Tucker Carlson went there: says “It’s time we talked about the elite pedophilia problem”

The British royals, the powerful people in the Canadian govt- this disgusting & evil perversion is all over & it's not even hidden very well.
It's like they want those of us who pay attention to know they know we are watching them & they don't care.
The elites give a giant FU to the world & most of the masses of sheeple can't be bothered to pay attention to anything unless it touches them personally
After an HeirHead Meets His Guillotine, Where His Head Was There Will Only Be Air

Logically, this exclusively upper-class Gayism comes from the fear that the diabolic dynasties will have too many heirs and split the original inheritance up so each generation gets less and less. Inheritances are designed to last for hundreds of years. A degenerate 1960s heiress, who financed the junk art of Andy Warhol, was supported by funds that originated in the 1730s.
I'm pretty sure you can't get to the top of our Intel agencies unless you've been filmed having sex with children of both sexes on multiple occasions.

It's no surprise HSA, FBI, CIA, et. al. all allow human trafficking.

Human trafficking in the USA is treated like drug trafficking in South America: they do juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust barely enough to make you think they take it seriously but allow 99.99999% of it to continue unabated
I'm pretty sure you can't get to the top of our Intel agencies unless you've been filmed having sex with children of both sexes on multiple occasions.

It's no surprise HSA, FBI, CIA, et. al. all allow human trafficking.

Human trafficking in the USA is treated like drug trafficking in South America: they do juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust barely enough to make you think they take it seriously but allow 99.99999% of it to continue unabated
I have to admit, this is like, the first time, Glen Beck, has really out done himself, and really gone out on the limb. He even admitted, this is the most important interview he ever did, when he interviewed Whitney. I was shocked that he did, IMO? That is career suicide.

Naturally, James Corbett does this type of stuff all the time. James' Interview 1764, (which can be found at his website,) and Glen Becks' podcast Ep 162, which can be found on YouTube, both interview Whitney Webb, on her recently released two volume book, investigating the nexus of the intel agencies & organized crime, which gave rise to networks like those under the control of Epstein.

It isn't a good look for any of our leaders that let this continue. Not Reagan, not Trump, not Biden, not any of them. I won't post a lot of links to this content, if folks want to dig, they can find it. . . it will cause massive cognitive dissonance for most folks, on both sides of the political spectrum.

Finally someone is saying something about the powerful deviants exploiting kids.
And if anyone thinks this is just a some wild conspiracy theory, wake up & look how in-your-face they are now.
I would bet this is happening in the power centers all over the world as well.
Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is nothing more corrupting than to abuse the most innocent & evil has always targeted children.

A bunch of penthouse pederasts.
Diddlers on the Roof are being called out, exposed to the light & it's about time

Carlson discussed how those at the highest levels of politics, finance, and entertainment are child predators who feast on innocence to fuel their globalist endeavors. He also talked about Jeffrey Epstein, who even after being arrested for having sexual relations with minors was still hobnobbing it up with the likes of Oprah.

“How did he do that?” Carlson asked during the segment. “Why didn’t anybody say anything? Why did people keep eating with him?”

“Well, at the very least, we can conclude, based on the evidence that there is a tolerance for pedophilia among some, among the most powerful in our society, a tolerance that you would not find in, say, your average middle class American family.” (Related: Remember when Tucker Carlson called out the January 6 “insurrectionists” as FBI assets?)

Anyone who calls out pedophilia is attacking the LGBT community, say leftists

There is also a problem of companies that cater to the rich, Balenciaga being one of the most prominent, throwing in people’s faces that the so-called “elite” are kiddy-diddlers who revel in flaunting it to the public.

Balenciaga recently ran an advertising campaign depicting numerous examples of sex with children. In one of them, a very young girl was seen lying face down on a couch surrounded by candles, empty wine glasses, and a dog collar on the coffee table.

In another Balenciaga ad, the same girl, now shown clearly to be a toddler, is seen holding a teddy bear while dressed in sexual bondage gear, replete with a leather harness.

