CDZ Ohio Town's Board of Education Wouldn't Back Up Pro-Heterosexuality Speech

No one is "training" children . The children are expressing what they feel spontaneously
Yes, I realize that you are just an adult male who has the best interests of the children in mind. You are only wanting those 2-4 year old boys to discover their "true" inner female self, and your calling them girls is just your way of affirming their true inner sissy.

The fact that you also refer to the "awakening sexuality" of children this age doesn't make this creepy at all!!
No one is "training" children . The children are expressing what they feel spontaneously
Yes, they certainly ARE being trained. Indoctrinated is a more precise term. CRT and all of its lunacy, needs to be eliminated 100%. Amazing how it ever managed to get as far as it has. Shows how riddled with liberal sickness "our" schools are.
Stop lying. What I said was that young children may experience gender dysphoria and presented medical documentation
There is no such thing as "gender dysphoria" The words "gender dyspgoria" is a term of utter nonsense, that originates from the equally nonsensical American Psychiatric Association. This long discredited bunch of kooks, decades ago proclaimed homosexuality to be normal. Yeah, :right:

Back in the 70s, I did some investigation, and found that this came from the committee within the APA, that dealt with homosexuality. Turned out the whole committee was in San Francisco, and all 9 members of the "committee" were homosexuals. This goofball organization hasn't gotten any better. If anything, it's worse. :rolleyes:
Nothing bigoted about just telling the simple TRUTH. But don't let the truth stand in the way of one of your favorite catchwords. :rolleyes:
Oh, come on, now.

All he wants is to be able to get ahold of other people's 2-4 year old children (the ones with penises anyway) and help them in the realization that they are actually a girl, not a boy.

Any parent who would not grant him access to their child so he could provide them with guidance and moral support would HAVE to be a bigot. I can think of no other possible explanation. Can you?

We sure can't run the risk of being called a bigot, so should allow him to help these 2-4 year olds. He's just doing it for them, you know.
This is how far we have sunk, folks. An alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, spoke at a commencement ceremony, and said >> "“Choose a spouse, I suggest,” I also strongly suggest to make sure to choose biblical principles, you know a male with a female and female with a male.”

Instead of backing McGuire's basic common sense (Bible or not) suggestion, the school administration released a statement Monday saying: “The speech was not reviewed by anyone on the River Valley Administrative team or Board of Education. Any views expressed by the speaker during his commencement speech reflected his personal beliefs. He was not speaking as an official representative of River Valley Local Schools.”

Well, that's fair enough, but considering that McGuire was giving good, sound advice to very young people, it would have been better if they would have added an affirmation, instead of a cowardly disclaimer.

This NBC news article (link) is further evidence of the looney mindset that has overtaken today's younger generation, and the need for normal adults to speak to kids, with normalcy, as Jim McGuire was admirably doing. Try not to get sick when reading this "article" >>>

"biblical principles"? Who cares about the biblical principals like one man and multiple wives?
Oh, come on, now.

All he wants is to be able to get ahold of other people's 2-4 year old children (the ones with penises anyway) and help them in the realization that they are actually a girl, not a boy.

Any parent who would not grant him access to their child so he could provide them with guidance and moral support would HAVE to be a bigot. I can think of no other possible explanation. Can you?

We sure can't run the risk of being called a bigot, so should allow him to help these 2-4 year olds. He's just doing it for them, you know.
Keep jabbering away like a fool
There is no such thing as "gender dysphoria" The words "gender dyspgoria" is a term of utter nonsense, that originates from the equally nonsensical American Psychiatric Association. This long discredited bunch of kooks, decades ago proclaimed homosexuality to be normal. Yeah, :right:
Discredited kooks? You mean the American Psychiatric Association? :happy-1: :happy-1: :happy-1:
Back in the 70s, I did some investigation, and found that this came from the committee within the APA, that dealt with homosexuality. Turned out the whole committee was in San Francisco, and all 9 members of the "committee" were homosexuals. This goofball organization hasn't gotten any better. If anything, it's worse.
Got any documentation of get? You must if you did research. What about subsequent additions of the DSM?
Oh, come on, now.

All he wants is to be able to get ahold of other people's 2-4 year old children (the ones with penises anyway) and help them in the realization that they are actually a girl, not a boy.

Any parent who would not grant him access to their child so he could provide them with guidance and moral support would HAVE to be a bigot. I can think of no other possible explanation. Can you?

We sure can't run the risk of being called a bigot, so should allow him to help these 2-4 year olds. He's just doing it for them, you know.
He, like most liberals, is in need of a massive dose of DEPROGRAMMING.
So gay can be spread? That's pretty scary. Clearly you've heard about it, how do YOU stay safe from it? If hearing about gay can turn someone gay that sounds really scary.

Actually pretty tight.

Am I not commanded to go forth and multiply? And do you think that after my vasectomy my wife and I don't occasionally do the nasty? How can we be so disgusting having sexual relations KNOWING FULL WELL it will not lead to viable offspring? Sounds to me like we are pretty anti-nature.

Trust me, that vasectomy WASN'T natural. It required tools, medicine and special alloys.
If teachers have that much power to influence students, how come they can't get them to do their homework?

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