CDZ Ohio Town's Board of Education Wouldn't Back Up Pro-Heterosexuality Speech

The OP discusses the Bible. As such you are wrong.
NO, the OP does NOT discuss the Bible. Within the OP, it is mentioned that an alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, speaking at a commencement ceremony, mentioned "male with a female and female with a male"
and that having also been a biblical principle. That does not qualify as me discussing the Bible, as I am only discussing homosexuality vs heterosexuality.

The only reason why you claim that I discuss the Bible, is because you don't like the messages I'm conveying, and your preference to fight back at that, is to change the subject to the Bible, thereby putting the discussion in a framework you're more comfortable with.

No, I see the dichotomy between homosexuality and heterosexuality as one purely in mental health terms. Having said that (repeatedly now), after this, if you continue to yammer on about the bible, it will only affirm more what I've said here. 😐
The OP states that the Bible says one man/one woman. But the Bible ALSO says one man hundreds of women.
Wait until you have a nephew or child who turns out to be gay. Your position will soften. It always does. Some people can't conceive of a position until they are asked to live it.
:puhleeze:I have had co-workers who were also friends. My position has not changed ever, in 70 years. Your immature attempts to "guide" me, are little more than boring. :rolleyes:
Heterosexual sex is the natural way of propagating the species, not a groomed perversion.
1. People do not have sex for the sole purpose of reproducing

2. Gay people are not sterile and they have children in much the same way that many heterosexuals do

3. No one is doing any grooming except people like you who insist on shaming gays and presenting the straight lifestyle as the only alternative
NO, the OP does NOT discuss the Bible. Within the OP, it is mentioned that an alumnus of River Valley High School in Caledonia, Ohio, Jim McGuire, speaking at a commencement ceremony, mentioned "male with a female and female with a male"
and that having also been a biblical principle. That does not qualify as me discussing the Bible, as I am only discussing homosexuality vs heterosexuality.
The issue of whether of not he was invoking the bible is pointless. His remarks were divisive, inappropriate and not doubt, made any gay people in the room cringe. You cant do that shit!
1. People do not have sex for the sole purpose of reproducing
Heterosexual sex is the natural way of propagating the species.
Just because every heterosexual encounter does not end in pregnancy doesn't change the factual nature of my statement.
2. Gay people are not sterile and they have children in much the same way that many heterosexuals do
Irrelevant. Two men cannot make a baby together, nor can two women.
3. No one is doing any grooming except people like you who insist on shaming gays and presenting the straight lifestyle as the only alternative
I'm not shaming anyone, just presenting biological facts.
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Heterosexual sex is the natural way of propagating the species.
Just because every heterosexual encounter does not end in pregnancy doesn't change the factual nature of my statement.

Is it a perversion of nature to have sex for any reason other than to try and propagate the species?

1. People do not have sex for the sole purpose of reproducing

2. Gay people are not sterile and they have children in much the same way that many heterosexuals do

3. No one is doing any grooming except people like you who insist on shaming gays and presenting the straight lifestyle as the only alternative
3. Of course the straight lifestyle is the only alternative, because there IS NO "alternative". That's because sexuality comes from nature, and that is heterosexual sex, period. (not what somebody just decides he wants to be)

2. The only way any people can have children biologically, is through heterosexual sex.
The issue of whether of not he was invoking the bible is pointless. His remarks were divisive, inappropriate and not doubt, made any gay people in the room cringe. You cant do that shit!
His remarks were divisive only in the sense that they illustrated the DIVISION that is already there, and people should recognize as such, as is.

The remark were 100% appropriate.

If they made gay people cringe, that cringing doesn't come from McGuire's remark, it stems from the realization among those gay people that they are mentally aberrated sex perverts, and they should become normal.

PS - there is nothing "gay" about people being sick in the head.
His remarks were divisive only in the sense that they illustrated the DIVISION that is already there, and people should recognize as such, as is.

The remark were 100% appropriate.

If they made gay people cringe, that cringing doesn't come from McGuire's remark, it stems from the realization among those gay people that they are mentally aberrated sex perverts, and they should become normal.

PS - there is nothing "gay" about people being sick in the head.
Holy shit!! Seriously. One thing that I will say for you. Your certainly stand out among the many bigots here
Stop lying. What I said was that young children may experience gender dysphoria and presented medical documentation

You did it right here. You talked of a 4 year old expressing "gender dysphoria" and referred to a boy as a HER. Any honest person in this thread can see who is actually lying, here. In a later post, you introduced an article that claimed some people are of the opinion that gender identity began as early as 2 to establish this as the age when boys can be conditioned to view themselves as girls.

When you attempt to train a child to think of themselves as the opposite sex by referring to them by the opposite gender, you are certainly not doing so with the child's best interests in mind.

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