Obviously, Democrats Have Problems with Alpha Males


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
I come to this analysis easily. While the economy is booming and the president has vanquished all of his opponents and unbridled whining continues unabated, it is the only logical conclusion.

It is within human nature that Beta Males resent domination by those more powerful. I would suggest looking at their own lives, their mates and their accumulated wealth, then come to their own (honest) evaluation.

I understand why they miss Obama.
The chicafacation of America by libs. No wonder liberal men have to assault, molest and abuse women to get their rocks off...no real women would want their slimy snowflake hands on them.
Silly OP. All American males are alpha except the neo-fascist alt and far right that ran away from antifa at Charlottesville.
Silly OP. All American males are alpha except the neo-fascist alt and far right that ran away from antifa at Charlottesville.

Is that why American liberalfilth males are soooo alpha, they have sobbing temper tantrums when they lose an election and now require safe-spaces & mental therapy from the most insignificant "trigger words" and "microagressions" and whatever other make-believe bullshit words you come up with? Is that why liberal males are happy to pimp out their female loved ones to muslim gangs because they're soooo terrified of being called "racist?" As an American male myself, I assure you that liberal males are the greatest abomination to my gender in human history - they wallow in their own fragility as though it's a virtue!
A mere few generations ago American 20-year-old males were storming the beaches of Normandy to a very likely death. Today's liberal males have sobbing convulsions if they see the words "Trump 2016" written in chalk on the pavement. And that doesn't seem like a drop-off in male inner strength to those of you on the left???
Willmunny, you are faced down over and over by liberal guys with man buns.

You are simply a very weak beta male.
Somebody go make a thread. Trump is killing it in St. Charles, MO. (St. Louis suburb).

What a Magnificent Orange Machine! Makes the last President look like a cotton candy salesman at the ball park. Makes all of them look like nonsensical commie bastards that they were! God I despise 100% of all of them. What a disaster I was forced to endure.

Now........peaches and cream for all. America is on the path to success. Finally!

DJT mentioned that mush-mouthed McCaskill and they booed!
Hey Claire......put your teeth back in and get out from under Brian Williams desk now.

Here's a rule of thumb:

If someone uses the term "alpha male" in a serious context, they're not one.

Here's a rule of thumb:

If someone is a fake doctor and moderator on USMB, they're guaranteed to not be an "alpha male", but a spineless wimp who waits for instructions on how to post the lib talking points of the day.
Admiral just described himself.
I have no problem with people and the way they wish to live as long as it doesn't harm other people
No one can know how or whether their actions harm others, you can tell yourself that your way of life and your actions don't harm others but a good argument can be made that is does.

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