On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel


Sep 6, 2013
On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel | Mondoweiss

Last month I traveled on a two-week delegation to Palestine and Israel organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders. During my trip, I spoke with many individuals, both Israeli and Palestinian, and heard their personal stories. With every experience, my eyes were opened to the harsh reality of life in this region. I couldn’t help but feel outraged, knowing that the US government is an ally that provides major funding to the Israeli government.

Israelis are living in a state of fear that fuels much of their national policy; policy that by nature violates the rights of their Palestinian neighbors. Israel’s fear may be justified by the brutal treatment of European Jews, but does that history give Israel the right to deny human rights to Palestinians?

I thought I was prepared for the situation I found in the Palestinian communities we visited, but I was shocked at the depth of the pain I witnessed. Many Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their villages, sometimes massacred, often thrown in jail without charges. Families have been torn apart, separated by walls, barbed wire fences, and endless military checkpoints, all erected by Israel.

We met with farmers in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, north of Ramallah, who told us of how their ancient olive groves were uprooted. All around Palestine, we heard similar stories of groves being uprooted, burned, or otherwise destroyed by the Israeli military. Farming has been a way of life for the Palestinians for hundreds of years, and that life has been taken from them.

As Americans, it is hard to comprehend the severity of the situation without seeing it firsthand. It is difficult to see our connection to the human rights violations in this region, halfway across the world. In reality, we are tied to these issues because we are funding the Israeli government. Our government gives $3.1 billion per year in “military aid” to Israel while making cuts to other programs, like social security and education.

As long as our tax money is funding such oppression, we must pay attention and ask questions. It is time that we stand up and demand an end to funding human rights violations in Palestine. It is time to stop the blank check to Israel.

Since israel declared itself a state in 1948 the US has given them over 100 billion. Why? Congress cut benefits to americans while at the same time increasing aid to israsel by 500 million. How could that possibly happen? Because NO POLITICIAN is going to go up against AIPAC, they will be destroyed by the press.
OUTSTANDING POST! And which one of you Zionists said Alfalfa is an imbecile? How can you people support Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians in Israel? Starting now on Human Rights Day let us all join together in condeming Israel until Israel helps free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel | Mondoweiss

Last month I traveled on a two-week delegation to Palestine and Israel organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders. During my trip, I spoke with many individuals, both Israeli and Palestinian, and heard their personal stories. With every experience, my eyes were opened to the harsh reality of life in this region. I couldn’t help but feel outraged, knowing that the US government is an ally that provides major funding to the Israeli government.

Israelis are living in a state of fear that fuels much of their national policy; policy that by nature violates the rights of their Palestinian neighbors. Israel’s fear may be justified by the brutal treatment of European Jews, but does that history give Israel the right to deny human rights to Palestinians?

I thought I was prepared for the situation I found in the Palestinian communities we visited, but I was shocked at the depth of the pain I witnessed. Many Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their villages, sometimes massacred, often thrown in jail without charges. Families have been torn apart, separated by walls, barbed wire fences, and endless military checkpoints, all erected by Israel.

We met with farmers in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, north of Ramallah, who told us of how their ancient olive groves were uprooted. All around Palestine, we heard similar stories of groves being uprooted, burned, or otherwise destroyed by the Israeli military. Farming has been a way of life for the Palestinians for hundreds of years, and that life has been taken from them.

As Americans, it is hard to comprehend the severity of the situation without seeing it firsthand. It is difficult to see our connection to the human rights violations in this region, halfway across the world. In reality, we are tied to these issues because we are funding the Israeli government. Our government gives $3.1 billion per year in “military aid” to Israel while making cuts to other programs, like social security and education.

As long as our tax money is funding such oppression, we must pay attention and ask questions. It is time that we stand up and demand an end to funding human rights violations in Palestine. It is time to stop the blank check to Israel.

Since israel declared itself a state in 1948 the US has given them over 100 billion. Why? Congress cut benefits to americans while at the same time increasing aid to israsel by 500 million. How could that possibly happen? Because NO POLITICIAN is going to go up against AIPAC, they will be destroyed by the press.
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Just to make this clear to readers, congress has been cutting aid and benefits to americans while at the same time INCREASING aid to israel.

One must ask themselves, HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?
On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel | Mondoweiss

Last month I traveled on a two-week delegation to Palestine and Israel organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders. During my trip, I spoke with many individuals, both Israeli and Palestinian, and heard their personal stories. With every experience, my eyes were opened to the harsh reality of life in this region. I couldn’t help but feel outraged, knowing that the US government is an ally that provides major funding to the Israeli government.

