One more reason why I have no empathy for the Black Community

USAF 2023

Gold Member
Feb 22, 2012

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

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Have they fixed any of the places they burnt down?

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

History repeats. When all else fails, attack the Jew. For fuck's sake people, if not for the Jews so very much of what we love and call Western or American civilization would never have existed. Just get over yourselves already. You'd think some people believe the Jews are demons or alien invaders. Wouldn't it be cool if they were? I'm gonna go see Mr. Kreeger down the street and find out what planet he's really from. Doh . . .

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Blacks have not had the generations of anti-ism indoctrination that we whites have had.

You talk to any blacks for any extended period of time and yes, altitudes like this, that sound really jarring when coming from a white guy, come up a surprising amount.

That being said, the real issue here, imo, is not that this one guy said something ist online. He should be embarrassed.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that society as a whole will accept his apology and he will get to move on with his life intact, when a white man making a similar gaff, would be hounded until he was destroyed.

Our society is in the grip of an anti-wacist witch hunt, and the mob of sjws, who are conducting it,

are anti-white racists.

Those are the assholes we need to fight back against. BIG TIME.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Sorry, but the MAJORITY feel that way. I have had a few blacks " argue" with me that Farrakhan is not a Racist because he makes no disparaging remarks about RACE , only Religion
Just so some Research as to what other Black " leaders" have said in the past; Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, just to name a few.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

This is only ONE SMALL example. Almost every single person who was interviewed on the News was Black. When was the last time the Jews blamed shooting and Violence on blacks?

Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton and other Black Anti Semetic leaders with their disgusting disparaging remarks about Jews with no consequences.
I have had conversations with Blacks who swear that Farrakhan was not a Racist . Asked what the difference was between hating someone because of their Race vs. Religion there is no response
You are uninformed and Stupid
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This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Blacks have not had the generations of anti-ism indoctrination that we whites have had.

You talk to any blacks for any extended period of time and yes, altitudes like this, that sound really jarring when coming from a white guy, come up a surprising amount.

That being said, the real issue here, imo, is not that this one guy said something ist online. He should be embarrassed.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that society as a whole will accept his apology and he will get to move on with his life intact, when a white man making a similar gaff, would be hounded until he was destroyed.

Our society is in the grip of an anti-wacist witch hunt, and the mob of sjws, who are conducting it,

are anti-white racists.

Those are the assholes we need to fight back against. BIG TIME.

View attachment 360693

Have they fixed any of the places they burnt down?

Of course not. Where are the " Black Leaders?"
This happened in my town. Came down from Alabama to start some shit. I am convinced now, more than ever that they are trying to start a race war. Arm yourself.


This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Isn't this the same reasoning on which the entire black lives matter movement is built on?

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Blacks have not had the generations of anti-ism indoctrination that we whites have had.

You talk to any blacks for any extended period of time and yes, altitudes like this, that sound really jarring when coming from a white guy, come up a surprising amount.

That being said, the real issue here, imo, is not that this one guy said something ist online. He should be embarrassed.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that society as a whole will accept his apology and he will get to move on with his life intact, when a white man making a similar gaff, would be hounded until he was destroyed.

Our society is in the grip of an anti-wacist witch hunt, and the mob of sjws, who are conducting it,

are anti-white racists.

Those are the assholes we need to fight back against. BIG TIME.

View attachment 360693

Have they fixed any of the places they burnt down?

Of course not. Where are the " Black Leaders?"
LOL. Maybe you should get out more. If every Black person you meet is an asshole, maybe move to a different neighborhood?

Again, it amazes me that you of all people - self-identifying as part of a group who have been historically been attacked based on stereotypes - have no problem condemning an entire group based on the actions of a few.

Too bad there is no cure for stupidity. Otherwise, I would have recommended a cure. Oh well.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Blacks have not had the generations of anti-ism indoctrination that we whites have had.

You talk to any blacks for any extended period of time and yes, altitudes like this, that sound really jarring when coming from a white guy, come up a surprising amount.

That being said, the real issue here, imo, is not that this one guy said something ist online. He should be embarrassed.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that society as a whole will accept his apology and he will get to move on with his life intact, when a white man making a similar gaff, would be hounded until he was destroyed.

