[OFFICIAL] State of the Union Address Thread

Obama lied again.

He declared that Global Warming is real.......while folks are stuck in a massive traffic jam caused by a snowstorm in Atlanta.


Yes. That would be the current result of climate change. Thanks everso for making the point.

No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
We're just in the middle of a cold cycle

we are?.....you got me fooled, it's been in the high 70's all month, last few days low 80's....
Yes. That would be the current result of climate change. Thanks everso for making the point.

No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
We're just in the middle of a cold cycle

we are?.....you got me fooled, it's been in the high 70's all month, last few days low 80's....

Is that the norm for you? Because I can barely mock southerners anymore. They are experiencing a normal Minnesota winter.

Wish I was.

Well, that serves reason.

Obama is a communist.

Communism, OKA: Socialism or collectivism, liberalism, progressivism and most recently "No Name" and Crony Capitalism rests in Relativism.

Relativism holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation or are 'relative' to, one's culture, society or to one's historical context and, as such, are not the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

This simply means that the Relativist eschews, or otherwise rejects objectivity.

Objectivity is ESSENTIAL to truth. Truth is essential to trust. Trust essential to morality and morality is essential to JUSTICE.

Meaning that absent objectivity, there is no potential to recognize truth. Truth simply is whatever the relativists says it is, at any given time. Which is why socialists will tell you X is true one moment, and in the next claim that Y is the truth and look at you like your crazy when you tell them that they just said that X was true and Y wasn't.

The problem is that when relativist is elected in democratically based cultures, they are elected to serve the public TRUST.

Relativists are INCAPABLE OF HONOR, they have no means to so much as understand the concept, let alone service their position of trust, honorably. Meaning in short hat liberals are NEVER trustworthy.

Now being untrustworthy, their sociopathy provides that they've no sense or means to develop a sound, sustainable sense of morality.

Therefore in very short order, any government based upon trust, morality and the job of which is to serve justice is RUINED, with the typical result being cultural collapse and thereafter prolonged and endless civil war.

At the end of the day, its just common garden variety evil. But its entertaining to define it in stark detail. So, from time to time, I enjoy doing so.

Point being DO NOT TRUST A SOCIALIST. And NEVER allow them within sight of a voting booth. They will SCREW YOU and your culture to the WALL!
Yes. That would be the current result of climate change. Thanks everso for making the point.

No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
We're just in the middle of a cold cycle

we are?.....you got me fooled, it's been in the high 70's all month, last few days low 80's....


How do you cope. The heat must be stifling.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.

7500 jobs?

He wants to crow about that?

We need 300,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth.

Read closely.......Sixty-plus partners teaming up, with a projection of 7,200 regional jobs created over the coming years, officials project.

And then:
. All of it is geared toward research and development to cut industrial costs and produce products faster.

Cut costs and produce faster? And this creates jobs? Sort of like the assembly line does?

Sounds more like it's in the business of cutting jobs to me.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.

7500 jobs?

He wants to crow about that?

We need 300,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth.

its a school of sorts to help out with the oil boom...you know how many jobs are here and cant be filled? A lot.
What about all the resident aliens who did it the legal way? Not everyone who applies for it gets citizenship. They must prove their primary loyalty to the US for starters, and that is definitely necessary if we are to grant them voting rights. Why would you give them citizenship? Why not just legal resident alien status. If they want citizenship, they are welcome to apply and go through the process just like everyone else who desires to be an American. Many illegal aliens don't want to renounce their primary citizenship, they just want to make enough money to support themselves and their families back home. Why do you want a Vietnamese who identifies as a Vietnamese to vote? It is about national soverance. It is dangerous to invite that kind of foreign influence into the chicken coop IMO.

I believe legal status without citizenship is very generous and believe most illegal aliens would be thrilled with that.

The reason is simple, democrats see amnesty as a way to buy votes. They don't care about the people or the country, its all about finding ways to stay in power.

Someone given amnesty would not become a citizen for ten years. That means that no additional Hispanics can vote for at least ten years

Do Republicans think they cannot convince Hispanics to vote for them even after ten years?

What does that have to do with my post? Resident Alien status is a fabulous deal for illegal aliens and they would rejoice for that deal. My husband has been a resident alien for 25 years. He gets everything I do, down to govt loans for school & home, ss at 67, forced to sign up for obamacare, the right to own a gun ... he just cant vote. There's a reason he cant vote, because he still thinks he might go home someday. He's not an American and should not vote.

