Obama's Sense of Humor


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
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I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Are you saying there is no republican smear machine? Now that's funny.
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Are you saying there is no republican smear machine? Now that's funny.

No he didn't say that. He said that given obama's history, he's a bit disingenuous to bring it up.
Obama is smearing by complaining about smearing.

oh the irony of it all

The only thing better would have been;

Those crackers are going to try to use race against me!.... Barrac nOtama
yall are just sad little republicans......


wait for it...wait for it....

cause you is dumb ass republicans
It is funny that Obama is concerned about negative ads considering he ran so many in 2008.
when are yall gonna face it....republican and democrat...tea party .....all just distractions to keep people from realizing what is reality......party no longer matters.....the handlers are truly in charge now
lets see:

his mother was called a whore with old photos that were not her

he was accused of being kenyan

he was accused of being gay

i guess obama wasnt smeared at all
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected......
You've got reading-comprehension issues, right???


"In an email to supporters this morning, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina warned that the Republicans will have a fat bank account to tap for negative ads, something both Romney and Newt Gingrich did in Florida.

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House," Messina said about Republican groups and candidates."

Whatta sophomoric-effort, there, Frankie-baby!!


O.K., now you can try-out your "divorce records" part o' this.....even when IT'S bullshit, as well.

Joe Scarborough: The Way Media Covered For Obama’s Negative Ads Is ‘Shameful’ | Mediaite

Joe Scarboro

don’t know a lot of candidates that wouldn’t rather win ugly than lose pretty. Jon Huntsman lost pretty. Mitt Romney, this past week, won ugly. But, that’s…. I mean, Barack Obama won ugly in 2008; he ran more negative ads than anybody else in the history of television. He ran so many negative ads that he actually swung ahead of John McCain on the question of who do you trust more on taxes. ‘Cause remember the grainy, negative, false, misleading ads that he ran over and over again. [...] I mean, these negative ads worked.
Pres Obama is just playing politics. Which everyone of you know.

This presidential campaign will be the dirtiest one that we have ever seen, IMO.

At least Obama knows well ahead of time exactly how the other canidate will play ball. That may be a little advantage, in that Obama's team will be well prepared. Ahead of time.
Negative ads are one thing, bald faced lies are another. After the various conspiracy theories concerning him have sprung up and refuse to die he has a very real concern that the new year will bring another round of conspiracy theories that refuse to go away even though they are so easily debunked it's ridiculous. Birthers, radical madrassas, palling around with terrorists, all these things and more were put out there for no other reason than to smear and some of the people on this board still think all this crap is the God's honest truth.
and who ran positive politican ads?


Both campaigns spending about the same on negative ads - CNN
..Campaign Media Analysis Group's Evan Tracey, CNN's consultant on campaign advertising, said Obama's cash advantage over McCain provides the Illinois senator with a luxury McCain cannot afford: the means to run both positive and negative TV spots.
"McCain is almost all negative because he needs to be," Tracey said, adding that McCain is "behind in the polls and outgunned." "He can't afford the positive ads Obama can. ... It's not likely McCain can raise his own positives with only weeks left but he can raise Obama's negatives."..
Fight the Smears?

attack Watch?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZPwDRZ6pTM]Hitler Discovers ATTACKWATCH is a Joke! - YouTube[/ame]

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