Displaying this kind of obscene wickedness is the new norm among the uber-wealthy, by the way, who obtained much of their wealth from taxpayers. America really is the sickest kind of system you can imagine, and all right in your face.

“That picture showed pages from a Supreme Court opinion that struck down a law designed to fight child pornography,” Carlson explained about how this Balenciaga ad series was deliberately designed to mock the public in this manner.

“Whoever staged the photo shoot made certain to include a portion of that opinion that use the word ‘sex’ or ‘sexual’ four times and of course, that was not an accident. Balenciaga wanted you to notice. This seemed like a big story to us as we told you last night. Here you have a major international retail brand promoting kiddie porn and sex with children and not promoting it subtly, but right out in the open.”

The corporate-controlled media on the Left, meanwhile, along with leftist politicians, insist that calling out this perversion and wickedness is wrong because it represents an attack on the “LGBT community.”

In other words, molesting, raping, and now mutilating children with transgenderism are all just different colors on the LGBT “rainbow” that should be respected as other people living “their truth.”

This is the position of Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who is among the many seen wining and dining with Epstein following his arrest. Is Adams a pedophile, too? What about Oprah?

“The media have no interest in covering the sexualization of children,” Carlson says. “Their interest – and it’s a very intense interest, tellingly – is in destroying anyone who complains about the sexualization of children or who even notices it. Noticing it, they tell us, is an attack on the LGBT community.”

And once again, IDC what about the opinions of those that defend this & can't figure out how many masks to wear when swimming
Lil'tucker, like the rest of the MAGAt crowd, sure likes to fantasize about pedophilia.
Check out this whore. She divorced her husband because he wore a MAGA hat, but she wants to have a conversation with Balenciaga and hear their side of the story:

She forgot to end it with, and how can I get involved!
Lil'tucker, like the rest of the MAGAt crowd, sure likes to fantasize about pedophilia.
Is it your contention that the whole Epstein/Maxwell saga is hokum, and that it is not at all suspicious that the public never found out the details of who these people were catering to?

Do you think the public should just forget about this whole affair, and turn a blind eye to child trafficking, is that it?

Do you think it is all a lie, is that it?

Is disparaging Tucker and an entire political ideology, the best tactic you have, to gas-light folks on this topic?
Finally someone is saying something about the powerful deviants exploiting kids.
And if anyone thinks this is just a some wild conspiracy theory, wake up & look how in-your-face they are now.
I would bet this is happening in the power centers all over the world as well.
Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is nothing more corrupting than to abuse the most innocent & evil has always targeted children.

A bunch of penthouse pederasts.
Diddlers on the Roof are being called out, exposed to the light & it's about time

Carlson discussed how those at the highest levels of politics, finance, and entertainment are child predators who feast on innocence to fuel their globalist endeavors. He also talked about Jeffrey Epstein, who even after being arrested for having sexual relations with minors was still hobnobbing it up with the likes of Oprah.

“How did he do that?” Carlson asked during the segment. “Why didn’t anybody say anything? Why did people keep eating with him?”

“Well, at the very least, we can conclude, based on the evidence that there is a tolerance for pedophilia among some, among the most powerful in our society, a tolerance that you would not find in, say, your average middle class American family.” (Related: Remember when Tucker Carlson called out the January 6 “insurrectionists” as FBI assets?)

Anyone who calls out pedophilia is attacking the LGBT community, say leftists

There is also a problem of companies that cater to the rich, Balenciaga being one of the most prominent, throwing in people’s faces that the so-called “elite” are kiddy-diddlers who revel in flaunting it to the public.

Balenciaga recently ran an advertising campaign depicting numerous examples of sex with children. In one of them, a very young girl was seen lying face down on a couch surrounded by candles, empty wine glasses, and a dog collar on the coffee table.

