Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

You don't know what you are talking about, as usual.

I know what kind of people people like you are.

Tell me something, why would I oppose forcing businesses in an area with high stoops to spend millions of dollars to completely remodel their front entrance simply because some jerk in a wheelchair doesn't like the fact that they are more than willing to provide assistance to get up the steps?

Sometimes, it's the little things that tell a lot.
often parents don't understand what it takes to mainstream a special needs student. They think it's easy.

the curriculum may need to be altered so they understand the material
maybe special technology needs to be acquired and the staff needs trained in its use
aids need hired and trained
the classroom environment may need to be altered to accommodate one student

if the special needs student is disruptive, then the other students suffer. Quite often that is the case.

usually, mainstreaming is relatively seamless however. but it takes extra time and effort.

Unfortunately many special need parents are not grateful for the effort. they believe it's an entitlement which extends to the staff working after hours to accommodate the parents schedule.

You come off as a helicopter mom.

My suggestion to have the IEP meeting AFTER school was because they claimed they couldn't get all the school staff that was required to be at the meeting, at the meeting at the same time due to scheduling conflicts. How terrible of me to expect the people with the complaints about my son to actually show up at the meeting about him. I don't even know what a "helicopter" mom is. His teacher, the one it most impacted, couldn't come to the meeting because they held it during school hours. Kind of stupid to have IEP meetings without the presence of the teachers.

an IEP meeting is not for the purpose of complaints.

It's to discuss goals, progress and services

I was gonna say...but you beat me to it.
I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

This thread really demonstrates what is wrong with the hate-filled right wing.

If these vile, ugly people had their way, the handicapped would still be locked up in basements and whipped to cure them.

Do all rw's feel this way about those who are less fortunate than them?

I didn't use to think so but more and more, its obvious that the right is just a big bully, going after those who cannot fight back.

Honestly, before reading this board, I had no idea there was this much hate and bigotry on the right. They don't take responsibility for anything. Everything is someone elses fault. They whine and blame everyone else for their own weakness and laziness.

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