OH MY! 6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

This a good thing, but where did you get $20,000 per person from? It's probably closer to $2000. SNAP is only a couple of hundred bucks a month at most. Yoru figure is $124 billion dollars. That would have taken a huge chunk out of the deficit, so I don't think your numbers are close.
Poor Obama. All of his hard work of expanding the Food Stamp program being undone by Trump's economy.
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

This a good thing, but where did you get $20,000 per person from? It's probably closer to $2000. SNAP is only a couple of hundred bucks a month at most. Yoru figure is $124 billion dollars. That would have taken a huge chunk out of the deficit, so I don't think your numbers are close.
My bad, it is $2000 and even at that price would be enough to come close to finishing the WALL!....
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

Horse Feathers. The Rump grabbed credit when it wasn't his. The reduction for the fiscal year of 2017, largely, goes to the President that resided for over 2/3rds of that time and that was Obama. If anything under Rump, there was a slow down in the reduction. Here is an exert from Factcheck.org

There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

You quoted Brexit which lies even more than Rump. And their cite didn't lead to where it should have. It lead to one of their own sites that was made to look like an official guv site pdf. Do you honestly believe that none of us won't fact check your sorry lying ass? Are you really that stupid? Yes you are.
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

Horse Feathers. The Rump grabbed credit when it wasn't his. The reduction for the fiscal year of 2017, largely, goes to the President that resided for over 2/3rds of that time and that was Obama. If anything under Rump, there was a slow down in the reduction. Here is an exert from Factcheck.org

There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

You quoted Brexit which lies even more than Rump. And their cite didn't lead to where it should have. It lead to one of their own sites that was made to look like an official guv site pdf. Do you honestly believe that none of us won't fact check your sorry lying ass? Are you really that stupid? Yes you are.

More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

Horse Feathers. The Rump grabbed credit when it wasn't his. The reduction for the fiscal year of 2017, largely, goes to the President that resided for over 2/3rds of that time and that was Obama. If anything under Rump, there was a slow down in the reduction. Here is an exert from Factcheck.org

There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

You quoted Brexit which lies even more than Rump. And their cite didn't lead to where it should have. It lead to one of their own sites that was made to look like an official guv site pdf. Do you honestly believe that none of us won't fact check your sorry lying ass? Are you really that stupid? Yes you are.

View attachment 278241

Most people with the EBT and SNAP cards are already working, stupid. Take those and they will go all the way onto welfare because full welfare pays better.
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

Horse Feathers. The Rump grabbed credit when it wasn't his. The reduction for the fiscal year of 2017, largely, goes to the President that resided for over 2/3rds of that time and that was Obama. If anything under Rump, there was a slow down in the reduction. Here is an exert from Factcheck.org

There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

You quoted Brexit which lies even more than Rump. And their cite didn't lead to where it should have. It lead to one of their own sites that was made to look like an official guv site pdf. Do you honestly believe that none of us won't fact check your sorry lying ass? Are you really that stupid? Yes you are.

View attachment 278241

Most people with the EBT and SNAP cards are already working, stupid. Take those and they will go all the way onto welfare because full welfare pays better.
And YOU should know....freeloader!

Chart shows decline started in 2014

Thank you OB for getting it started so that Trump can ride the roller coaster as it goes down.

Still what policies has Trump implemented ?

Still I wander if PR was a state is it included but we know that hurricanes will create a lot of people who will need assistance
Last edited:
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.

Horse Feathers. The Rump grabbed credit when it wasn't his. The reduction for the fiscal year of 2017, largely, goes to the President that resided for over 2/3rds of that time and that was Obama. If anything under Rump, there was a slow down in the reduction. Here is an exert from Factcheck.org

There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

You quoted Brexit which lies even more than Rump. And their cite didn't lead to where it should have. It lead to one of their own sites that was made to look like an official guv site pdf. Do you honestly believe that none of us won't fact check your sorry lying ass? Are you really that stupid? Yes you are.

View attachment 278241

Most people with the EBT and SNAP cards are already working, stupid. Take those and they will go all the way onto welfare because full welfare pays better.
And YOU should know....freeloader!

You keep working so I can keep receiving my Military Retirement pay. Since you will never show the class to thank me, I will thank you for your service to my income. Of course, my SSI is from my own sweat and investment and you can send a message from me. Stop stealing from me you bastards. That money isn't yours, you thieving F$$$s
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

6,200,000 x $20,0000 average per person = $124,000,000,000 SAVED......USE A FRACTION SAVED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!!!!

"6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump"

Yes. President Trump:

A man with 50+ years' experience building a multibillion dollar international financial empire! Who is not only a genius but an expert on business, economics, and finance!

Who gave up the luxurious lifestyle of a multibillionaire to save the USA from those who hate it and intend to destroy it and from the decadence of Western Civilization!

Who has made the US economy BOOM! with record unemployment, including the highest unemployment in Black America in history!

Whose announced objective is the revitalization and the prosperity of America's inner cities!

Who donates his presidential salary to charity!

Whose super-rich children work as hard as anyone and have stable, happy lives!

Who loves the USA and believes in the American Dream!

Whose rallying cry is "Make America Great!"