Our society is in the grip of an anti-wacist witch hunt, and the mob of sjws, who are conducting it,

are anti-white racists.

Those are the assholes we need to fight back against. BIG TIME.

View attachment 360693

Have they fixed any of the places they burnt down?

Of course not. Where are the " Black Leaders?"
LOL. Maybe you should get out more. If every Black person you meet is an asshole, maybe move to a different neighborhood?

Again, it amazes me that you of all people - self-identifying as part of a group who have been historically been attacked based on stereotypes - have no problem condemning an entire group based on the actions of a few.

Too bad there is no cure for stupidity. Otherwise, I would have recommended a cure. Oh well.

Your post is meaningless and rambling. What does your response have anything to do with the violence, killings, etc. especially in big Cities like Seattle,Chicago or New York?
There is no cure for stupidity. Your post proves it
This happened in my town. Came down from Alabama to start some shit. I am convinced now, more than ever that they are trying to start a race war. Arm yourself.

Sorry! I think you know what they deserve
"One more reason why I have no empathy for the Black Community"

I have known it, you know it, so why do you deny it here?
ILOVEISRAEL, you are black, born black and will remain black even after you are dead.
You should be proud you are BLACK, black as a coal miners daughter
Or as they say, black as the ace of spades
spade - Copy.jpg

"One more reason why I have no empathy for the Black Community"

I have known it, you know it, so why do you deny it here?
ILOVEISRAEL, you are black, born black and will remain black even after you are dead.
You should be proud you are BLACK, black as a coal miners daughter
Or as they say, black as the ace of spades
View attachment 454364
But when they get old their hair is white.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

They’re at the bottom of the evolutionary tree

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

I want you to show ONE instance of a Black person in America harming a Jewish person with impunity.

You should show some respect.

Black American soldiers helped to free your people when you were getting wiped out by Hitler and his boys




When people discuss WW2 and the holocaust in Europe. They leave out that Black American soldiers in the front lines in WW2 defeating the Nazis and liberating people from concentration cam[s



And yet this is the thanks we get.

Jews planning to gentrify black neighborhoods in Brooklyn.




One of the oldest Synagogues in America was built by Aaron Lopez who was one of the wealthiest slave traders on the East Coast



This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

I want you to show ONE instance of a Black person in America harming a Jewish person with impunity.

You should show some respect.

Black American soldiers helped to free your people when you were getting wiped out by Hitler and his boys




When people discuss WW2 and the holocaust in Europe. They leave out that Black American soldiers in the front lines in WW2 defeating the Nazis and liberating people from concentration cam[s



And yet this is the thanks we get.

Jews planning to gentrify black neighborhoods in Brooklyn.




One of the oldest Synagogues in America was built by Aaron Lopez who was one of the wealthiest slave traders on the East Coast


How sad. Gentrification, just another word for segregation. Racists.

This is only one SMALL example. Not every Black feels this way but the Majority do, I " care" about them just as much as they do for the Jewish Community
" World domination"; The Jewish Community makes up .002 % of the World's population. He should be more concerned with what's going on in our own Country right now with the rise in killings, etc. BLACK ON BLACK; NOT THE POLICE. He is too stupid and bigoted to know the difference

Talking about stupid and are condemning an entire group of people for the action of a few. You yourself admit that not all Blacks feel that way. As for your statement, "...but the Majority do..." how would you know? Have you interviewed every Black person on how he feels about the Jewish people?

One would have thought that you, as a person who belongs to a group that has been discriminated against by the majority, would have more empathy.

As I said, stupid and bigoted.

Blacks have not had the generations of anti-ism indoctrination that we whites have had.

You talk to any blacks for any extended period of time and yes, altitudes like this, that sound really jarring when coming from a white guy, come up a surprising amount.

That being said, the real issue here, imo, is not that this one guy said something ist online. He should be embarrassed.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that society as a whole will accept his apology and he will get to move on with his life intact, when a white man making a similar gaff, would be hounded until he was destroyed.

Our society is in the grip of an anti-wacist witch hunt, and the mob of sjws, who are conducting it,

are anti-white racists.

Those are the assholes we need to fight back against. BIG TIME.
Blacks got gas lit back in the 60's with Marxist indoctrination. Basically anything White was bad, so getting married then having kids, getting good grades, speaking proper English etc., was "acting" white.

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