Israelis are living in a state of fear that fuels much of their national policy; policy that by nature violates the rights of their Palestinian neighbors. Israel’s fear may be justified by the brutal treatment of European Jews, but does that history give Israel the right to deny human rights to Palestinians?

I thought I was prepared for the situation I found in the Palestinian communities we visited, but I was shocked at the depth of the pain I witnessed. Many Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their villages, sometimes massacred, often thrown in jail without charges. Families have been torn apart, separated by walls, barbed wire fences, and endless military checkpoints, all erected by Israel.

We met with farmers in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, north of Ramallah, who told us of how their ancient olive groves were uprooted. All around Palestine, we heard similar stories of groves being uprooted, burned, or otherwise destroyed by the Israeli military. Farming has been a way of life for the Palestinians for hundreds of years, and that life has been taken from them.

As Americans, it is hard to comprehend the severity of the situation without seeing it firsthand. It is difficult to see our connection to the human rights violations in this region, halfway across the world. In reality, we are tied to these issues because we are funding the Israeli government. Our government gives $3.1 billion per year in “military aid” to Israel while making cuts to other programs, like social security and education.

As long as our tax money is funding such oppression, we must pay attention and ask questions. It is time that we stand up and demand an end to funding human rights violations in Palestine. It is time to stop the blank check to Israel.

Since israel declared itself a state in 1948 the US has given them over 100 billion. Why? Congress cut benefits to americans while at the same time increasing aid to israsel by 500 million. How could that possibly happen? Because NO POLITICIAN is going to go up against AIPAC, they will be destroyed by the press.

It is our fault too.

When a candidate is slimed by the press, we believe them.
You are so right that the USA should CUT ALL AID TO ISRAEL until Israel abandons their entire Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to Palestinians & finds a way to free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands where they will be treated with the Arab country love, respect & justice they were so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Just to make this clear to readers, congress has been cutting aid and benefits to americans while at the same time INCREASING aid to israel.

One must ask themselves, HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?

How can this happen? I email my congressman regularly including the video of Palestinians celebrating 9/11. Bingo! Aid increases to Israel. Puff on that Buttwheat.
Thanks for the Human Rights Day reminder. Time to call my congressman and urge an increase in aid to Israel. Here's one reason it increases:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRA0NKQ0k6E]***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the Human Rights Day reminder. Time to call my congressman and urge an increase in aid to Israel. Here's one reason it increases:

***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube

Isn't that the stock footage of the signing of Oslo?

Not so Ahmed. And it's not a celebration of a soccer match as terrorist lovers proclaimed. If you watch the video you'll notice on scene reporters describing them celebrating 3000 American dead.
Thanks for the Human Rights Day reminder. Time to call my congressman and urge an increase in aid to Israel. Here's one reason it increases:

***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube

Isn't that the stock footage of the signing of Oslo?

Not so Ahmed. And it's not a celebration of a soccer match as terrorist lovers proclaimed. If you watch the video you'll notice on scene reporters describing them celebrating 3000 American dead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlOS7cyE-h8]9 /11 - Footage of palestinian celebration a fake - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sure that as soon as corporate America no longer does most of their R&D in Israel that the aid will stop.
By the way, can someone explain to me why we give aid to Arab nations that scream , "Death to America" in daily demonstrations?
Isn't that the stock footage of the signing of Oslo?

Not so Ahmed. And it's not a celebration of a soccer match as terrorist lovers proclaimed. If you watch the video you'll notice on scene reporters describing them celebrating 3000 American dead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlOS7cyE-h8]9 /11 - Footage of palestinian celebration a fake - YouTube[/ame]

Of course Arabs and her terrorism supporters will deny it. Too bad for you that CNN was on site and was reporting live.
I'm sure that as soon as corporate America no longer does most of their R&D in Israel that the aid will stop.
By the way, can someone explain to me why we give aid to Arab nations that scream , "Death to America" in daily demonstrations?

Ahhh, here we go again. "OZreal has invented a lot of neat things (for which they expect to be handsomely paid) so we should just ignore the ethnic cleansing, apartheid regime they have created and quit killing our buzz!"

