Obama's claims that the ISIS situation exploded on the scene unexpectedly is a lie

It's clear Obama knew about ISIS for a long time but ignored it, hoping it would go away.
This administration is driven by 24hr news cycles. They reach a crisis point and must "do somethng" which may or may not survive the next news cycle.
So they'll bomb Syria. Oh no they wont.
They'll declare Assad has t go. Oh no, now Assad is our partner.
They'll bomb ISIS. And then they wont.
Now they're bombing in Sudan. Why? Who knows?

Obama: The Bomb President.

What exactly, did Obama chose to ignore?

It's difficult taking anyone with Obama dirt, seriously; the track-record is hardly stellar in that department.
He chose to ignore the rise of a murderous quasi state in the middle of Iraq that is threatening regional stability. Is that clear enough for you?

No, it isn't clear at all. People are murdered all over the world, everyday, for among other things, political

Are we the police for the entire world? If Obama pulled out the drones, you would have said "look, the mad bomber is at it again."

You dont see the difference between ISIS and street crime? Seriously? How fucking stupid are you?

Not my point (insert childish, third grade insult here) I asked you to explain why it is Obama's job to police the entire world.

What particular crimes are you talking about?
Claims that the intelligence community didn't know of the threat as it grew are unfounded.

Briefed on ISIS for Year ... and Still Pres. Obama Called Them JV ... and Still He Has No Strategy - Fox Nation

After suggestions that the administration may have been blindsided by the rise of ISIS, and that poor intelligence was to blame, the former Pentagon official said some of the intelligence was so good it was described as “exquisite” when the President drew a red line on chemical weapons use in Syria in 2012.
The source who is familiar with the deliberations said “(we) were ready to fire, on a moments notice, on a couple hundred targets,” but no order was given. In some cases, targets were tracked for a “long period of time” but then slipped away.
Obamashitforbrains lying is no surprise.

No respect for the highest office of the USA by some partisan waterboy.

Why am I not surprised?

I disrespected George Bush? Really? Prove it or STFU.
Yes, you did. I didnt see you protest when idiot leftists like you posted images like that, or insinuated all kinds of untrue unkind and mean things about Bush, just because they disagreed with his policies.
So yes you are responsible. And you're a fucking hypocrite to complain about disrespect to Obama. And you're a fucking clueless moron to confuse Obama with the office of the presidency.

You didn't see me defend him???? Really? I wasn't a member of this site, then. I joined last November.

But as a matter of fact, I will defend anyone, RIGHT or LEFT from untrue allegations. I'm responsible? Please, call me a fucking clueless moron again - It's starting to sink in!
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
Shame on whistle blowers huh

Not if their story checks out, this one seems to be based more on opinion, thus making it impossible to cross-check.

Unfortunately, it is too easy to make up some crap about a political figure and then credit the smear-job to some identifiable, unavailable, source.

What gives me pause is, if he's a whistle blower, why did he run to a tabloid (FOX) instead of a reputable news heavy-weight (like the W times)?

Whether it is deserved or not , FOX has a credibility problem.
Your ENTIRE post is opinion. Ironic
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
Shame on whistle blowers huh

Not if their story checks out, this one seems to be based more on opinion, thus making it impossible to cross-check.

Unfortunately, it is too easy to make up some crap about a political figure and then credit the smear-job to some identifiable, unavailable, source.

What gives me pause is, if he's a whistle blower, why did he run to a tabloid (FOX) instead of a reputable news heavy-weight (like the W times)?

Whether it is deserved or not , FOX has a credibility problem.
Your ENTIRE post is opinion. Ironic

I wasn't trying to apply factuality, I was stating a general truth with regards to unverifiable unnamed 'sources' and how difficult it is to prove that THEY THEMSELVES are not lying or, for that matter, even a real human.
It's clear Obama knew about ISIS for a long time but ignored it, hoping it would go away.
This administration is driven by 24hr news cycles. They reach a crisis point and must "do somethng" which may or may not survive the next news cycle.
So they'll bomb Syria. Oh no they wont.
They'll declare Assad has t go. Oh no, now Assad is our partner.
They'll bomb ISIS. And then they wont.
Now they're bombing in Sudan. Why? Who knows?

