OK, Lets Get This Straight, Dems Have Surrendered to the Marxist BLM Revolution, but....

Are the demstrations and riots help[ing the Democrat Biden election?

  • Yes, because it shows we care

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They expect to beat Trump in the next election?

The Dems think that videos of black BLM humiliating white people on the street is going to win support?

Democrats who have fucked over the black community for 50 years is suddenly going to start helping them for real? Why hasnt Sleepy Biden done anything than call them predators, tell them they aint black, and condescend to them at every opportunity?

Democrats think that allowing rioters to destroy businesses will help their election campaign?

That opposing Trump at every opportunity is alluring to most Americans?

That the Dems cheerleading every bad trend while booing and assplaining away all the good trends makes them adorable?

These polls are horse shit that show Trump way behind. This is just Dims paying pollsters to lie to them and make them feel better about being wack-job losers to Americans.
Time to start hitting the grocery store bulletin boards!

They expect to beat Trump in the next election?

The Dems think that videos of black BLM humiliating white people on the street is going to win support?

Democrats who have fucked over the black community for 50 years is suddenly going to start helping them for real? Why hasnt Sleepy Biden done anything than call them predators, tell them they aint black, and condescend to them at every opportunity?

Democrats think that allowing rioters to destroy businesses will help their election campaign?

That opposing Trump at every opportunity is alluring to most Americans?

That the Dems cheerleading every bad trend while booing and assplaining away all the good trends makes them adorable?

These polls are horse shit that show Trump way behind. This is just Dims paying pollsters to lie to them and make them feel better about being wack-job losers to Americans.
Dems say they have the polls to prove that Americans support the looting and arson. They claim that women and seniors appreciate violent black activism. Dems claim that the majority of citizens want no police at all.

Dems keep telling themselves these things.
Floyd was murdered in democrat run Minnesota.
Looting, fires, and riots are happening in democrat run cities.
The lock-downs STILL remain in democrat run states.

And the latest polls shows 40% of black voters approve of TRUMP!

If Trump gets 40% of the black vote there wont be a democrat left in office! :banana:

View attachment 346845

For 20 bucks and 2 grams of Crack, you can some people to do almost anything.
I see you Fascists are still running the 3rd Red Scare. Sorry, people ain't buying it anymore. They stopped buying in 1920 and then in 1957 and now in 2020. Same tactics, same BS and same results. You may want to get back to the sex stuff except your Rump is even worse off. But now, both candidates have to talk about the issues. Well, one will while Rump will continue to just froth at the mouth. Going to be an interest time until November, regardless the outcome.
I see you Fascists are still running the 3rd Red Scare. Sorry, people ain't buying it anymore. They stopped buying in 1920 and then in 1957 and now in 2020. Same tactics, same BS and same results. You may want to get back to the sex stuff except your Rump is even worse off. But now, both candidates have to talk about the issues. Well, one will while Rump will continue to just froth at the mouth. Going to be an interest time until November, regardless the outcome.

Why is the West Coast full of tent cities, poverty, and lawlessness? Are you saying that won't spread to the rest of the country? Please let the candidates talk about issues, because the left is providing concrete examples of their ideological failures. Good luck navigating the poop and needles.
I see you Fascists are still running the 3rd Red Scare. Sorry, people ain't buying it anymore. They stopped buying in 1920 and then in 1957 and now in 2020. Same tactics, same BS and same results. You may want to get back to the sex stuff except your Rump is even worse off. But now, both candidates have to talk about the issues. Well, one will while Rump will continue to just froth at the mouth. Going to be an interest time until November, regardless the outcome.

Why is the West Coast full of tent cities, poverty, and lawlessness? Are you saying that won't spread to the rest of the country? Please let the candidates talk about issues, because the left is providing concrete examples of their ideological failures. Good luck navigating the poop and needles.

More "Whataboutism" there cupcake.
I see you Fascists are still running the 3rd Red Scare. Sorry, people ain't buying it anymore. They stopped buying in 1920 and then in 1957 and now in 2020. Same tactics, same BS and same results. You may want to get back to the sex stuff except your Rump is even worse off. But now, both candidates have to talk about the issues. Well, one will while Rump will continue to just froth at the mouth. Going to be an interest time until November, regardless the outcome.

Why is the West Coast full of tent cities, poverty, and lawlessness? Are you saying that won't spread to the rest of the country? Please let the candidates talk about issues, because the left is providing concrete examples of their ideological failures. Good luck navigating the poop and needles.

More "Whataboutism" there cupcake.

I'd love to see a democrat talk issues. You seem to think both candidates will be forced to talk about issues, and I'd look forward to that. Would you?
I see you Fascists are still running the 3rd Red Scare. Sorry, people ain't buying it anymore. They stopped buying in 1920 and then in 1957 and now in 2020. Same tactics, same BS and same results. You may want to get back to the sex stuff except your Rump is even worse off. But now, both candidates have to talk about the issues. Well, one will while Rump will continue to just froth at the mouth. Going to be an interest time until November, regardless the outcome.

Why is the West Coast full of tent cities, poverty, and lawlessness? Are you saying that won't spread to the rest of the country? Please let the candidates talk about issues, because the left is providing concrete examples of their ideological failures. Good luck navigating the poop and needles.

More "Whataboutism" there cupcake.

I'd love to see a democrat talk issues. You seem to think both candidates will be forced to talk about issues, and I'd look forward to that. Would you?

That arrow shoots both ways, cupcake.
Dems say they have the polls to prove that Americans support the looting and arson. They claim that women and seniors appreciate violent black activism. Dems claim that the majority of citizens want no police at all.
Dems keep telling themselves these things.
Then they are either liars, fools or a combination of both.
Dems say they have the polls to prove that Americans support the looting and arson. They claim that women and seniors appreciate violent black activism. Dems claim that the majority of citizens want no police at all.
Dems keep telling themselves these things.
Then they are either liars, fools or a combination of both.

Once again, is there some kind of law that says a Democrat MUST think that way? If there is, I am not aware of it. Please give me a good cite where it's the law of the land. If it is, being a Law and Order type of guy, I will immediately comply.

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