Obama's court pick keeps gun stocks soaring


Active Member
May 30, 2009
Obama's Court Pick Keeps Gun Stocks Soaring
from MSN Money
President Obama's nomination of federal appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter heralds yet another victory for gun-makers. While most investors have been rightly focused on the crisis in the markets and economy lately, some Americans have been focusing on other political issues, namely the Second Amendment. More

Bad on Guns
from Human Events
President Obama’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, 2nd Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor, owes the American people an explanation on her view of the Second Amendment. Sotomayor shouldn’t be allowed to skirt the Second Amendment issue, because she cosigned a decision in a case earlier this year that exhibited a dismissive and hostile view of the right to bear arms. More

Sotomayor's Gun Control Positions Could Prompt Backlash
from FOX News
Judge Sonia Sotomayor could walk into a firestorm on Capitol Hill over her stance on gun rights, with conservatives beginning to question some controversial positions she's taken over the past several years on the Second Amendment. More

Students Seek Right to Carry Weapons
from The Associated Press via the Boston Globe
Colleges nationwide have unconstitutionally barred students from handing out literature, protesting, and gathering in support of the right to carry weapons on campus, students and an advocacy group say. More

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Our Mak is an airgun...all the fun, none of the hassle. No NICS, you won't need a special range & you never have to clean it. DA/SA, moving slide...ideal for practice, training, indoors, outdoors. Enter coupon code TSRA & get 10% off (cannot be combined with free shipping; exp. 6/30/09). Click here

Texas Commission Approves Public Hunting on 44 State Park Sites
from Buckmasters
Nearly half of the sites in the Texas State Parks system will conduct public hunts during the 2009-2010 hunting season. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved scheduled hunts on 44 state park units at its May 28 public hearing. Most of the state parks approved for public hunting will be offered through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s computer drawings for a variety of game and hunting options, including new youth opportunities. Selected hunting opportunities on state parks comprise 1,676 hunt positions, including 253 for youth, out of nearly 5,000 total positions available in this year’s special drawings for hunts on public lands in Texas. More

The 2009 Golden Bullseye Awards
from American Rifleman
When the editors of American Rifleman met to sift through the past year's coverage of firearms, optics and accessories, they were once again faced with the difficult task of selecting the industry's best products for the purpose of awarding them the NRA Publications Division's highest honor: the Golden Bullseye. More
Other considerations about this candidate.

- and we have a pattern. She a racist and a sexist - both traits are unacceptable for any judge on any court never mind the Supreme Court

Gateway Pundit: Figures. Sotomayor Made Same Racist Comment in 1994, Too

Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Figures. Sotomayor Made Same Racist Comment in 1994, Too
Here we thought Obama had appointed some level-headed sane candidate and instead we have a nominee who more resembles his former mentor.
What a shocker.

Greg Sargent reported:

A copy of the 1994 speech was included with the questionnaire she submitted for the 1998 confirmation. A Sotomayor supporter sent both to me.

Here’s what she said in the 1994 speech:

Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that “a wise old man and a wise old woman reach the same conclusion in dueling cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes the line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, if Prof. Martha Minnow is correct, there can never be a universal definition of ‘wise.’ Second, I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion.”
That’s virtually identical to the comments from 2001 that have generated days and days of controversy.
Great pick, Barack.

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.

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