In another Balenciaga ad, the same girl, now shown clearly to be a toddler, is seen holding a teddy bear while dressed in sexual bondage gear, replete with a leather harness.

Displaying this kind of obscene wickedness is the new norm among the uber-wealthy, by the way, who obtained much of their wealth from taxpayers. America really is the sickest kind of system you can imagine, and all right in your face.

“That picture showed pages from a Supreme Court opinion that struck down a law designed to fight child pornography,” Carlson explained about how this Balenciaga ad series was deliberately designed to mock the public in this manner.

“Whoever staged the photo shoot made certain to include a portion of that opinion that use the word ‘sex’ or ‘sexual’ four times and of course, that was not an accident. Balenciaga wanted you to notice. This seemed like a big story to us as we told you last night. Here you have a major international retail brand promoting kiddie porn and sex with children and not promoting it subtly, but right out in the open.”

The corporate-controlled media on the Left, meanwhile, along with leftist politicians, insist that calling out this perversion and wickedness is wrong because it represents an attack on the “LGBT community.”

In other words, molesting, raping, and now mutilating children with transgenderism are all just different colors on the LGBT “rainbow” that should be respected as other people living “their truth.”

This is the position of Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who is among the many seen wining and dining with Epstein following his arrest. Is Adams a pedophile, too? What about Oprah?

“The media have no interest in covering the sexualization of children,” Carlson says. “Their interest – and it’s a very intense interest, tellingly – is in destroying anyone who complains about the sexualization of children or who even notices it. Noticing it, they tell us, is an attack on the LGBT community.”

And once again, IDC what about the opinions of those that defend this & can't figure out how many masks to wear when swimming

Wait, he's finally criticizing the Vatican and the Southern Baptist leadership? About fukken time.
I have to admit, this is like, the first time, Glen Beck, has really out done himself, and really gone out on the limb. He even admitted, this is the most important interview he ever did, when he interviewed Whitney. I was shocked that he did, IMO? That is career suicide.

Naturally, James Corbett does this type of stuff all the time. James' Interview 1764, (which can be found at his website,) and Glen Becks' podcast Ep 162, which can be found on YouTube, both interview Whitney Webb, on her recently released two volume book, investigating the nexus of the intel agencies & organized crime, which gave rise to networks like those under the control of Epstein.

It isn't a good look for any of our leaders that let this continue. Not Reagan, not Trump, not Biden, not any of them. I won't post a lot of links to this content, if folks want to dig, they can find it. . . it will cause massive cognitive dissonance for most folks, on both sides of the political spectrum.

Agreed. I, foolishly, considered that Trump was enough of an "outsider" - don't laugh - that he would orchestrate what I kept calling the "Corleone Baptism" and send the heads of DOJ, ALL Intel Agencies and most of the military leadership packing in one game changing, nation changing move.
Agreed. I, foolishly, considered that Trump was enough of an "outsider" - don't laugh - that he would orchestrate what I kept calling the "Corleone Baptism" and send the heads of DOJ, ALL Intel Agencies and most of the military leadership packing in one game changing, nation changing move.
I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to believe that. Hope is a wonderful thing.

I knew, nothing was going to happen as long as folks and the establishment were still in denial about so many lies.

The media is so corrupt, if the establishment helps put someone there, it is for a reason. IT was too easy.

I remember the lies, and shadow censorship, and how the folks in charge of the game changing the rules, that surrounded folks like Ross Perot and Ron Paul, those are signals of when a real outsider is threatening to break into the inner circle, and seize the throne for interests of the people.

Trump's coronation? Naw, that was too easy.

You probably missed this post, back in 2016.

This? This looked like a dinner among friends, not rivals.

Is it your contention that the whole Epstein/Maxwell saga is hokum, and that it is not at all suspicious that the public never found out the details of who these people were catering to?

Do you think the public should just forget about this whole affair, and turn a blind eye to child trafficking, is that it?

Do you think it is all a lie, is that it?

