Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

I think we should just keep on pumping green house gasses & all other pollutants into the biosphere until which time everyone is dead.

Then we will have no doubt as to what is causing the problem.

Certainty has its' pluses; even if we are all dead.

Personally, I would prefer that as to living under leftardz in office and in power for the rest of my life. But, that's just me.
How much heat does the CO2 in the oceans retain?
You're telling that story, you answer.

You're telling that story, you answer.


Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

I'm still interested in someone explaining the physics of how atmospheric CO2 heats the ocean now all the way down to 6,500m. That must take A LOT of energy. How hot must the atmosphere be to add heat to a column of water 6,500m deep?
Now you're getting it.
Getting what, that you have no answer? Just think about it. Not a dig, I'm not being glib, just think it through
Oh, I thought you were getting the idea the oceans hold a lot of heat. But, obviously, no.
They hold heat? I thought heat radiates toward cooler? Do the fishies eat the heat?

You're absolutely confident that atmospheric CO2 can heat the deep ocean? I think you're having second thoughts

Yet another Trumpette that thinks they know shit about anything.

Any large mass can absorb solar heat

Atmospheric CO2 is a driver of the greenhouse effect that can hold heat.
But if you must have an answer I suppose inorganic C retains roughly 28ppm of the ocean's heat.

The average concentration of inorganic carbon in the ocean is ~2.3 mmol kg−1 and its residence time is ~200 ka.

But if you must have an answer I suppose inorganic C retains roughly 28ppm of the ocean's heat.

First time I've ever seen heat measured in ppm.
You're an innovator.

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