Oil Price Plunging. Thanks Biden!

Border is the same as it ever was.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

. Inflation is real but it’s relatively minor

Highest in 30+ years is "minor".
Pretty much… except you misquoted me on the second. Are you trying at all to be a normal human?
You fools should really learn to quite when you're behind. Instead you just dig yourselves in deeper and deeper.

Gas prices when Obama was Inaugurated were $1.82 a gallon because of the Great Recession. With the economy shedding jobs at the rate of 500,000 per month, and 10% unemployment, nobody had a job to go, or money to go anywhere. Very similar to covid lockdowns, but for different reasons.

If you look at gas prices through most of Bush's Presidency - gas prices trended upward, and were over $4 a gallon in 2008, right before the crash. And then there's the crash and the price dropped like a stone. As the economy recovered the price rose. Gee, that sounds familiar.
Obama had $4 gas through most of his presidency.
Lol at sandbox politico crusader.

American economy is the envy of the world dumbass. Who gives a shit if Egypt grows % of their puny economy more than us in some specific year?
We care a great deal if China, India, and Russia grow faster than us, nimrod.


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Come on. We were 9 months from the bottom of the bush disaster and Obama didn’t rock the boat. There are things Obama didn’t get done but claiming he extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich is disingenuous. Apply some nuance and perspective.

What are you talking about? That's exactly what he did and I provided a reliable source to backup my claim.

You are correct, DumBama knew that getting rid of the tax cuts would damage the economy greatly. It's what we on the right have been telling you on the left for decades. Tax increases will have negative economic impact.

During is campaign, Dementia said he was going to have a $15.00 minimum wage. He said he's going to make the rich pay their fair share. What happened? He told the Congress the MW was off the table, and he never tried to increase taxes on the wealthy. Okay, it's Dementia, maybe he forgot like he does a lot of things. But the Democrat party knows the impact of tax increases when things are looking bad. Sure, they will tell you otherwise, but that's why they don't do it.
This will help those who were wavering to go ahead and buy that oversized wannabe-tank.
We care a great deal if China, India, and Russia grow faster than us, nimrod.
Russia takes up a lot of air in the room..but has economy the size of Italy. They huff, they puff, and they impress ignoramuses like you.

China has just surpassed GDP of United States...with six times the population size.

India is another third world country politico idiots like you think is useful to score some points.
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Perhaps you should travel..See Denmark, Switzerland.. The US has been falling behind since the 1970s.

Denmark & Switzerland are small, and have far more control basic things as part of their cultures. They're not haunted by US media frenzy & a puppet POTUS', for instance. They're a more unified culture overall which has proved no longer possible in the USA.

I can't speak for Denmark, but people have a good work ethic in Switzerland. In the USA we have Democrats making excuses instead.
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What are you talking about? That's exactly what he did and I provided a reliable source to backup my claim.

You are correct, DumBama knew that getting rid of the tax cuts would damage the economy greatly. It's what we on the right have been telling you on the left for decades. Tax increases will have negative economic impact.

During is campaign, Dementia said he was going to have a $15.00 minimum wage. He said he's going to make the rich pay their fair share. What happened? He told the Congress the MW was off the table, and he never tried to increase taxes on the wealthy. Okay, it's Dementia, maybe he forgot like he does a lot of things. But the Democrat party knows the impact of tax increases when things are looking bad. Sure, they will tell you otherwise, but that's why they don't do it.
Tax cuts for the rich are bad for the economy not good. That’s why Obama did end them.
Tax cuts for the rich are bad for the economy not good. That’s why Obama did end them.

He didn't end them until the economy started showing signs of life. However you are correct, he did finally end them giving us the slowest recovery since WWII.
Denmark & Switzerland are small, and have far more control basic things as part of their cultures. They're not haunted by US media frenzy & a puppet POTUS', for instance. They're a more unified culture overall which has proved no longer possible in the USA.

I can't speak for Denmark, but people have a good work ethic in Switzerland. In the USA we have Democrats making excuses instead.

The size of the country isn't the issue. They have a healthy workforce and highly skilled work force because they value healthcare and education. The US has always been focused on more, more and bigger. I don't think its sustainable. We build bigger and bigger without the money or will for maintenance.
We care a great deal if China, India, and Russia grow faster than us, nimrod.

