[OFFICIAL] State of the Union Address Thread

The SOB has frozen our pay for over 5 stinking years, and he says we need a raise?

Who's fault is that Mr President?
How's it feel to be a pawn?

Surprise, it began to increase under your Messiah Ronald Reagan:

"A 2011 study by the CBO[14] found that the top earning 1 percent of households increased their income by about 275% after federal taxes and income transfers over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution"

Link: Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SOB has frozen our pay for over 5 stinking years, and he says we need a raise?

Who's fault is that Mr President?
How's it feel to be a pawn?

Surprise, it began to increase under your Messiah Ronald Reagan:

"A 2011 study by the CBO[14] found that the top earning 1 percent of households increased their income by about 275% after federal taxes and income transfers over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution"

Link: Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pay attention Flysnatcher. WE are living in Carter II...AND do you even know what Mudwhistle does for a living?

YOU are ignorant.

wtf did Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) say? She's a mom, she grew up in America and wishes God blesses America? wtf

What is the GOP plan?

Please tell us [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] ,
what in President Obama's speech was an actual plan?
I certainly heard a lot of proposal, but no actual plans on how to get there.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........
Breaking news......he is going it alone with or without congress, interesting, one would have to admit he has done exactly that if by only the grace of the Senate, sure produced some stellar results. So how's that hope for spare change gig going?

Sorry. Apparently you've been out of it since I wanna say 2012. Things are going quite well.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.
Obama has done more to create this so called income inequality than any president in history

I believe it is THE reason he has been elected twice. Because people are buying into it.

I suppose the world is flat

I think you have that exactly backwards.

I don't for one second believe most Americans became stupid, useless , welfare sucking shit stains because of Obama. In fact I believe Obama solely holds the positions he does on welfare and inequality in order to get the votes of said stupid, useless, welfare sucking shit stains.

I believe that Obama in fact has NO beliefs and would roll whichever way the most voters led him

that is most politicians....
LMAO. 11% of America took the time to watch. :clap2:

Much like the poll here on USMB where 18% said they would watch.


33.3 Million Watch 2014 State of the Union, Lowest Audience Since 2000

By Merrill Knox on January 29, 2014 5:09 PM

According to Nielsen, 33.3 million viewers watched the President’s fifth State of the Union address across 13 networks, down from 33.5 million viewers last year. It was the lowest audience for the State of the Union since Bill Clinton delivered the address in 2000.

The networks carrying the address live were CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, Azteca, Fox Business, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Al Jazeera America, Galavision and Mun2.

Fox News won the night on cable, pulling in more viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined during the speech.

As for the broadcast networks: CBS won the night in viewers and NBC won in the A25-54 demo. Both ABC and NBC built on their lead-in audiences, “Marvel’s Agent of Shield” and “The Biggest Loser.” CBS dropped off from “NCIS” and Fox lost viewers compared to “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”

CBS: 7,580,000 total viewers / 2,269,000 A25-54

NBC: 6,984,000 total viewers / 2,467,000 A25-54

ABC: 5,569,000 total viewers / 1,990,000 A25-54

Fox: 2,593,0000 total viewers / 1,190,000 A25-54

33.3 Million Watch 2014 State of the Union, Lowest Audience Since 2000 - TVNewser
Reform is needed. We have a tough choice ahead of us as there's no way in hell we can deport them....

Why not make them citizens????

What about all the resident aliens who did it the legal way? Not everyone who applies for it gets citizenship. They must prove their primary loyalty to the US for starters, and that is definitely necessary if we are to grant them voting rights. Why would you give them citizenship? Why not just legal resident alien status. If they want citizenship, they are welcome to apply and go through the process just like everyone else who desires to be an American. Many illegal aliens don't want to renounce their primary citizenship, they just want to make enough money to support themselves and their families back home. Why do you want a Vietnamese who identifies as a Vietnamese to vote? It is about national soverance. It is dangerous to invite that kind of foreign influence into the chicken coop IMO.

I believe legal status without citizenship is very generous and believe most illegal aliens would be thrilled with that.

The reason is simple, democrats see amnesty as a way to buy votes. They don't care about the people or the country, its all about finding ways to stay in power.

as far as i am concerned.....that sounds like both parties.....

Global Warming -- Photo taken 1/28/2014

Temperature in Cleveland, Ohio.... -1 degree Fahrenheit.

Global Warming.

You people will believe anything... Like how Global Warming causes Global Cooling, for one thing.

stupid people

Obama lied again.

He declared that Global Warming is real.......while folks are stuck in a massive traffic jam caused by a snowstorm in Atlanta.


Yes. That would be the current result of climate change. Thanks everso for making the point.

No shit.

I didn't know the climate would change. *rolls eyes*

You must be one of those from Flor-i-duh.

These idiots are saying that the cause of the extreme cold conditions is cold air from melting ice. Fact is this cold weather was predictable because of a lack of Sunspot activity. Historically we go through these swings between hot weather and cold weather. We're just in the middle of a cold cycle. It was predicted earlier this year.

Also, one of the Greenhouse gases you folks refuse to acknowledge is simple water vapor, which traps in more heat than CO2 or Methane.
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.

