On snowflakes...

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
Wrong snowflakes voted for Clinton and could not accept that she lost to a better man then her
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
Wrong snowflakes voted for Clinton and could not accept that she lost to a better man then her
First, there was no better man than her, as you clumsily stated, as she is not a man. Second, the term snowflake has been aapplied in far more contexts than the 2016 election.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Not if those are indeed the sources creating the problems.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?

Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Not if those are indeed the sources creating the problems.
You seem to be happy to reject aspirational leadership for instigational leadership.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
"On Snowflakes" sounds like the national anthem post-AOC presidency.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
"On Snowflakes" sounds like the national anthem post-AOC presidency.
And is AOC someone else to blame?
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?

Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
The media, Hollywood, the Democrats, Muslims. These entities are not to be blamed, but overcome?
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?

Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
The media, Hollywood, the Democrats, Muslims. These entities are not to be blamed, but overcome?

^Those are all pieces of shit Anti-America scum; What's your point, faggot? Yes, they are to be overcome. Hopefully legally and without violence, yet overcome just the same. Muslim ways conflict with the Constitution, Democrats are mostly full-blown Marxist Communists (Also conflicts with Constitution), the media parrots the Democrat agenda only, so yes, they are anti American scum.
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Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
How was your vacay pilgrim?
Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
How was your vacay pilgrim?

Fantastic! I went to Marietta. That area epitomizes The Old South. It's different down in FL.
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
Very well stated!
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
Looks like you might need some help to stop being a snowflake....
How to Stop Being a Snowflake
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
Very well stated!

You say that, but I see "I know you are but what am I?", which makes a hella lame OP.

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In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?

Wrong! I need no "safe spaces", boy. I do not throw tantrums or pitch a fit if I don't get my way. It's called improvise, adapt, overcome. They used to teach something similar to that in college, now they're just cranking out snowflakes that melt at the 1st sign of conflict or conflicting ideas. If you can't assess the situation and come up with a viable solution, you're not prepared for the real world and are a snowflake. Boy, you come off like an 8th grader snowflake with your "I know you are, but what am I?" OP.
It is you to a tee!!
In our culture ntemporary parlance the word 'snowflake' has taken on a new meaning. Snowflake is applied to people who whine, complain and pass the blame for their political woes and troubles.

Whining, complaining and passing the blame. Snowflake is used as a derogatory term. Those who call others snowflakes often take a perverse pride in flinging the term to show their disdain, disgust and dismissal of what they see as delusional losers.

So, if you blame others for your problems, are you a snowflake? It could be argued so.

If you blame the press, foreigners, Muslims, social justice protesters, homosexuals, immigrants, your political opposition and critics, would that make for a snowflake too?

Of victimhood is the benchmark for being a snowflake, isn't there plenty of reasons to recognize that one political movement to be branded snowflake just as they call others snowflake?
"On Snowflakes" sounds like the national anthem post-AOC presidency.
And is AOC someone else to blame?
For what?

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