Obama: The Bomb President.

What exactly, did Obama chose to ignore?

It's difficult taking anyone with Obama dirt, seriously; the track-record is hardly stellar in that department.
He chose to ignore the rise of a murderous quasi state in the middle of Iraq that is threatening regional stability. Is that clear enough for you?

No, it isn't clear at all. People are murdered all over the world, everyday, for among other things, political

Are we the police for the entire world? If Obama pulled out the drones, you would have said "look, the mad bomber is at it again."

You dont see the difference between ISIS and street crime? Seriously? How fucking stupid are you?

Not my point (insert childish, third grade insult here) I asked you to explain why it is Obama's job to police the entire world.

What particular crimes are you talking about?
DO you have ADHD?
No one said it was Obama's job to police the world. Only you said that.
Murder is a crime. You equated ISIS with common murder. Your comparison, not mine. Own it.
DO you have ADHD?
No one said it was Obama's job to police the world. Only you said that.
Murder is a crime. You equated ISIS with common murder. Your comparison, not mine. Own it.

Own what? "Having ADHD" or being "fucking stupid?"

What did YOU expect Obama to do with regards to ISIS? Are we NEVER supposed to leave Iraq? Is Iraq OUR problem until the end of time?

I hate to break it to ya, but taking out ISIS out because of how they do business, most certainly would involve policing the rest of the world.
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
Shame on whistle blowers huh

Not if their story checks out, this one seems to be based more on opinion, thus making it impossible to cross-check.

Unfortunately, it is too easy to make up some crap about a political figure and then credit the smear-job to some identifiable, unavailable, source.

What gives me pause is, if he's a whistle blower, why did he run to a tabloid (FOX) instead of a reputable news heavy-weight (like the W times)?

Whether it is deserved or not , FOX has a credibility problem.
Claims that the intelligence community didn't know of the threat as it grew are unfounded.

Briefed on ISIS for Year ... and Still Pres. Obama Called Them JV ... and Still He Has No Strategy - Fox Nation

After suggestions that the administration may have been blindsided by the rise of ISIS, and that poor intelligence was to blame, the former Pentagon official said some of the intelligence was so good it was described as “exquisite” when the President drew a red line on chemical weapons use in Syria in 2012.
The source who is familiar with the deliberations said “(we) were ready to fire, on a moments notice, on a couple hundred targets,” but no order was given. In some cases, targets were tracked for a “long period of time” but then slipped away.
Obamashitforbrains lying is no surprise.

No respect for the highest office of the USA by some partisan waterboy.

Why am I not surprised?
Wrong, I respect the office just not the incompetent idiot occupying illegally right now.
No respect for the highest office of the USA by some partisan waterboy.

Why am I not surprised?
Wrong, I respect the office just not the incompetent idiot occupying illegally right now.

If you truly had any respect for the office of the POTUS, you would NEVER have used the language that you interjected into your prior remarks - the actual fact of the matter is that your respect for the highest office of the US, is profoundly dictated by whether or not that office is occupied by an "R" or a "D".
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
FAUX isn't really a news outlet.
Obamashitforbrains track record is dismal.

Really? Just as bad as the fake birther crap? That bad?

What about the truthers?

Exactly - fake, partisan, nonsense that no one in their right mind would entertain.

Or, equally stupid horseshit like "George Bush hates black people" and "George Zimmerman - the "white" hispanic, murdered poor little Tayvon Martin."

The list is endless on BOTH sides.
No respect for the highest office of the USA by some partisan waterboy.

Why am I not surprised?
Wrong, I respect the office just not the incompetent idiot occupying illegally right now.

