and really significant family history.
You are in very very touchy territory when it comes to using anti coag -----your chiropractor
was right by conincidence. There are OTHER treatments for atrial fib.-------stay under care
At almost 78, my cholesterol is normal, my BP for the past 25 years averages 117/79, temperature avg. is 96.0 and the only defect is a right knee with zero cartilage. That will be corrected soon. The aspirin I take is 81mg. I am a walking picture of health but I am extremely lazy. I like it.
High metabolism is a good thing if you stay in good health and don't get any sidetracks Hoss. One thing you may wanna look at is a Milk Thistle supplement. It helped me after the chemical exposure with the thin skin issues. I figured if it restores the Liver cells it must restore other things too like arteries, lungs, skin, etc...I told my doc my theory and he agreed with me when I was looking for ways to stop dad's internal bleeding. The docs at that hospital that released him to go home and die had given dad six to ten days as they couldn't stop his internal bleeding. Dad waited too long to listen to what I told him he should do. The various herbs stopped the bleeding and gave him another year but if he'd started earlier who knows how many good years he could have had. He was a thirty year cancer survivor that had a 5% chance after second surgery for removal of cancer.
I agree. My chiropractor gives my wife and me supplements that after taking them for a week I can pull up a tall oak tree by the roots.

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