Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

How do you intend to reduce carbon emissions in India, China and Africa?
Developing countries still need to expand their grids, etc. We can't expect them to reduce but we can expect them, with help, to expand in the best way possible.
I think we should just keep on pumping green house gasses & all other pollutants into the biosphere until which time everyone is dead.

Then we will have no doubt as to what is causing the problem.

Certainty has its' pluses; even if we are all dead.

Personally, I would prefer that as to living under leftardz in office and in power for the rest of my life. But, that's just me.
So you like being lied to & the environment trashed & the idea your offspring will face more difficult lives.
Earth has been warming and cooling for a LONG time. Settle down spaz.
What an idiotic comment. Never this fast. Get an education.
How far back are you going? How long do you have records?
So we know nothing about anything prior to 1860?
135 years is what we have accurate records.
I wkll repeat. So you think we know nothing of anything before that?

No historical documents, no fossils, no tree rings, no geological studies, no ice cores, nothing.

So when you claim the climate always changes, how do you know?
Earth has been warming and cooling for a LONG time. Settle down spaz.
What an idiotic comment. Never this fast. Get an education.
How far back are you going? How long do you have records?
So we know nothing about anything prior to 1860?
135 years is what we have accurate records.
I wkll repeat. So you think we know nothing of anything before that?

No historical documents, no fossils, no tree rings, no geological studies, no ice cores, nothing.

So when you claim the climate always changes, how do you know?
Ok, then how do you know that the climate will kill us in 20 years? Every prediction of global warming has been wrong.
Why didn't I work out your silly bad math?
Yes. Let's see your math. Why didn't you work it out? You were the one who wanted to know.

Because Johnlaw was talking out of his ass.

And he's been running away ever since.
If I made a misstatement, I made a misstatement. It takes nothing away from the OP and the links thereto.

If I made a misstatement, I made a misstatement.

I agree, your misstatement about the ocean warming because of dissolved CO2 was a misstatement.
Every prediction of global warming has been wrong.
That is false. It was predicted the greenhouse effect would lead to rising temperatures, rising temperatures have been observed, within the predicted range.


Comparing CMIP5 & observations | Climate Lab Book
Every prediction of global warming has been wrong.
That is false. It was predicted the greenhouse effect would lead to rising temperatures, rising temperatures have been observed.
The first prediction we would be depleted of all resources by the year 2000. Still here, even Gores prediction wasn't true. Lol, you called it global warming then had to change it to climate change because it started to cool off. Yes, tempeture changes are normal. Just the other day i was in short sleeves, today I'm freezing my ass off.
Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.
Why isn't this lie in the environmental section where it belongs?

8 ZettaJouels with Margin Of Error of just 9 ZettaJoules.....

And were talking just 0.0009 Degrees C. ONE thousandth of one degree C...

And they included the old buckets from the 1800's in their calculations which have an MOE +/-1 Deg C


1) Their MOE is pure BULL SHIT

2) Their confidence level is BULL SHIT derived fiction...



Have any of you alarmist idiots read the damn paper? Guess not because their claims are unsupportable.. Laughable... This is Propaganda at its finest...
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Faked data, fudged numbers....LOL Ocean "trapped" the heat LOL


How does atmospheric heat get trapped in the oceans?

I took the time to read the white paper on this... They are making huge claims that they can not support... Funny as hell... One hell of a piece of propaganda because their claims are not supported by the paper..

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