On the road to national suicide


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
President “Joe” Biden is demanding Congress pass a $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill. It is a mental impossibility that anyone in Congress has read this bill. It is a mathematical certainty that this bill will contribute to severe inflation and will put us way down the road to national bankruptcy.

The Democrat President and his barely held Congress propose to spy on every American’s bank account and all forms of savings accounts. This puts America quite firmly in the category of Soviet and National Socialist states of the past. This is a form of invasion of privacy that has never been seen before in free countries. It does not only presage dictatorship. It is dictatorship.

From the bottom to the top: many jurisdictions in the USA are dropping “failing” grades from their list of possible grades. That means young people who do not try, who do not acquire the absolute minimum of skills necessary to earn a living, will still graduate into what used to be called “the labor force.” This means that we will have ever more Americans with no skills. Their only activities will be watching TV, getting high on alcohol and/or drugs, and living on government handouts as they produce new generations with similar attitudes.

The hard-working and industrious will be taxed, and taxed heavily, to support the pitiful lives of the class of Americans who are simply bloodsuckers, living well from the sacrifice and sweat of decent Americans.

The rate of homicide in this country is shooting into outer space as media and leftist “judges” defend the guilty and make excuses for them instead of locking them up.

In an incredible series of imbecilic acts, the courts of this country are increasingly using “no bail” policies to immediately release even violent criminals into the national blood stream to kill, rape, rob, and terrorize again.

In a horrible melodrama come to life, as crime skyrockets, the media and leftist legislators are cutting back on police presence, demonizing police, and creating the vile fiction that the law enforcers, not the criminals, are the ones to blame for our national crime problems.

The man has a point I think. We sure as hell aren't the America that I grew up in during the 1950s. The burning, looting, and rioting that occurred last summer had to shock most decent Americans, especially when the police were told to stand down and do nothing while their city was destroyed. Unbelievable. Then I see reports of somebody being viciously attacked walking down the street because they are Asian or Jewish or whatever stupid reason, how does that not give everyone pause to wonder WTF is going on? When did it become okay to walk into a store and steal stuff off the shelf and walk out without consequence? Law and Order? Down the drain. Public safety and security? Down the drain. Election integrity? Down the drain. Trust in our gov't at any level? Down the drain. Trust in the media or our own schools? Down the drain. It's hard to look at what's going on and not think we're fucked.
President “Joe” Biden is demanding Congress pass a $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill.

Progressive Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) said on Sunday that he is confident that President Biden will be able to negotiate a compromise that will allow for both the bipartisan infrastructure package and the larger reconciliation bill to pass.

Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Khanna was asked by host Chris Wallace how Congress will lower the price of the reconciliation bill, as Democrats are considering.

Khanna responded by saying it could be done by "front-loading the benefits" or adding sunset provisions.

"But ultimately the president is an honest broker. He's gonna bring all the stakeholders together, and I trust his judgment to get a compromise,"

I don't know how you people make it through a freakin' day.

And who in the world has convinced you that you can see the future?

Holy crap. Have a cookie.
I don't know how you people make it through a freakin' day.

And who in the world has convinced you that you can see the future?

Holy crap. Have a cookie.
it is $3.5T over ten years so the sky won't fall because of the digits. I oppose it because I oppose any bill that packs so much crap in it that it doesn't look like what it is being billed as.
Progressive Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) said on Sunday that he is confident that President Biden will be able to negotiate a compromise that will allow for both the bipartisan infrastructure package and the larger reconciliation bill to pass.

Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Khanna was asked by host Chris Wallace how Congress will lower the price of the reconciliation bill, as Democrats are considering.

Khanna responded by saying it could be done by "front-loading the benefits" or adding sunset provisions.

"But ultimately the president is an honest broker. He's gonna bring all the stakeholders together, and I trust his judgment to get a compromise,"

I've seen how "sunset provisions" end up. Nobody lets go of them once they have been implemented.
Any agenda is possible, even suicide, if the media supports it. You can bet your ass(ets) that there ain't a single media type who has ever read the bill that spans about the same length as four fiction novels but they support it because they support Biden.

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