Of Trump or Obama WHO has created more jobs???

airplanemechanic, post: 22954721
Kinda hard for DOW not to rise when it bottoms out under Obama. We forget how bad things were under Obama. Dow 7000. Unemployment 10%. Wow.

You forgot how to use your brain. Lucid people know that the bad things in 2009 were entrenched within the failed economy that the preceding Republican President left behind,

But the bad things that happened in 2001 before 9/11 because of the dot-com bubble under Clinton were Bush's fault, right?

You can't have your cake and eat it too. You seem to forget Obama himself ran on a promise to fix the economy. Promised to make all life great in our country. What did he do? Almost doubled national debt, increased food stamps by 7 MILLION PEOPLE, returned the unemployment rate to what it was under his predecessor. If he created all these wonderful jobs why was 20% of the entire fucking nation on food stamps under his presidency?

43 MILLION PEOPLE were on food stamps under Obama.

Donald Trump says 43 million on food stamps

If Obama did so fucking great why was Hillary overwhelmingly defeated running on "continuing his legacy?"

Trump won 2,626 counties to Hillary's 487. An absolute landslide.

The fact remains under Obama DOW hit 7000 and unemployment hit 10%. Dem facts is what dems call da inconvenient truth.
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what is it that Trump supporters see in Trump while so many America openly despise him? is it because they're dumb?

IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump’s pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country.

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3.22 percent over the four quarters between Q2 2018 and Q1 2019.
  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • After January 2019 the chart shows a generally even, steady, controlled GDP, unlike Obama uneven, unsteady, uncontrolled GDPs which are jumping up and down all over the chart (aka CHAOS)
  • upload_2019-8-20_12-24-31.png

  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
  • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
  • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
  • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
  • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
  • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
  • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
  • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
  • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
  • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
  • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
  • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
  • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
  • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
  • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
  • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
  • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
  • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
  • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
  • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
  • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
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If Obama did so fucking great why was Hillary overwhelmingly defeated running on "continuing his legacy?"

Trump won 2,626 counties to Hillary's 487. An absolute landslide.
The 2,626 counties to Hillary's 487, is equivalent to 26 to 4. Imagine if it were a baseball game, and that was the final score. Or a football game. :biggrin:
airplanemechanic, post: 22957680
You seem to forget Obama himself ran on a promise to fix the economy.

Obama did fix the economy.

In fact he ‘fixed’ unemployment to below 6% two years faster than Romney said he could do it during the 2012 campaign.

You and TrumpO should thank Obama for beating Romney because TrumpO wouid have started at 5.9% instead of the 4.7% that Obama gave him.
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protectionist, post: 22957838,
  • domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3.22 percent over the four quarters between Q2 2018 and Q1 2019.
  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • After January 2019 the chart shows a generally even, steady, controlled GDP, unlike Obama uneven, unsteady, uncontrolled GDPs which are jumping up

You do realize Obama did better than all that and more often as he distanced himself from the Great Bush Recession.
what is it that Trump supporters see in Trump while so many America openly despise him? is it because they're dumb?

IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump’s pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country.

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3.22 percent over the four quarters between Q2 2018 and Q1 2019.
  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • After January 2019 the chart shows a generally even, steady, controlled GDP, unlike Obama uneven, unsteady, uncontrolled GDPs which are jumping up and down all over the chart (aka CHAOS)
  • View attachment 275238
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
  • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
  • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
  • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
  • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
  • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
  • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
  • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
  • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
  • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
  • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
  • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
  • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
  • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
  • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
  • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
  • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
  • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
  • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
  • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
  • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
"Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 in the second quarter."

lying old fuck, real GDP grew at annual rates of 2.9% in the third quarter of 2018 and 3.5% in the second quarter...


... trump is the only president on record for never having a quarter where GDP was higher than 3.5%.
Faun, post: 22959865
... trump is the only president on record for never having a quarter where GDP was higher than 3.5%.

Coming from the pony humping clown who promised yearly GDP at 4% makes that fact hilarious.
protectionist, post: 22958013
The 2,626 counties to Hillary's 487, is equivalent to 26 to 4.

How about about TrumpO winning by 80,000 votes in three states out of 138 million votes cast.



TrumpO should have been humbled by winning in such a squeaker and losing the popular vote by over 3 million .

But he chose to be an idiot and a liar instead
TrumpO should have been humbled by winning in such a squeaker and losing the popular vote by over 3 million .

But he chose to be an idiot and a liar instead
Ignorant liberals refer to "the popular vote"

Knowledgable ones refer to the AMERICAN popular vote (which Trump won big).
You do realize Obama did better than all that and more often as he distanced himself from the Great Bush Recession.
You do realize Obama's record is only 2016. Before that, was normal recession rebound. And 2016 was a GDP sinking ship.

Lying old rube. GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. The stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing at all to say.
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"Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 in the second quarter."

lying old fuck, real GDP grew at annual rates of 2.9% in the third quarter of 2018 and 3.5% in the second quarter...


... trump is the only president on record for never having a quarter where GDP was higher than 3.5%.
FALSE! Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 in the second quarter. :biggrin:


© Statista 2019
Source: BEA

what is it that Trump supporters see in Trump while so many America openly despise him? is it because they're dumb?

IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump’s pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country.

  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3.22 percent over the four quarters between Q2 2018 and Q1 2019.
  • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • After January 2019 the chart shows a generally even, steady, controlled GDP, unlike Obama uneven, unsteady, uncontrolled GDPs which are jumping up and down all over the chart (aka CHAOS)
  • View attachment 275238
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
  • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
  • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
  • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
  • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
  • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
  • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
  • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
  • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
  • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
  • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
  • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
  • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
  • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
  • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
  • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
  • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
  • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
  • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
  • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
  • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
  • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
  • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
  • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
  • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
And here's yet another lie by possibly the oldest and most senile poster on this forum...

"Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3.22 percent over the four quarters between Q2 2018 and Q1 2019."

By using rightard math and averaging quarters:

2017Q2: 2.2
2017Q3: 3.2
2017Q4: 3.5
2018Q1: 2.5

Average: 2.85


By using simpleton math and looking at percentage of growth:

2018Q1 18,438.3
2019Q1 18,927.3

Percentage: 2.7%


By doing it the correct way and annualizing it:

2018Q1 18,438.3
2019Q1 18,927.3

Annualized: 2.7%


So while we in fact had 2.7% annualized growth over those 4 quarters -- a conservative lies and falsely claims we "exceeded 3.22 percent."

"Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 in the second quarter."

lying old fuck, real GDP grew at annual rates of 2.9% in the third quarter of 2018 and 3.5% in the second quarter...


... trump is the only president on record for never having a quarter where GDP was higher than 3.5%.
FALSE! Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 in the second quarter. :biggrin:

View attachment 275296
© Statista 2019
Source: BEA

Now everybody gets to see what a senile old coot you really are, gramps.

YOU yourself posted a graph showing GDP growth was 2.5, 3.5, 2.9 and 1.1 in 2018....


... now here you are, calling yourself insane.

Lying old rube. GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. The stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing at all to say.
There's plenty for conservatives to say. Like how after 2010 (since you want to put it in those terms) in 2011, Obama went right back into full recession with a MINUS 1.0% GDP in first quarter 2011, then in 2012 and 2013, Obama had 3 dreadful quarters of 0.3 GDP, and in 2014, it went way back down again to full blown recession levels to a MINUS 1.1%.

Sure, it shot back up to 5.1, but this is illustrative of the difference between a mature multi-billionaire businessman (Trump) and a rookie community organizer know-nothing (Obama). All one need do is look at the chart. Obama's GDPs are out of control, yo-yoing all over the place, while Trump's GDP group are relatively stable, steady, well above 2%, and they look like a city skyline.

Obama's chart looks like a scribbling of a 3 year old child, showing the results of a president who had no control over his economy, and it was a loose wire see-saw, with GDP jumping up and down, the whole time.


© Statista 2019
Source: BEA
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Lying old rube. GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. The stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing at all to say.
There's plenty for conservatives to say. Like how after 2010 (since you want to put it in those terms) in 2011, Obama went right back into full recession with a MINUS 1.0% GDP in first quarter 2011, then in 2012 and 2013, Obama had 3 dreadful quarters of 0.3 GDP, and in 2014, it went way back down again to full blown recession levels to a MINUS 1.1%.

Sure, it shot back up to 5.1, but this is illustrative of the difference between a mature multi-billionaire businessman (Trump) and a rookie community organizer know-nothing (Obama). All one need do is look at the chart. Obama's GDPs are out of control, yo-yoing all over the place, while Trump's GDP group are relatively stable, steady, well above 2%, and they look like a city skyline.

Obama's chart looks like a scribbling of a 3 year old child, showing the results of a president who had no control over his economy, and it was a loose wire see-saw, with GDP jumping up and down, the whole time.


© Statista 2019
Source: BEA
Lying old rube, WTF does any of that have to do with you lying that the economy didn't recover until 2016; when in fact, GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. And the stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.
So while we in fact had 2.7% annualized growth over those 4 quarters -- a conservative lies and falsely claims we "exceeded 3.22 percent."
Pathetic liberal thinks he can cook the books right before our eyes. They blabber a pile of BS and try to snow you.

It's quite simple. As the BEA chart shows, 2018 Q2 is 4.2%, Q3 is 3.4. Q4 is 2.2, and 2019 Q1 is 3.1 That adds up to 12.9. The mean (average ) of the 4 quarters thus is 3.225. Hey, lets round off the 5, and make it 3.23. (just to piss off the liberal a little more) :biggrin:


So while we in fact had 2.7% annualized growth over those 4 quarters -- a conservative lies and falsely claims we "exceeded 3.22 percent."
Pathetic liberal thinks he can cook the books right before our eyes. They blabber a pile of BS and try to snow you.

It's quite simple. As the BEA chart shows, 2018 Q2 is 4.2%, Q3 is 3.4. Q4 is 2.2, and 2019 Q1 is 3.1 That adds up to 12.9. The mean (average ) of the 4 quarters thus is 3.225. Hey, lets round off the 5, and make it 3.23. (just to piss off the liberal a little more) :biggrin:

View attachment 275301


You're fucking senile, gramps. :cuckoo:

By "cook the books," you mean revise data based on incoming data. :badgrin:

Not to mention, who here doubts for a New York minute you would be singing at the top of your lungs had the data been revised upwards?

Lying old rube, WTF does any of that have to do with you lying that the economy didn't recover until 2016; when in fact, GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. And the stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.
I just showed that the economy was back in recession levels, or damn near, a total of SEVEN TIMES between Q1 of 2011 (MINUS 1%) and Q4 of 2015 (0.4%). HEE HEE! :biggrin:

Poor little fool liberal. Thinks he need to stick up for Obama, by trying to paint him as good on the economy.. What a way to go through life.

By "cook the books," you mean revise data based on incoming data. :badgrin:

Not to mention, who here doubts for a New York minute you would be singing at the top of your lungs had the data been revised upwards?
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.


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