Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.

Did Dems just conveniently forget what the f'ing word "illegal" means?? And their responsibility and oath to uphold our immigration laws?? Dems ignore laws they don't like and do whatever they please, it's anarchy.
They didn't forget anything.

They know what tyranny is.
Welcome to Democratic Party rule. We now have the DOJ suing Texas demanding they keep the busloads of illegals flowing into the country.

Screw 'em. Garland has no say in how states conduct their affairs. Send it to the SC where Roberts can decline the AG standing in the matter just as he told Texas they had none in the election.
Welcome to Democratic Party rule. We now have the DOJ suing Texas demanding they keep the busloads of illegals flowing into the country. Texas Governor Abbott says Hell No. Battle lines are being drawn. Will Biden order Army troops into border states to enforce their insane immigration polices?

‘The Justice Department argues Abbott’s order violates the supremacy clause of the Constitution and “directly interferes with the administration of federal immigration law,” asking the court to nullify it.

“The order would jeopardize the health and safety of noncitizens in federal government custody, federal law enforcement personnel and their families, and our communities,” Garland wrote Thursday.’


The lawsuit is perfectly appropriate and warranted; Texas is clearly in the wrong.

Such is the right’s contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.
These clowns put America last. Now the Biden Regime is suing Texas for trying to slow the flow of China Flu infested illegals into this country.

Biden is the Super Spreader King.

Proof right-wingers only know how to be rebels without a Cause. Vaccinating all persons in "custody" could be a priority.
C_Clayton_Jones And it's perfectly appropriate for a state governor to challenge a Federal government overstepping it's bounds. This is the United STATES of America not the United FEDERATION of America.
States have no authority over "entry into the Union" since 1808. Being illegals is all right-wingers know how to do, besides practicing the abomination of hypocrisy instead of any "gospel Truth".
The irony here is the DOJ is empowered to uphold and enforce the laws of the country, apparently not, so how is it Federal immigration law is excluded from their handbook? Would it not be safe to assume the DOJ has evolved into the political enforcement arm of the entrenched bureaucracy and no longer the arm of justice?
Big difference resettling a small number of legal immigrants, approved on merit, versus millions of gate crashers full of covid, that will hurt the US economy and stretch social services.
The economy will eat them up and spit them out and ask for more.
The irony here is the DOJ is empowered to uphold and enforce the laws of the country, apparently not, so how is it Federal immigration law is excluded from their handbook? Would it not be safe to assume the DOJ has evolved into the political enforcement arm of the entrenched bureaucracy and no longer the arm of justice?
Both go hand in hand and always has.

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