Only criminals are against gun-free zones


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Only criminals are against gun-free zones.

You know, the term "gun free zones" has been misused by the gun lovers. They will try to convince you that it means that because it is a gun free zone, that means criminals will go there more often to kill, because there aren't supposed to be guns there.

Only problem is, that is kind of a misnomer. Gun free zones means that if you are caught with a gun, or committing a crime with a gun in those places, they tack on another felony. Before they had the gun free zone law, a person who committed a shooting in a place like a school would be charged only with the shooting and the other charges that go with it.

But because of the gun free zone law, there is another felony tacked on top of all the other charges.

I like the idea of gun free zones, because if a person commits a crime in them with a gun, they can go away for an extra 5 to 10 years.
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.
Oooo....I'm sure that extra 5-10 years really makes that life sentence with no parole a real stinger!
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.
Meanwhile law abiding firearms carrying people can not carry there so can not respond when a random shooting occurs. As was shown in parkland the gunman reloaded at least 5 times because no one as able to stop him.
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.
Meanwhile law abiding firearms carrying people can not carry there so can not respond when a random shooting occurs. As was shown in parkland the gunman reloaded at least 5 times because no one as able to stop him.

Hey, schools can make exceptions for the school officers, as well as school officials that they have. Only thing is, when the schools get an officer who is supposed to stop gunmen in the school, they need to make sure they get one that is capable of doing the job and not running off and hiding like that one officer did.
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.

If any school shooter is taken alive, he's already going to get life in prison or execution. Most states already have laws that automatically add more prison time for any crime committed with a gun. This is more liberal feel-good nonsense.

If just two or three of the Parkland teachers had been armed, many lives might have been saved.

Think about it: Which school will a killer choose as his target: a school where he knows that some of the teachers are armed or a school where he knows that none of the teachers are armed?
Schools are "gun-free zones." How's that working out?

Again....................because they are called "gun free zones", anyone caught with an unauthorized gun, or caught committing a crime in them has extra charges tacked on to their shooting charges. That law allows the courts to tack on even more time for crimes committed in places like schools.

Granted, it's not much solace if the gunman kills themselves, but if they are taken alive, they get an extra 5 to 10 years on top of their original charges.

If any school shooter is taken alive, he's already going to get life in prison or execution. Most states already have laws that automatically add more prison time for any crime committed with a gun. This is more liberal feel-good nonsense.

If just two or three of the Parkland teachers had been armed, many lives might have been saved.

Think about it: Which school will a killer choose as his target: a school where he knows that some of the teachers are armed or a school where he knows that none of the teachers are armed?

Again..................the schools can make exceptions for school officials or officers assigned to protect the school. And, if all schools put out that they had armed personnel (even if they didn't), it might make all shooters think twice about going there.

Besides.................if a school does arm their teachers, they generally don't make that public knowledge, nor do they advertise which ones are armed.
Gun free zones are a great idea. Someone planning a mass killing knows that there will be no guns around so they have no worries of being shot at.

Once you have decided to kill one or a number of people I really doubt that adding a few extra years on to a life sentence or death by lethal injection would tend to enter into the persons thought process.

The only thing that a gun free zone does is make some people feel better. While making a better target for those that have nefarious plans because it will be a longer reaction time.
Gun free zones are a great idea. Someone planning a mass killing knows that there will be no guns around so they have no worries of being shot at.

Once you have decided to kill one or a number of people I really doubt that adding a few extra years on to a life sentence or death by lethal injection would tend to enter into the persons thought process.

The only thing that a gun free zone does is make some people feel better. While making a better target for those that have nefarious plans because it will be a longer reaction time.

If they only knew how many guns are in gun free zones .....
Gun free zones mean the same to the kind of chicken shit punk who would murder a baby as a raw steak does to hungry lion. Fresh meat easy.
Anyone with even a peanut sized brain knows that is a dumb idea.
The fact that dimshit lovers like it is evidence enough to remove any doubt.
Gun free zones are a great idea. Someone planning a mass killing knows that there will be no guns around so they have no worries of being shot at.

Once you have decided to kill one or a number of people I really doubt that adding a few extra years on to a life sentence or death by lethal injection would tend to enter into the persons thought process.

The only thing that a gun free zone does is make some people feel better. While making a better target for those that have nefarious plans because it will be a longer reaction time.

An interesting thing...................after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas school shooting, a Republican said we need to end gun free zones.

GOP state rep calls for end to gun-free zones after Florida shooting

But, in this article about the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas school shooting, there was an ARMED SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, who failed to do their job and stayed outside instead of going in and confronting the gunman.

Florida school shooting: School resource deputy stayed outside - CNN

So, even in places that are designated as gun free zones, there can still be armed people authorized to be there with guns. And, like I said, if you are going to arm someone to protect the students, make sure they have the stones to do the job and not puss out like the school resource officer did.
Yes but only the jerkoff who played chicken shit at M Stoneman had one. If there had been a person there with CC permit he could have done what he needed to do. Gun free zones did not stop a single school shooting no gun law did, no law you can pass will. Any argument to the contrary is a LIE. All of the BS and hype has not introduced a single solution besides lockdown and arm up. Letting Any legal firearm owner carry freely and having a competent guard will protect a target. All you have todo is greet all visitors and have a metal detector. If they are armed and have an ECC let them in if not send them to the office and keep their gun locked in a safe till they leave.
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Gun free zones are a great idea. Someone planning a mass killing knows that there will be no guns around so they have no worries of being shot at.

Once you have decided to kill one or a number of people I really doubt that adding a few extra years on to a life sentence or death by lethal injection would tend to enter into the persons thought process.

The only thing that a gun free zone does is make some people feel better. While making a better target for those that have nefarious plans because it will be a longer reaction time.

An interesting thing...................after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas school shooting, a Republican said we need to end gun free zones.

GOP state rep calls for end to gun-free zones after Florida shooting

But, in this article about the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas school shooting, there was an ARMED SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, who failed to do their job and stayed outside instead of going in and confronting the gunman.

Florida school shooting: School resource deputy stayed outside - CNN

So, even in places that are designated as gun free zones, there can still be armed people authorized to be there with guns. And, like I said, if you are going to arm someone to protect the students, make sure they have the stones to do the job and not puss out like the school resource officer did.
So you want gun free zones that are not gun free zones? That's kind of screwed up. It is or it isn't. Kind of like a "stay off the grass unless you walk on it" sign.

Guy was probably thinking it was a cake job. Walk around looking self important. Nothing else to do. Probably never thought about what he might have to do. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero or even have a little guts.

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