Why do you think resident alien status is not good enough? They can always apply for citizenship like everyone else. Why are you wanting to throw citizenship like candy? I'm not even hearing an uproar about citizenship from the hispanics anyway except on the fringe. They just want to work to support themselves and their families back home. Many are patriotic to their own countries, the ones they still claim. Many will happily go back home as soon as their countries are able to afford better opportunities than here or Canada.

You seem more eager to make them citizens than they are.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.

7500 jobs?

He wants to crow about that?

We need 300,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth.

No we don't, don't stop repeating that made up number though. I've noticed that the number of jobs we need to keep up with population growth seems to increase by about 50,000 every year per righties on here.
How's it feel to be a pawn?

Surprise, it began to increase under your Messiah Ronald Reagan:

"A 2011 study by the CBO[14] found that the top earning 1 percent of households increased their income by about 275% after federal taxes and income transfers over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution"

Link: Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pay attention Flysnatcher. WE are living in Carter II...AND do you even know what Mudwhistle does for a living?

YOU are ignorant.


Of course, I don't know everything. I don't pretend to, however, I do know based on your response that you're an asshole.

Now that you've gotten the ad hominem attack out of the way, why not respond to the evidence that the process of the rich getting richer, the rest falling behind and the poor falling into abject poverty began with your Messiah Ronald Reagan?
wtf did Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) say? She's a mom, she grew up in America and wishes God blesses America? wtf

What is the GOP plan?

Please tell us [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] ,
what in President Obama's speech was an actual plan?
I certainly heard a lot of proposal, but no actual plans on how to get there.

The plan was obvious. We will do it - all of which he mentioned - with or without The Congress.
No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
We're just in the middle of a cold cycle

we are?.....you got me fooled, it's been in the high 70's all month, last few days low 80's....

Is that the norm for you? Because I can barely mock southerners anymore. They are experiencing a normal Minnesota winter.

Wish I was.

no it isnt.....supposed to be in the 60's....they say it may rain this weekend....it will probably drizzle a little in the morning.....i hate California Winters....
No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
We're just in the middle of a cold cycle

we are?.....you got me fooled, it's been in the high 70's all month, last few days low 80's....


How do you cope. The heat must be stifling.

dam global warming.....
Since when?

How long has your head been in the sand? CBO and others predict SS will go bankrupt between 2027 and 2041. Just this year the tipping point occurred where there are now 1.07 people drawing from SS for every one contributing to it. It's untenable. WAKE UP!!!

That's a pretty big span. And either year is more than a decade away.

Also the problem is pretty easy to fix.

It's not "untenable".

You wake up.

It is unless something drastic is done to the current system. The baby boomer generation has just started to retire and draw SS, it's only going to get worse, UNLESS SOMETHING IS CHANGED!! It's not as easy a fix as you think. GWB tried to change it and was shot down. So its still the same broken system that allows too many people to draw from it that never contributed to it.
In a remarkably positive and nationalistic speech, Obama, without any hostilities toward congress (Which I didn't expect) delivered, what was, a very definite road map into getting America back on track. He also, in a very poignant way, expressed why it was necessary to wind down the war in Afghanistan and not commit to large deployments. Cory Remsburg, who was grievously wounded on his 10th (Count it..10th) time in Afghanistan, put squarely on display, the real human cost of this war.

The President also hit on some pretty good points about social mobility, even pointing out that John Boehner, the son of a bar keep, is speaker of the House. And he joked about not ever seeing eye to eye with Republicans on the ACA, while urging them to stop wasting time with votes to repeal.

He was specific. Positive. Energized and again offered an olive branch to his opposition.

Representative Cathy Rodgers, who did MUCH BETTER than all other Republican responders from previous Republican responses, was basically a "Hallmark Moment". She offered no specifics and basically said the same thing the President said, but in a nice way. Add in she was easy on the eyes.
To quote from his speech:
"What I offer tonight is a set of concrete, practical proposals to speed up growth, strengthen the middle class, and build new ladders of opportunity into the middle class, Some require congressional action, and I'm eager to work with all of you. But America does not stand still, and neither will I."
On issue after issue, he invited Congress to work with him, but said he also would go it alone. I suppose that he is fearful another year of Congressional gridlock.
There are more here discussing the SOTU than actually watched. The freak show garnered only 11% of available viewership. Worse result since Slick Willie in 2000


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