Is disparaging Tucker and an entire political ideology, the best tactic you have, to gas-light folks on this topic?

theres a reason not one single name has come out; 90 percent of them are guilty and have proof on eachother.
both klaus schwab and his bumbuddy dr harrari are gay. why do you think the wef is so powerful and has so much influence on world governments? because they have evidence of most of the elites engaging in child sex.
trudeau/ biden/ world leaders admire this faggot.


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klaus' best man, advisor, also gay.

Is Yuval Noah Harari gay? - Quora

Answer (1 of 4): Yes, he is. For reference, see the last of his answers in today's TOI interview, where he starting saying "My husband may not like me saying this". But then why does it matter. He is a big picture guy in most sense of the word, and though I'm not a big fan of Sapiens, though sti...


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Finally someone is saying something about the powerful deviants exploiting kids.
And if anyone thinks this is just a some wild conspiracy theory, wake up & look how in-your-face they are now.
I would bet this is happening in the power centers all over the world as well.
Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is nothing more corrupting than to abuse the most innocent & evil has always targeted children.

A bunch of penthouse pederasts.
Diddlers on the Roof are being called out, exposed to the light & it's about time

Carlson discussed how those at the highest levels of politics, finance, and entertainment are child predators who feast on innocence to fuel their globalist endeavors. He also talked about Jeffrey Epstein, who even after being arrested for having sexual relations with minors was still hobnobbing it up with the likes of Oprah.

“How did he do that?” Carlson asked during the segment. “Why didn’t anybody say anything? Why did people keep eating with him?”

“Well, at the very least, we can conclude, based on the evidence that there is a tolerance for pedophilia among some, among the most powerful in our society, a tolerance that you would not find in, say, your average middle class American family.” (Related: Remember when Tucker Carlson called out the January 6 “insurrectionists” as FBI assets?)

Anyone who calls out pedophilia is attacking the LGBT community, say leftists

There is also a problem of companies that cater to the rich, Balenciaga being one of the most prominent, throwing in people’s faces that the so-called “elite” are kiddy-diddlers who revel in flaunting it to the public.

Balenciaga recently ran an advertising campaign depicting numerous examples of sex with children. In one of them, a very young girl was seen lying face down on a couch surrounded by candles, empty wine glasses, and a dog collar on the coffee table.

In another Balenciaga ad, the same girl, now shown clearly to be a toddler, is seen holding a teddy bear while dressed in sexual bondage gear, replete with a leather harness.

Displaying this kind of obscene wickedness is the new norm among the uber-wealthy, by the way, who obtained much of their wealth from taxpayers. America really is the sickest kind of system you can imagine, and all right in your face.

“That picture showed pages from a Supreme Court opinion that struck down a law designed to fight child pornography,” Carlson explained about how this Balenciaga ad series was deliberately designed to mock the public in this manner.

“Whoever staged the photo shoot made certain to include a portion of that opinion that use the word ‘sex’ or ‘sexual’ four times and of course, that was not an accident. Balenciaga wanted you to notice. This seemed like a big story to us as we told you last night. Here you have a major international retail brand promoting kiddie porn and sex with children and not promoting it subtly, but right out in the open.”

The corporate-controlled media on the Left, meanwhile, along with leftist politicians, insist that calling out this perversion and wickedness is wrong because it represents an attack on the “LGBT community.”

In other words, molesting, raping, and now mutilating children with transgenderism are all just different colors on the LGBT “rainbow” that should be respected as other people living “their truth.”

This is the position of Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who is among the many seen wining and dining with Epstein following his arrest. Is Adams a pedophile, too? What about Oprah?

“The media have no interest in covering the sexualization of children,” Carlson says. “Their interest – and it’s a very intense interest, tellingly – is in destroying anyone who complains about the sexualization of children or who even notices it. Noticing it, they tell us, is an attack on the LGBT community.”

And once again, IDC what about the opinions of those that defend this & can't figure out how many masks to wear when swimming
They're to busy with kayne and Hitler

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