Women are being spat on outside my abortion clinic. Where is the safe zone we’re legally entitled to?

Again you abuse this impressive professional woman. You are just a genocide apologist. She is your next President.. If blowjobs are immoral then all Amerrica, including you, is doomed.
The antisemite defends the idiot woman, solely because she is black, and of course a woman.

And blowjobs aren’t immoral. What is immoral is using them as trading currency to move up the ranks, and with a married man. It’s actually a form of prostitution, the way the DEI idiot used it.

A shocking situation. I know from seeing unhinged comments on here that these people are fanatics and cant be reasoned with. Impose these zones and let them "pray" 150 metres away.
They have aused their right to protest. They pissed it up against the wall.
Fuck em.
The safe zone is the same size as the zone around Supreme Court justices homes in which protests intended to change their rulings are not allowed.
There are some true Crazies on this board.
The safe zone is the same size as the zone around Supreme Court justices homes in which protests intended to change their rulings are not allowed.
There should be a safe zone on college campuses where Jewish students should be able to walk to the classes they paid for, as well. Notice how the only people libs care about are gays, blacks, and women seeking to abort their babies?
There should be a safe zone on college campuses where Jewish students should be able to walk to the classes they paid for, as well. Notice how the only people libs care about are gays, blacks, and women seeking to abort their babies?
Yes, they are mighty selective in their maternal feeling of protectiveness.

I don't know what the criteria is, though. They used to pander constantly to blacks, and it made sense - huge monolithic voting block.

Now they have abandoned blacks in favor of illegal aliens who (supposedly) don't vote, and trannies who they keep assuring us are a tiny fraction of a percent of the population.
Notice how the only people libs care about are gays, blacks, and women seeking to abort their babies?
Why with the constant crazy fake claims.
Have you even been on a school campus of any kind in the last 10 years?
Why with the constant crazy fake claims.
Have you even been on a school campus of any kind in the last 10 years?
And there goes the denial. It’s what deranged leftists do when there is no defense.

A shocking situation. I know from seeing unhinged comments on here that these people are fanatics and cant be reasoned with. Impose these zones and let them "pray" 150 metres away.
They have aused their right to protest. They pissed it up against the wall.
Fuck em.
I think every Welsh male should get the snip and every Welsh woman sterelized, then the UK can get rid of the shit end of society.

A shocking situation. I know from seeing unhinged comments on here that these people are fanatics and cant be reasoned with. Impose these zones and let them "pray" 150 metres away.
They have aused their right to protest. They pissed it up against the wall.
Fuck em.
Talk to Kamala WHORE. She is okay with ripping the babies out FULL TERM (you know, like the cute babies you see in the Newborn Nursery at the hospital?) Well, Kamala is okay with aborting up to FULL TERM (9 Months) and for ANY REASON. Talk to her. Too bad Kamala's parents didn't ABORT her and we would not have to be dealing with a scum sucker like Kamala. :)
There are some true Crazies on this board.


With every abortion dies a human being. When people realise this in the future, they will burn Catholic priests at the stake for these mass murders, because they did not resist and were therefore to blame.

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Winco: I guess it makes no sense to ask you where from your totally absurde idea comes an unborn human being is no human being. For example: For me who murders a pregnant woman is a double murderer. In the middle ages for example a pregnant woman was not even punishable if she did do crimes. Now sex addicted men convince women to agree to let kill her own baby in her own body. This male arrogance, intrigance, contempt of women and human life at all is ... is ... ... is ... okay - I have no English words for this absurdity of the human lifeform. I fear "A species who murders the own breed while likes to conquer the universe" is a very popular intergalactic TV-production of the series "The man-eater next door". Very creepy.
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Any Muslims want to chime in on how your community views abortion?

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