If you truly had any respect for the office of the POTUS, you would NEVER have used the language that you interjected into your prior remarks - the actual fact of the matter is that your respect for the highest office of the US, is profoundly dictated by whether or not that office is occupied by an "R" or a "D".
When obamashitforbrains has any respect for America then will I respect him. So far he has proven he is against America our allies and supports our enemies. He is the biggest enemy to America. Libtard.
Now, now.....

The President (even in quotation marks) is entitled to exactly as much respect as was shown his predecessor.

Not one iota less!

Not one lick more!

What went around has come around, girls, so suck it up.
I remember the good old days when terrorists beheaded people while Bush was president and everyone blamed the terrorists. Rightwingloons are fucked in the head.
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.

Wow, could this possibly be what I have been hoping for? "The official, who asked not to be identified..." doesn't that smack of 'Deep Throat,' the 1970's deep background leaker that ultimately brought down Nixon?
Let's hope he keeps on leaking and brings this president to his knees!
When obamashitforbrains has any respect for America then will I respect him. So far he has proven he is against America our allies and supports our enemies. He is the biggest enemy to America. Libtard.

I doubt it - you hate Obama by default. Anything he does is automatically wrong. Hence the strong language with regards to his presidency.
Now, now.....

The President (even in quotation marks) is entitled to exactly as much respect as was shown his predecessor.

Not one iota less!

Not one lick more!

What went around has come around, girls, so suck it up.

Obama called Bush - "Dubbyashitforbrains?"

It's clear Obama knew about ISIS for a long time but ignored it, hoping it would go away.
This administration is driven by 24hr news cycles. They reach a crisis point and must "do somethng" which may or may not survive the next news cycle.
So they'll bomb Syria. Oh no they wont.
They'll declare Assad has t go. Oh no, now Assad is our partner.
They'll bomb ISIS. And then they wont.
Now they're bombing in Sudan. Why? Who knows?

Obama: The Bomb President.

What exactly, did Obama chose to ignore?

It's difficult taking anyone with Obama dirt, seriously; the track-record is hardly stellar in that department.
He chose to ignore the rise of a murderous quasi state in the middle of Iraq that is threatening regional stability. Is that clear enough for you?

No, it isn't clear at all. People are murdered all over the world, everyday, for among other things, political

Are we the police for the entire world? If Obama pulled out the drones, you would have said "look, the mad bomber is at it again."

Obama is lying thru his teeth. It's been reported in many international papers that Maliki and the Iraq government had begged Obama to take out ISIS a year ago.

Not only that but anybody who had one lick of sense and was monitoring the situation in Syria knew that ISIS and Levant were movers and shakers ages ago. So much so that they have been able to capture one third of Syria for crying out loud and set up a Caliphate and become billionaires because they captured Syrian oil fields.

This didn't happen overnight.
It's clear Obama knew about ISIS for a long time but ignored it, hoping it would go away.
This administration is driven by 24hr news cycles. They reach a crisis point and must "do somethng" which may or may not survive the next news cycle.
So they'll bomb Syria. Oh no they wont.
They'll declare Assad has t go. Oh no, now Assad is our partner.
They'll bomb ISIS. And then they wont.
Now they're bombing in Sudan. Why? Who knows?

Obama: The Bomb President.

What exactly, did Obama chose to ignore?

It's difficult taking anyone with Obama dirt, seriously; the track-record is hardly stellar in that department.

For starters he chose ignore AQ in Syria. Why? Because he didn't give a shit who took out Assad.

Not only did this AQ affiliate grow under Baghdadi but they grew in so much power and stature they dumped AQ and AQ distanced themselves from ISIS and Levant as they began to call themselves. They were too violent even for AQ.

Considering that a year and a half ago they took over the biggest provincial city Raqaa in Syria and this is all documented maybe that lying mother fucker in the White House aka Home of the Whopper should have been watching the news.

That's how he only seems to find out about anything the worthless piece of shit.

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