Why do you care how fast they grow? The idea is to create a sustainable world economy. The cowboy economy is dead. A conserver economy is a sustainable economy.

This 1973 article from the New York Times will explain it for you. The USA is always a day late and a dollar short in doing the right thing. Too bad you didn't wake up 40 years ago.

Denmark & Switzerland are small, and have far more control basic things as part of their cultures. They're not haunted by US media frenzy & a puppet POTUS', for instance. They're a more unified culture overall which has proved no longer possible in the USA.

I can't speak for Denmark, but people have a good work ethic in Switzerland. In the USA we have Democrats making excuses instead.

And you wonder why we call you a racist asshole.

There are no "cultural differences" between Americans. Your implications that your problem is the minorities in your country, completely ignores the fact that those minorities have been in the country since day one, and made significant contributions to the wealth of the nation - wealth that is NOW all owned by white people because of the racial discrimination that has also been there since day one.

Your problem isn't that the racial minorities aren't productive or contributing to the economy, despite the racial discrimination they face from clowns like you. The problem is they're not being treated as equals. The rest of the nations of the world don't have these issues with our minority populations, because we don't treat minorities as subhuman.

What are you talking about? That's exactly what he did and I provided a reliable source to backup my claim.

You are correct, DumBama knew that getting rid of the tax cuts would damage the economy greatly. It's what we on the right have been telling you on the left for decades. Tax increases will have negative economic impact.

During is campaign, Dementia said he was going to have a $15.00 minimum wage. He said he's going to make the rich pay their fair share. What happened? He told the Congress the MW was off the table, and he never tried to increase taxes on the wealthy. Okay, it's Dementia, maybe he forgot like he does a lot of things. But the Democrat party knows the impact of tax increases when things are looking bad. Sure, they will tell you otherwise, but that's why they don't do it.

Before I dismantle your lies, I want to say how odious and disgusting your racism truly is. You are the shit on shoes of the United States of America that no amount of scraping can get off. The smell follows you everywhere. Decent people are shunning your nation and calling you on the civil rights abuses of your non-white citizens. Shame on you!!!

This is why the rest of the world is no longer believing you on civil rights around the world. You will never again be a first world nation again unless and until you cut the cancer of racism from your nation. It's a disgrace to the world.

You don't raise taxes in a recession. That's fiscally irresponsible. You cut taxes to stimulate the economy, but Obama didn't do that either. He extended the Bush tax cuts because he didn't have any other options at that time.

You also don't cut taxes when you're running a deficit but all three Republicans did that, so it's not surprising that all three tax cuts ended by crashing the economy. What is surprising is that Republicans seem to be incapable of learning from their mistakes and I have no doubt they're cut taxes again the moment they get back in power, regardless of the state of the economy.

You cheered when Republicans blocked Obama at every turn. You cheered when your white supremacist President blocked non-white immigration. You're truly a disgusting excuse for a human being.
That's not what this chart says.
Here's a snapshot of the end of Obama's first term, begining of his second term...

gas prices have risen sharply under President Obama even when adjusted for inflation. At the beginning of the Obama administration, a gallon of regular gasoline cost only $1.93 in today’s dollars. However, President Obama has pursued policies that have been counterproductive to achieving the goal of low energy prices. The current administration has pushed restrictions on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), imposed a moratorium on deep-water drilling, and rejected the Keystone XL pipeline.

These policies have contributed to steadily rising gasoline prices throughout the Obama administration. Real prices have approached $4.00 per gallon in the spring of 2011 and again this past April; they remained at the historically high level of $3.54 in June.

Whether President Obama will change course and advocate policies that would boost domestic energy production and lead to lower gas prices has yet to be determined. The data show, however, that the course being followed by the current administration is likely to result in more pain at the pump for ordinary Americans."

So, I don't think your chart disagrees with that...The point is, policies matter, and when Democrats, and liberals want to damage the energy sector of this country they do it without regard as to whom it effects in the bottom line, and that is the poor, and middle class...

People ultimately vote kitchen table issues, and when you start hitting them in their pocketbooks, then you should be prepared to move out of your position next election.

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