The same thing for two years? Please................
Someone given amnesty would not become a citizen for ten years. That means that no additional Hispanics can vote for at least ten years

Do Republicans think they cannot convince Hispanics to vote for them even after ten years?

please post the amnesty bill that says that no illegals will be able to vote for 10 years, with a list of the dems who sponsored it.

I know you can't, but go ahead and come up with a dodge or deflection.

How about your standard? Bush did it.

I have not seen a single amnesty bill that provides immediate citizenship...have you?

The Senate version that has passed requires ten years to obtain citizenship

Immigration Reform 2013: Gang Of 8 Bill Would Provide Pathway to Citizenship - PolicyMic

The term “amnesty” is a very loaded word; it implies the immediate granting of citizenship to illegal immigrants — an instantaneous pardon for their years of residence without paying taxes. This is very different from the “pathway to citizenship” the Gang of Eight have proposed in their bill. Within its proposed framework, the plan requires “those who came or remained in the United States without our permission to register with the government” and to submit to a background check and to pay a fine and back taxes to settle their debt to society. This will give illegal immigrants “probationary legal status, which will allow them to live and work legally in the United States.”

Moreover, illegal immigrants with serious criminal backgrounds or who pose a threat to national security will not be able to attain this status, and are subject to deportation. Those who do receive probationary legal status” will be required to go to the back of the line of prospective immigrants, pass an additional background check, pay taxes, learn English and civics, demonstrate a history of work in the United States, and current employment, among other requirements, in order to earn the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent residency.” Upon the fulfillment of these requirements, these immigrants can get a green card.

the Activists will be all over this.....they will say you are making it to hard for one to be a citizen....."submit to a background check and to pay a fine and back taxes to settle their debt to society".....they will say they cant afford it.....one of the guys who lives behind me said he tried a while back and was told by an attorney it would probably amount to around 8-10 grand for him....he said he cant come up with that....so many may not even apply....
Other than the obvious lies/omissions that the Obamabots deny, here is what I find wrong with the so called State of the Union Address.

First and foremost it wasn't a State of the Union. It was more of what I want to do this year, and here's where I want you to believe I've already been.

Then there is the fact that he took credit for a business hub in Youngstown Ohio. Now I don't really know how much he had to do with it if any, I'm not even sure how many jobs it has actually created.
But i do know that this was the second year that he took credit for the same damned thing........

welcome to every year....glad you caught on finally.

Youngstown News, $70M Youngstown hub to spur manufacturing across U.S.

there you go dear...go read up on it. Presidents take credit for things.

7500 jobs?

He wants to crow about that?

We need 300,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth.
If you're non-partisan, why do you always attack Democrats?

i have seen Templer attack Republicans before....been in a few of those threads....

Yup. It's rather like a left-handed person occasionally using the right hand - it's not the norm, but it has happened.

He is anything but what he claims to be.

it doesn't matter what he claims to be....Carbiner kinda said he never goes up against Republicans....he was wrong.....
You are going to have to back that tall tale up

I don't have to do anything except, die pay taxes and sign up for obamacare

But you don't have to post comments which make others wonder if you are telling the truth. On the internet it is always a good idea to verify what others post.

When an affirmative statement is made, "Obama has done more to create this so called income inequality than any president in history", others - myself included - believe is untrue, it is in your best interest to provide evidence.

I looked into the matter a bit and the evidence below is from Wikipedia.

"Income inequality in the United States has grown significantly since the early 1970s,[1][2][3][4][5][6] after several decades of stability,[7][8] and has been the subject of study of many scholars and institutions. While inequality has risen among most developed countries, and especially English-speaking ones, it is highest in the United States.[9][10][11] Income inequality (as measured by the Gini coefficient) is not uniform among the states: after-tax income inequality in 2009 was greatest in Texas and lowest in Maine.[12]

"Most of the growth has been between the middle class and top earners, with the disparity becoming more extreme the further one goes up in the income distribution.[13] A 2011 study by the CBO[14] found that the top earning 1 percent of households increased their income by about 275% after federal taxes and income transfers over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution.[14] Other sources find that the trend has continued since then.[15] In spite of this data, only 42% of Americans think inequality has increased in the past ten years.[16] In 2012, the gap between the richest 1 percent and the remaining 99 percent was the widest it's been since the 1920s.[17] Incomes of the wealthiest 1 percent rose nearly 20 percent, whereas the income of the remaining 99 percent rose 1 percent in comparison.[17]"

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, the data seems to indicate the over the last 45 years or so, the notion of income inequality has steadily grown, with the last 5 years being the worst of that period.

The question in my mind is 'What is driving this increase in the delta?". From there I ask, "has capitalism been consistently less restricted?, or has the means to freely exchange goods and services to the mutual profit of both parties (Capitalism) been more stringently regulated.

In truth, to know that the delta in the income disparity has increased is all one needs to know, to rest assured that tighter regulations on the means of production have been applied.

Where production is tightly regulated, it becomes more difficult for lower income citizens to break away from employment and become employers. Thus they are incapable of capitalizing on their own ambitions and dreams and are instead trapped in the work-a-day world of wage labor.

And that is truly all one needs to know to know that: Socialism Sucks and why it fails, every time and everywhere it is tried.

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