Hitler made the trains run time, does that mean we should have supported the nazi regime?
Not so Ahmed. And it's not a celebration of a soccer match as terrorist lovers proclaimed. If you watch the video you'll notice on scene reporters describing them celebrating 3000 American dead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlOS7cyE-h8]9 /11 - Footage of palestinian celebration a fake - YouTube[/ame]

Of course Arabs and her terrorism supporters will deny it. Too bad for you that CNN was on site and was reporting live.

Now, should I believe the director of the (Christian) Bethlehem University?


The proven liars in Israel?

Hmmm, what to do, what to do.
I'm shocked israeli/zionists would fabricate false pali rejoicing in order to exploit American emotions about 911.

Shocked to the core.
On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel | Mondoweiss

Last month I traveled on a two-week delegation to Palestine and Israel organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders. During my trip, I spoke with many individuals, both Israeli and Palestinian, and heard their personal stories. With every experience, my eyes were opened to the harsh reality of life in this region. I couldn’t help but feel outraged, knowing that the US government is an ally that provides major funding to the Israeli government.

Israelis are living in a state of fear that fuels much of their national policy; policy that by nature violates the rights of their Palestinian neighbors. Israel’s fear may be justified by the brutal treatment of European Jews, but does that history give Israel the right to deny human rights to Palestinians?

I thought I was prepared for the situation I found in the Palestinian communities we visited, but I was shocked at the depth of the pain I witnessed. Many Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their villages, sometimes massacred, often thrown in jail without charges. Families have been torn apart, separated by walls, barbed wire fences, and endless military checkpoints, all erected by Israel.

We met with farmers in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, north of Ramallah, who told us of how their ancient olive groves were uprooted. All around Palestine, we heard similar stories of groves being uprooted, burned, or otherwise destroyed by the Israeli military. Farming has been a way of life for the Palestinians for hundreds of years, and that life has been taken from them.

As Americans, it is hard to comprehend the severity of the situation without seeing it firsthand. It is difficult to see our connection to the human rights violations in this region, halfway across the world. In reality, we are tied to these issues because we are funding the Israeli government. Our government gives $3.1 billion per year in “military aid” to Israel while making cuts to other programs, like social security and education.

As long as our tax money is funding such oppression, we must pay attention and ask questions. It is time that we stand up and demand an end to funding human rights violations in Palestine. It is time to stop the blank check to Israel.

Since israel declared itself a state in 1948 the US has given them over 100 billion. Why? Congress cut benefits to americans while at the same time increasing aid to israsel by 500 million. How could that possibly happen? Because NO POLITICIAN is going to go up against AIPAC, they will be destroyed by the press.

I have to laugh at how the anti-Semites are always bringing up some "100 billion." Now just how do you know, Alfalfa? Can you give us a legitimate source for this "100 billion. I think I will take the word of a Naval Intelligence officer who used to post and who said that if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America, they wouldn't complain about any money going to Israel. Alfalfa worries about anything given to Israel, and he probably doesn't even pay anything in taxes these days.

Of course Arabs and her terrorism supporters will deny it. Too bad for you that CNN was on site and was reporting live.

Now, should I believe the director of the (Christian) Bethlehem University?


The proven liars in Israel?

Hmmm, what to do, what to do.

He's a Muslim as are 70% of the students at that school. Of course all you have is word. We had live on the scene reporting from CNN, MSNBC and Fox showing your heroes celebrating the death of 3000 innocent Americans. Are you stupid enough to think CNN & MSNBC are going to collaborate with Fox to show fake footage. Damn man are you daft? It was live reporting. But of course terrorist worshippers will go to any length to cover for their heroes.
On Human Rights Day, stop the blank check to Israel | Mondoweiss

Since israel declared itself a state in 1948 the US has given them over 100 billion. Why? Congress cut benefits to americans while at the same time increasing aid to israsel by 500 million. How could that possibly happen? Because NO POLITICIAN is going to go up against AIPAC, they will be destroyed by the press.

I have to laugh at how the anti-Semites are always bringing up some "100 billion." Now just how do you know, Alfalfa? Can you give us a legitimate source for this "100 billion. I think I will take the word of a Naval Intelligence officer who used to post and who said that if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America, they wouldn't complain about any money going to Israel. Alfalfa worries about anything given to Israel, and he probably doesn't even pay anything in taxes these days.

Everytime an israeli/zionist questions/contradicts how much money, aid and support the US has given israel it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Take you pick of sources, the numbers range from 103 to 115 billion. And BTW, fuck you for your gratefullness. But it's about what I expect.


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