And he is opposed and vilified with open calls for his assassination and the destruction of his family!
This is how deep into the depths of madness Western Civilization has descended in its decadent phase and how deep into the depths of depravity those who oppose him have descended.
It's a continuation of an existing trend.

Basically more of this:


Which seems to be about all Cheeto Jesus can accomplish.
It would be nice if people would stop and think about how these people no longer in the SNAP program and what they are living off of. So America cannot feed its people, but can waste billions on a silly wall. Sick priorities. Sick values.

Chart shows decline started in 2014

Thank you OB for getting it started so that Trump can ride the roller coaster as it goes down.

Still what policies has Trump implemented ?

Still I wander if PR was a state is it included but we know that hurricanes will create a lot of people who will need assistance

Don't worry, you won't get an answer.
Poor Obama. All of his hard work of expanding the Food Stamp program being undone by Trump's economy.
View attachment 278238

July 2017, and not due to tramp:

Participation in the food stamp program took a dive to the lowest level it has been in seven years, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
USDA statistics on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation showed that 42,609,852 people in the U.S. took part in the food stamp program in fiscal year (FY) 2017, the lowest level it has been since 2010 when 40,302,000 people enrolled in the program.

Food stamp usage has been on a steady decline after 2013, when enrollment in the government program swelled to 47.6 million, the highest amount it has ever been since the program’s inception.
Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years | Breitbart

I wonder when the people who need food stamps will be taken off, after he is elected probably.
GOD Bless President Trump! :clap2:
proposal to the food stamp program would mean 1.7 million households, totaling 3.1 million people, will lose benefits that help them put food on the table. And on top of that, 500,000 kids will lose access to free school lunches.

But as grim as these cuts may seem, they are just the tip of the iceberg. The Trump administration also wants to bury those who remain eligible for food stamps in paperwork. These additional 17.2 million households will “undergo a more burdensome application process” according to the Congressional Research Service. The result: more red tape that means even more families will lose SNAP supports that have proven health and economic benefits.
Trump's food stamp rule change will hurt 19 million households

yes god bless him as there is no God, and you can have another cut in taxes, due to starving aged and children, should make you happy as can be. Evil does exist.
GOD Bless President Trump! :clap2:
proposal to the food stamp program would mean 1.7 million households, totaling 3.1 million people, will lose benefits that help them put food on the table. And on top of that, 500,000 kids will lose access to free school lunches.

But as grim as these cuts may seem, they are just the tip of the iceberg. The Trump administration also wants to bury those who remain eligible for food stamps in paperwork. These additional 17.2 million households will “undergo a more burdensome application process” according to the Congressional Research Service. The result: more red tape that means even more families will lose SNAP supports that have proven health and economic benefits.
Trump's food stamp rule change will hurt 19 million households

yes god bless him as there is no God, and you can have another cut in taxes, due to starving aged and children, should make you happy as can be. Evil does exist.

If there is no God there is no evil, Penny Jackboots. If there is no God then there is absolutely no reason not to starve other people's aged and children so my own aged and children can prosper, and you cannot make a case for it.
GOD Bless President Trump! :clap2:
proposal to the food stamp program would mean 1.7 million households, totaling 3.1 million people, will lose benefits that help them put food on the table. And on top of that, 500,000 kids will lose access to free school lunches.

But as grim as these cuts may seem, they are just the tip of the iceberg. The Trump administration also wants to bury those who remain eligible for food stamps in paperwork. These additional 17.2 million households will “undergo a more burdensome application process” according to the Congressional Research Service. The result: more red tape that means even more families will lose SNAP supports that have proven health and economic benefits.
Trump's food stamp rule change will hurt 19 million households

yes god bless him as there is no God, and you can have another cut in taxes, due to starving aged and children, should make you happy as can be. Evil does exist.

If there is no God there is no evil, Penny Jackboots. If there is no God then there is absolutely no reason not to starve other people's aged and children so my own aged and children can prosper, and you cannot make a case for it.

Cutting SNAP benefits is being done by people who profess to believing in not only a Supreme Being, but specifically in the God of frankie graham and pound their bibles all over the place. Their prostituted religion allows them to spread evil.
GOD Bless President Trump! :clap2:
proposal to the food stamp program would mean 1.7 million households, totaling 3.1 million people, will lose benefits that help them put food on the table. And on top of that, 500,000 kids will lose access to free school lunches.

But as grim as these cuts may seem, they are just the tip of the iceberg. The Trump administration also wants to bury those who remain eligible for food stamps in paperwork. These additional 17.2 million households will “undergo a more burdensome application process” according to the Congressional Research Service. The result: more red tape that means even more families will lose SNAP supports that have proven health and economic benefits.
Trump's food stamp rule change will hurt 19 million households

yes god bless him as there is no God, and you can have another cut in taxes, due to starving aged and children, should make you happy as can be. Evil does exist.

If there is no God there is no evil, Penny Jackboots. If there is no God then there is absolutely no reason not to starve other people's aged and children so my own aged and children can prosper, and you cannot make a case for it.

Cutting SNAP benefits is being done by people who profess to believing in not only a Supreme Being, but specifically in the God of frankie graham and pound their bibles all over the place. Their prostituted religion allows them to spread evil.

This is a total failure for you and your party. Why do you like losing?

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