Outrageous! Congress acts to remove bust of Dred Scott decision author, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
I find this appalling. Chief Justice Roger Taney was an advocate for White civil rights. This is a travesty by removing this patriotic historical figure from the capitol. The founders and first Congress never intended for blacks to be citizens of the new country. Only White people. It should have stayed that way.

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I find this appalling. Chief Justice Roger Taney was an advocate for White civil rights. This is a travesty by removing this patriotic historical figure from the capitol. The founders and first Congress never intended for blacks to be citizens of the new country. Only White people. It should have stayed that way.

My question to Democrats is when will they remove the statue of former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd from the Senate hall and change the names of his many federal buildings, bridges and road in West Virginia.
My question to Democrats is when will they remove the statue of former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd from the Senate hall and change the names of his many federal buildings, bridges and road in West Virginia.
Ask them then.
Reminds me of how terrorists desroyed historical artifacts in the ME.

Wiping out evidence of your history and calling all past founding fathers and leaders racist, criminals, etc... allows those doing so the opportunity to reshape the country in their preferred Marxist image.
I find it distasteful to hide such a disgusting chapter in our history of cruelty to man. We should learn from history not hide from it.

"Taney would have been on reasonably strong ground had he limited himself to upholding the district court’s decision based on the idea that status was to be determined by the states. Alternatively, he could have held that Scott was not entitled to sue Sanford in federal court on the basis of diversity of jurisdiction, because Missouri did not allow even free African Americans to be citizens. But Taney outraged much of the North by asserting that African Americans could never be citizens of the United States. The framers, in his view, did not regard African Americans as being among the “people” for whose benefit and protection the new government was founded, notwithstanding the perfectly general language of the Declaration of Independence and of the preamble to the Constitution."

Two justices, John McLean of Ohio and Benjamin R. Curtis of Massachusetts, wrote devastating critiques of Taney’s opinion. Curtis in particular undercut most of Taney’s historical arguments, showing that African Americans had voted in a number of states at the founding. “At the time of the ratification of the Articles of Confederation,” he wrote:

All free native-born inhabitants of the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina, though descended from African slaves, were not only citizens of those States, but such of them as had the other necessary qualifications possessed the franchise of electors, on equal terms with other citizens.
Thus, Curtis argued, they were members of the nation and could not now be denied the right to claim citizenship."

Reminds me of how terrorists desroyed historical artifacts in the ME.

Pretty sure they used explosives to destroy the artifacts, not vote on resolutions to remove them to other locations.
I think they don't want reminders of tyrants and oppressors.
The Democrats are simply trying to hide their sordid history. The Democratic party is simply trying to hide their party's racism again, kinda like when they wanted to tear down statues of their fellow Democrats in Charlottsville.

Taney was a hardcore member of the Democratic party of slavery and racism.
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