Other than family, what causes racism?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Obviously, those born into racist families will likely grow up racist, but what other causes cause it? Thinking on it, since racists object to those who look different (indeed, Hitler made reference to how gypsies and orthodox Jews dressed "not assimilating into German culture" as one of his complaints) just as young children do in school making fun of the kid with glasses, or dressed poorly, or other overt differences from the majority, are racists therefore mentally retarded by the sheer fact of being racist? Obviously if their mental development ceased as young children, and they still single-out those who merely look different for persecution, is that not the behaviuour of someone clinically retarded?
Obviously, those born into racist families will likely grow up racist, but what other causes cause it? Thinking on it, since racists object to those who look different (indeed, Hitler made reference to how gypsies and orthodox Jews dressed "not assimilating into German culture" as one of his complaints) just as young children do in school making fun of the kid with glasses, or dressed poorly, or other overt differences from the majority, are racists therefore mentally retarded by the sheer fact of being racist? Obviously if their mental development ceased as young children, and they still single-out those who merely look different for persecution, is that not the behaviuour [sic] of someone clinically retarded?

So, every spiteful liberal who makes fun of Gov. Christie for being fat is "retarded"?
What's the difference between Detroit and Boston
People who constantly accuse others of being racist can encourage animosity, with the potential to lead to them eventually meeting that expectation from both the accused and their "victims" towards one another...the race baiters need to keep the pot stirred and the divide wide to accomplish their agenda.
Living in Los Angeles around many different races.

I learned racism on my own, I learned the Asian race on average was polite, peaceful and intelligent followed by whites who are close in the same nature.

I also learned on average that hispanics are not so polite, peaceful and intelligent followed by the negro who on average is rude, violent and unintelligent.
One of the best ways I know to create racism is to promote one color over another.

The best way to create bigotry is to attack people for their faith.

The best way to create social unrest is to maintain that the group of people from one geographical location are somehow inferior to those from another.
Obviously, those born into racist families will likely grow up racist, but what other causes cause it? Thinking on it, since racists object to those who look different (indeed, Hitler made reference to how gypsies and orthodox Jews dressed "not assimilating into German culture" as one of his complaints) just as young children do in school making fun of the kid with glasses, or dressed poorly, or other overt differences from the majority, are racists therefore mentally retarded by the sheer fact of being racist? Obviously if their mental development ceased as young children, and they still single-out those who merely look different for persecution, is that not the behaviuour of someone clinically retarded?

Actually it is Human nature to fear what is different. Education when properly applied teaches most people that it is not acceptable to fear simply because of a different color look or mannerism.

Are you suggesting that most inner city black families are life long racists from racist families in the past?
The number one cause of racism is spending time surrounded by blacks...nothing makes a racist faster. Hang out in the hood in detoilet and come back and tell me how we are all the same.
The number one cause of racism is spending time surrounded by blacks...nothing makes a racist faster. Hang out in the hood in detoilet and come back and tell me how we are all the same.

How true! Being surrounded by Africans is a death sentence. You don't have to be Einstein to figure that one out.
The number one cause of racism is spending time surrounded by blacks...nothing makes a racist faster. Hang out in the hood in detoilet and come back and tell me how we are all the same.

How true! Being surrounded by Africans is a death sentence. You don't have to be Einstein to figure that one out.

You don't have to be Epstein to figure out how irrational that statement was.
What makes people racist is an accusation by those who have a political motivation to do so or those completely ridden with an irrational guilt.
I think what causes racism is simply fear. Its the cause of alot of other social maladies as well.

I agree. I would also say lack of exposure to cultures outside ones own, as well as overexposure to people who are less educated and less traveled.
Obviously, those born into racist families will likely grow up racist, but what other causes cause it? Thinking on it, since racists object to those who look different (indeed, Hitler made reference to how gypsies and orthodox Jews dressed "not assimilating into German culture" as one of his complaints) just as young children do in school making fun of the kid with glasses, or dressed poorly, or other overt differences from the majority, are racists therefore mentally retarded by the sheer fact of being racist? Obviously if their mental development ceased as young children, and they still single-out those who merely look different for persecution, is that not the behaviuour [sic] of someone clinically retarded?

So, every spiteful liberal who makes fun of Gov. Christie for being fat is "retarded"?


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