Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

Not angry, just a realist.

They don't belong on the football filed, the wrestling mat, or the baseball field with other kids who are not challenged. They will get hurt and only silly people want to legislate their vision of "fairness".

I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?
The disabled kids already have an opportunity to compete. They just can't do it. Like i don't have the ability to play in the NBA. Next obozo will force schools to have special athletic programs for short kids or fat kids!! KICK THE FEDS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS. Fed involvement in schools is unconstitutional.

Clearly you have very little knowledge of US public schools.

Gerald Ford signed into Federal Law IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), only after voicing his concern about how it would be funded.

There are many Federal Laws that are not in the consitution.

The Constitution says nothing about education; It certainly doesn't say the Federal Government cannot enact laws to control education. Therefore IDEA is not unconstitutional.

Public schools are funded by THE PUBLIC. This is mostly done through local and state funding. At any rate, since the disabled are part of The Public, then they must have access to all educational services that any other member of The Public enjoys.

The main debate concerns the fact that while IDEA is enforced, the Feds do not fully fund it. In fact, Ford's initial concern has turned into a blood sucking monstrosity, costing local and state governments much more than anyone could ever have imagined.
Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie


No one is being ‘forced’ to do anything.

In fact it’s a very conservative approach: take personal responsibility for disabled students in your state, or suffer the consequences.
Imagine, the Federal Government intervening in local schools!

Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.
Imagine, the Federal Government intervening in local schools!

Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.

Providing access to sports for disabled children should not be a Federal objective.
It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

Disabled students should have special consideration, but what do you mean by "discriminating"?

I mean by eliminating them from sports participation altogether. That is saying you must be able bodied or sports are closed to you.

There are now beeping baseballs, softballs and tennis balls. Blind kids can hear to play. Most schools could not be bothered to make accommodations. Banning kids that you don' t have to is discrimination.

One of my favorite memories is taking a blind class rollerskating. The kids were awesome and their teacher was the best teacher I have ever seen. Hats off to Mrs. Bingham.

Regards from Rosie
Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.

Providing access to sports for disabled children should not be a Federal objective.

Oh yes it should. It was Bush senior who got the Americans with Disabilities Act passed and he signed it. Kids in America are American - schools should make accommodations like businesses must. The age of the disabled person should not be a bar to Federal anti- discrimination efforts.

Regards from Rosie
I. Since schools take Federal money, they have to accept certain standards.

It's not federal money. It's money you paid in taxes and then the feds say "we'll give it back if you do what we say"!!!!! Real americans ( not commie libs) are sick of that.

This is one contard meme that drives me nuts. Once you pay taxes it is not your money any more. The people you elect to represent you also represent you in spending Federal revenues - it' s one of the things you elect them for. Your taxes are paying for Sandy relief, for example.

You never get to earmark your tax payments. If we could then my Hubs and I are due a refund for the Iraq War - we never authorized that.

Regards from Rosie
You guys are hilarious.

If a disabled kid tries out for whatever sport and makes the team, that's great and good for him or her.


Is Obama trying to force schools to put whatever disabled kid on the team no matter what?

No. There will not be kids with disabilities playing football. Are you insane?

Not until they've had ten or so concussions anyway.
What facet of our lives will the feds take over next?. States need to put down their foot and say education is nowhere mentioned in the constitution and so, by the tenth amendment, ed is a state issue.!!

Disabled students must be given sports, says Education Dept. - U.S. News

Jan 25, 2013

The feds are ordering schools across the country to make "reasonable" changes to sports programs so that disabled students can play — or else create separate teams for them.
The new guidance from the Education Department issued Friday was hailed by advocates for the disabled but denounced by a conservative think-tank that said it could cost big bucks for cash-strapped schools.

The new order from the Education Department says athletics is also a civil right for the disabled and schools that don’t protect it could lose federal funding.
Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage

Another manufactured fake controversy, compliments of the rightwing propaganda machine.
Not angry, just a realist.

They don't belong on the football field, the wrestling mat, or the baseball field with other kids who are not challenged. They will get hurt and only silly people want to legislate their vision of "fairness".

'They' sure as hell do belong there if they are able to compete there. I provided an example earlier on this thread of a young man born with one leg who won the NCAA DIV 1 National Wrestling Championship. Give that a try, and talk about not belonging on the mat. In fact, try winning one wrestling match - at any level - and then talk about belonging on the mat.

Now, if there are enough potential competitors to field teams and a league specifically for disabled athletes, that sounds great - though perhaps impossibly complex in actual practice.

Finally, no the federal government shouldn't be trying to micro-manage local education. At the same time, local school districts should be staffed with people decent enough to recognize that disabled students do in fact deserve access (and yes, special consideration) wherever and however possible, without needing some douche from Washington to say so.
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It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

Disabled students should have special consideration, but what do you mean by "discriminating"?

I mean by eliminating them from sports participation altogether. That is saying you must be able bodied or sports are closed to you.

There are now beeping baseballs, softballs and tennis balls. Blind kids can hear to play. Most schools could not be bothered to make accommodations. Banning kids that you don' t have to is discrimination.

One of my favorite memories is taking a blind class rollerskating. The kids were awesome and their teacher was the best teacher I have ever seen. Hats off to Mrs. Bingham.

Regards from Rosie

Show me one school district that has "banned" disabled students from participating in sports. Has the 'able-bodied' kid who just isn't good enough to make the team been "banned" or "discriminated against"? I'm all for making accomodations to allow disabled students to participate, but competition is still competition, and talk of "discrimination" is self-defeating hyperbole.
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Providing access to sports for disabled children should not be a Federal objective.

Oh yes it should. It was Bush senior who got the Americans with Disabilities Act passed and he signed it. Kids in America are American - schools should make accommodations like businesses must. The age of the disabled person should not be a bar to Federal anti- discrimination efforts.

Regards from Rosie

ADA is not providing access to sports.

ADA is providing accommodations for Americans w/ disabilities for access as a means of everyday life.
It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

HAHAHA. More loony liberalism. No one is discriminating against the disabled. They are free to go out for sports like everyone else. They just don't have the ability others have.

How do you know what ability they might have? "Disabled" is a pretty general term. Someone's certain mental disability may not have any effect on how well they perform in athletics.
What facet of our lives will the feds take over next?. States need to put down their foot and say education is nowhere mentioned in the constitution and so, by the tenth amendment, ed is a state issue.!!

Disabled students must be given sports, says Education Dept. - U.S. News

Jan 25, 2013

The feds are ordering schools across the country to make "reasonable" changes to sports programs so that disabled students can play — or else create separate teams for them.
The new guidance from the Education Department issued Friday was hailed by advocates for the disabled but denounced by a conservative think-tank that said it could cost big bucks for cash-strapped schools.

The new order from the Education Department says athletics is also a civil right for the disabled and schools that don’t protect it could lose federal funding.
Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage

Another manufactured fake controversy, compliments of the rightwing propaganda machine.

The OP calls the President of United States "bozo", but then doesn't even read the article he posted and is totally ignorant about what the actual policy is.
Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.

Providing access to sports for disabled children should not be a Federal objective.

That may be true.

But it is Constitutional.

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